"Holy Land" Mariejois, an ancient city.

As the highest authority in the World Government, Gorosei usually discusses in a spacious and bright hall.

But these five old people are simple and simple, and their dresses are simple and simple, and there are not many luxurious decorations in their discussion hall.

They are completely different from those blatant Celestial Dragons.

Because of this, only a few people know that these five are actually Celestial Dragons.

Unexpectedly, but reasonable.

If Celestial Dragons are a group of stupid pigs wearing bubble heads, how can they rule the entire world for as long as 80 years?

Even on Earth, looking at the world, there are very few empires that last 80 years.

The people who really stand at the apex of the world are all those with a strong and full heart.

In the middle of the room, a few pieces of sand are placed around a small round table, and there are five tall old people standing or sitting around it. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

On the small round table, there is a small Den Den Mushi. Den Den Mushi's eye shape is exactly the same as Doflamingo's sunglasses.

Den Den Mushi grinned arrogantly Issho: "How? It feels uncomfortable for the heavenly gold to be robbed? Would you like me to take a few more times to show you?"

The Gorosei closest to the door seems to be the oldest, wearing a black flat hat, sitting on a single piece of sand.

From the forehead of his left face to the base of his ear, there is a scar that is long as Daoist Priest, which extends to the fluffy white beard beside the base of the ear.

I must have experienced it when he was young. Fight.

At this moment, his hands are rubbing a cane, as if thinking about something, a little lost.

Another single person is on the sand, leaning against a man with a short golden head. Because other people have either their heads turned white or simply have no heads, this person looks the youngest. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Kim Gorosei opened his mouth and said to Doflamingo: "You want to serve as Oka Shichibukai's requirements. We have discussed it. Yes, but I hope you remember to To be honest, you should know who is talking to you now."

Hearing Kim Gorosei's words, Den Den Mushi imitated Doflamingo's expression, but became even more arrogant: "Then I What about the lovely family members? Since I am going to be the Oka Shichibukai serving you soon, surely they will all be acquitted, right?"


There was a sudden anger in the hall.

Unlike the other four in black suits, Gorosei who was speaking at this time had a shaved head, a pair of gentle round glasses, and a loose white kimono.

Apart from this, he still holds a katana almost as tall as himself in his arms. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Look at the pattern of the scabbard, it should be a demon sword.

"Doflamingo, don't think you can act wilfully if you know some little secrets. Remember, you are not Celestial Dragon anymore!"

Den Den Mushi On the other end, Doflamingo is lying on his back on the sand, with his legs on the table in front of him, holding Den Den Mushi in his left hand, and slowly throwing a strange fruit in his right hand.

The fruit looks the same shape as the bottle gourd, but the surface has a densely packed circular pattern. The whole body is a kind of golden, as if it has been dyed with gold powder.

Human family・Gold-Gold Fruit!

"Really? What can you do with me?

After so many years, have you not caught me?

You see, I don’t have any other requests now, I just want to seek a position in Oka Shichibukai and reunite with my lovely family by the way.&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Anyway Say, I will also be a member of the World Government in the future. With this little wish, you will not be so stingy?"

Gorosei is indeed a headache for Doflamingo's provocation.

Even Earth, a technology company, is quite strenuous to catch a streaming criminal.

even more how in this world where technology is not up to date and personal ability is extremely strong?

On Changsha in the middle, the last two Gorosei are sitting.

Both of them have white beards, one of them has a slender beard, as long as a waterfall, hanging straight behind him, and the other has a bald head with a weird birthmark on his forehead.

Long Gorosei said, "Doflamingo, you have no merit at all, but you have made two demands on us. This makes us very embarrassed.

Let’s do it, we will Prepare a task for you. If you can complete the task well, then we can also step back and agree to the two conditions you put forward."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Doflamingo laughed with satisfaction: "...Speak, who do you want me to kill for you?"


Even with the ability of Golden Lion "Fuwa Fuwa no Mi" Has awakened, but it is still Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.

In other words, Golden Lion's abilities are ineffective against creatures.

After Hailan made an explanation, Marine officers understood what Hailan meant when he mentioned "Little Garden".

The original name of Little Garden was actually called "Immemorial Island".

Because the climate, magnetic field, and environment of the Grand Line cannot be analyzed using common sense, the chaotic climate of the Grand Line can make all kinds of unimaginable things a reality, so countless islands exhibiting different civilizations have been born. .

Some islands have a high degree of mechanical civilization, and some islands are still devour raw meat and fowl. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

And "Immemorial Island", it is precisely because this island still maintains the appearance of the dinosaur era, it has this name.

As for the name "Little Garden", it is entirely because two giants appeared on the island more than 80 years ago, because for giants, this island is just as indistinguishable as Little Garden.

What should I do if I can’t build an aircraft to attack Golden Lion’s Floating City?

You can go to Little Garden to arrest the flying Winged Dragon and form "Dragon Knight Legion".

This is Hailan’s suggestion.

"The last question, how can we determine the location of Golden Lion Floating City?"

Staff Kong Ming has prepared all the conditions required for the crusade against Golden Lion in an orderly manner. An east wind.

"Use the life card!"


Hailan looked towards Zephyr: "Chief Instructor is training in actual combat I have taught it in China."

"Yes, yes, yes, I remember this one clearly!"

Marine Rear Admiral Shuzo said that he very much agrees with Hailan’s point of view .

Shuzo is the one who admires Zephyr-sensei most among all Zephyr's current students.

Since Kizaru was detained by Celestial Dragon, it was said that he had to wait for the enlistment at any time to protect the safety of Celestial Dragon.

So this time the main force against Golden Lion is mainly Precognition and Hailan and other Vice Admiral.

There is no powerhouse in the team that can engage in frontal air combat with Golden Lion. Naturally, Hailan has to do everything possible to strengthen the team's strength.

What is strength?

Strength is all the factors that can affect the outcome when you compete with others.

Luck, mind, mentality, team...

Relying solely on the fist, to be precise, it should be called "military force". UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Of course, if you just rely on military force to crush other people's military force + mind + luck + mentality...

then naturally there is nothing to say.

Obviously, Marine currently does not have such a simple military force that can crush Golden Lion.

"Well, since everyone has no opinion, then the'Golden Lion Crusade Operation Plan' is set!"

At the end of the meeting, Fleet Admiral Kong made a final decision.

"Several Vice Admiral, please go to Little Garden with Hailan Commodore to find a suitable mount for you!"


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