"Stone Giant" Pica left behind a string of weird "ballads", and then escaped.

The stone giant is still poking in the middle of the town.

But the vitality in the eyes of the stone giant has been lost.

The stone giant nowadays is just an ordinary statue.

The real Pica and Doflamingo are now sitting on top of the stone giant, looking down at the entire town.

Hai Lan always feels that if Pica’s Devil Fruit ability is used to build a house, it is definitely world-class...

At first, people didn’t believe in the authenticity of this game. .

But when they discovered that these white silk threads began to shrink towards the middle, they could easily cut rock houses, even invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, and could ignore knives, axes and shelling, they began to panic. NS.

When Doflamingo releases the "parasitic line" to add fire, some people under control will start to attack their companions.

This "Operation Birdcage: Battle Royale" has finally officially kicked off.


Doflamingo still has such a trick, which Kolasson did not expect.

"Hailan, what should we do?"


Hailan is a little surprised now.

He can't "hear" Koala's voice!

It's not just Koala, all the sounds outside the "birdcage" have disappeared.

The "birdcage" made by Doflamingo also has the function of shielding radio waves!

Brother, you are no longer a genius, okay?

Are you going to hang up?

What about the well-proclaimed "Line Line Fruit"?

Why can you even shield electromagnetic waves and wireless signals?

Is it possible to power up even if the "line of magnetic flux" can be controlled someday?

Is it possible to crossed over time and space after I can control the "timeline"?

took a deep breath.

Hai Lan feels that she has once again underestimated the development potential of "Devil Fruit".

"Koala, I can't hear your voice now, can you still hear me?"

Koala and Bepo just ran to the edge of the island with Luo , I heard Hailan's shout.

Hai Lan motioned to Bepo to take Luo Xian and ran to the direction of the white birdcage.

I am mainly worried that Luo will hear Hailan’s real name.

"I can hear your voice, can't you hear me? Hailan! Can you hear it?"

Koala replied anxiously. But he could only hear Hailan's self-care instructions.

"Koala, if you can hear my voice, go to sea right now, and then go to the fleet of Vice Admiral Tsuru, saying that Donquixote Family has boarded 6, and I am fighting Doflamingo! "


Even though knowing that Hailan can no longer hear her own voice, Koala still answered seriously.

"Hailan, don't die..."


"Rosinante, take the knife!"

Hailan Throwing the cold wind around his waist to Corazon.


"Stop asking, I don't need him myself, remember to pay it back!"

Corrasson was a little at a loss:" But I don’t know how to use a knife?"

"It's shameful, you leave the group!"

"What? Why don't I understand?"

"It's enough for you to cut people!"


Hai Lan turned into a stream of light, and instantly disappeared in front of Corazon.

His voice is faster than Corazon's voice.

At this time, Doflamingo and Pica are looking down at the Shura field full of killings from the top of the giant's head.

Doflamingo especially likes this kind of game: he plays God, creates a duel arena, and then watches the chess pieces fight each other.

This is a bit like the main god in some infinite space.

All of this is a habit left by Doflamingo when he was still Celestial Dragon.

At that time, he liked watching the slaves killing each other most.

"Ittoryu. Lanyue. Half-moon cut!"

A blue vacuum chopping wave landed on the world half-moon like a bend,

volleyed towards the center of the town Stone giant.


The blue slash flashed by, the stone giant tens of meters high was cut off by Hailan, divided into two, one after the other fell towards In two different directions.

Arazuki, this name is naturally adapted from "Rankyaku" in Marine Rokushiki.


Blue's vacuum chopper hits the edge of the birdcage after cutting off the stone giant, but it seems to hit Impenetrable with absolute defensive ability Defense, not only did not cut a single thread, but even the movement of the thread did not lag for a second.

With a stream of triumphant laughter, Doflamingo fell to the ground: "This birdcage line, but it’s never cut at all...

...this time, See where else you can escape!"

In order to deal with this Marine who has exploded his sunglasses many times, Doflamingo even further strengthened the bird cage.

Even if Hailan is a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, as long as Hailan’s degree has not exceeded his thinking, he can immediately cover the part of Hailan’s escape with a layer of Busoshoku Haki to stop the sea. Lan's retreat.

"Jumping beams, joker, is this a trick for me?"

"That's it.

It’s just that I didn’t expect it. It will be used on you soon."

After returning to the family, Doflamingo learned from the pain, thinking that when we meet next time, she will definitely not be stimulated by this Marine's language attack.

Doflamingo knows very well that the mentality of UU reading www.uukanshu.com also affects the battle strength a person can wield.

But Pica has never heard someone insult his Young Master like this, "Asshole, how dare you talk to Doffy like this? You want to die?"

Pica's look With a trace of arrogance, the voice is extremely shrill.


Hai Lan raised her eyebrows, "...is the jumping beam joker specially invited to take charge of the funny tease?"

To be honest, Hai Lan didn't want to laugh, because he didn't think it was funny.

But he always feels that this big guy is a bit funny.

This kind of ambivalence caused a word in his mind: awkward smile!

A very strange feeling...


In the end, Hai Lan really laughed awkwardly.

Doflamingo hasn't met people laughing at his family for a long time.

In the family, no one laughs at their own people.

Outside the family, no one dared to laugh at his family.

Hai Lan also knows the rules of Donquixote Family, but these rules do not control him.

I don’t know why, Doflamingo always feels that Hailan’s smiled makes him feel more angry than the enemies who laugh and laugh. The arc of the opponent’s mouth...

Like a blade.

Straight into his heart.

Yes, he can ignore Hailan's language attacks on him.

But he does not allow anyone to mock his family.

Such captains are not a small number in this sea.

The "red" Shanks, who once fought Hailan from noon to night, has similar principles.

Doflamingo's forehead was blue, and the pitch-black Busoshoku Haki directly covered his right arm.

"Five Color Strings!"


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