The "Electromagnetic Field" is a skill developed by Hailan most recently, and it is not particularly robust to use.

In order to be able to cope with all kinds of deliberately or unintentionally "Devil Fruit" influences anytime and anywhere, Hailan had agreed with Koala to use the ability of "Music Fruit" on her own during the journey. Conduct a "test" to ensure that Hailan can use the "electromagnetic force field" more handily to resist Spirit Attack.

"Really doesn't work? Then I can rest assured!"

Koala made a face to Hailan.

Hai Lan was taken aback. There were a lot of things today, and he almost forgot the appointment he made with Koala.

Before, Hailan was still wondering, "Willful", this is completely incompatible with Koala's personality. After all, she has had the darkest experience, the cruelty of this World, she Knowing that everything in this World is "objective" and will not be shifted by one's will.


Koala grabbed Luo's arm and prepared to leave.

But Luo quit: "What are you doing? Are you Marine? Why do you ambush Doflamingo here?"

Luo's family and younger sister are all because of World Government and death, he deep in one's heart has a hatred for Marine that he can never let go of.

He has already noticed Corazon's abnormal behavior, and more than once guessed that Corazon is actually Marine's undercover, but his deep in one's heart is unwilling to admit it.

But this is only for Mr. Cora alone.

Other Marines, Luo didn't want to touch them at all.

Koala dragged Luo's arm and ran toward the beach while explaining: "We are adventurers!"

Luo's body is very weak now. In terms of strength, it is not at all. Koala's opponent.

Luo looked puzzled: "What adventurer?"

"It is the adventurer who troubled Germa 66 that people often say..."


"You mean...that him?"

Luo looked towards Hailan with an incredible expression.

Mr. Cora discussed with him the swordsman named "Shadow" before, and thought that it was a man sent by the Donquixote Family to trouble Germa 66. It turned out that the man was Cora. Mr.'s old friend?

That means...Did Mr. Cora actually contact him before? Mr. Cora is really not Marine?

very good ...

Luo finally "convinced" himself to believe in Mr. Carat.

But before he could be happy, he suddenly felt his eyes turn around.

"What are you doing???"

Because Koala thinks that Luo runs too slowly, he directly throws him to Bepo...

As for For the two "storytellers" duo of Shakky and Pekin, Hailan naturally left them in the Kingdom of Louis to continue bragging, and the current actions are not suitable for them.


Soon, a pink Pirate Ship arrived on the coast of Minien Island.

The ship looks like a flamingo as a whole. The white sails are painted with the Donquixote Family logo with pink paint.

"Why is it messy on the island?"

Before getting off the boat, Doflamingo felt the chaos on the island.

Didn’t it mean that this is where the Pirates hide?

Did those idiots fight because of Ope Ope no Mi?


"What is that dog doing?"

In the distance, Doflamingo saw a sea dog as if sending Madly attacking a Pirate Ship.

The sea dog is more than 20 meters tall. The medium-sized Pirate Ship is like a toy in front of the sea dog. The Pirate Ship became its own toy.

With the wisdom of "Erha", it is basically impossible for you to let it perform a certain task.

But if you let it mess up, "Erha" is definitely the best candidate.

When Koala told "Erha" that those Pirate Ships could be used as toys, "Erha" rushed over with a smirk eagerly...

Several Pirates who had just ran to the beach were desperate.

"Oh...our ship was sunk by that silly dog, we can't run..."

"There is also a pink ship over there. Yes, grab it quickly..."


Doubts appeared on Doflamingo's face, and then those Pirates were caught in front of Doflamingo.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Pirates rushed to accompany them with a smiling face. In front of the Donquixote Family of Megatron North Blue, they didn't even have the courage to resist.

Soon, Doflamingo learned about the intelligence on Minion Island.

"A bunch of rubbish...kill me..."

Amidst the Pirates' begging and screams, Doflamingo issued a new order: "Pica Go to the town with me. The rest of the people stay on the periphery. You must not let anyone live. Be sure to find Ope Ope no Mi!"


"Ke Larson...I really don’t want to see you on this island..."


"Rosinante, if Doflamingo knows his younger brother, I've betrayed myself, it's actually Marine's undercover agent, do you think he will kill you?"


Corrazon was silent for a moment, long Exhaled a puff of white smoke.

"People like him...will..."

Doflamingo's father, left an indelible scar in Rosinante's heart.

"Then if there is an opportunity, UU reading, would you do it to him?"

"I don't know..."


Corrasson gave a wry smile: "But what I hope is that I can save him, not kill him..."

The reason for the wry smile is because of Ke Larsson was actually very clear in his heart, this was just a luxury.

"Doflamingo has come..." Hailan reminded Corazon.

Corrasson squeezed out the cigarette, looked up, and was stunned: "Wait...what's that?"

There are countless silk threads starting to move towards the middle of the town Launched in all directions, like fireworks bursting in the night sky, as if celebrating the arrival of "Tian Yaksha".

The silk thread of white soon enveloped the entire town.

Immediately afterwards, the earth began to roar, and the violent shaking made countless people stand unstable.

But before everyone had time to abuse, a giant made of stones appeared out of thin air in the middle of the town.

"The stone giant is Pica's ability, but what exactly are those white threads? Is it a new style developed by Doflamingo?"

Corrasson looked solemnly To the stone giant in the distance.

Just listen to the giant Golem speaking with an extremely high-pitched voice, and shouted: "Everyone is listening, now is the game time of Lord Doflamingo, Yaksha Donquixote.


He wants you to find Ope Ope no Mi within an hour and hand it to me, and the one who handed in Ope Ope no Mi will be the only one who can survive, everyone else must Dead!

Now I announce that the game has officially started.

As for the countdown, just look at the birdcage threads around you.

Pica. ..Pica...La la..."


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