This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 200: Welcome to the Vine Tribe

"On such a cold day, drink some hot soup first to warm your body."

Jiang Xuan took out the pottery bowl and scooped up a large bowl of broth for Lan, the boy, and Fengcao, and there was a lot of meat in it.

Lan was wary, she stared at the broth, and although she wanted to drink it, she didn't go to serve it.

Jiang Xuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not poisonous, I want to kill you, I don't need this method."

Feng Cao said while holding up the broth that belonged to her, "That's right, our leader is a powerful five-color warrior."


Feng Cao blew the hot broth, and then drank it.

Lan looked at Jiang Xuan and Feng Cao who was drinking soup, and felt that they were right, Jiang Xuan really didn't need to be so troublesome if he wanted to kill them.

Lan picked up a bowl of broth from the table, blew it first, and then handed it to his son to drink slowly.

The child was also pitiful. He often went hungry with Lan and was too skinny. To him, a bowl of broth at this time was no less than the delicacies of mountains and seas.

He held the bowl and drank it in small sips, obviously afraid that it would be gone too soon.

Lan looked very distressed, and at the same time became more determined to let her son live a good life.

She brought up a bowl of broth herself, but only drank the soup, but poured the meat into the boy's bowl and told him to eat more.

Jiang Xuan looked at this scene, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He knew very well that Feng Cao was using this child to guarantee Lan's loyalty, which was not very glorious.

But the nature of the thorn vine itself is not very glorious, and the wind grass is forced to do so.

After Lan put down the bowl, Jiang Xuan said: "Do you understand the situation of the thorn vines?"

Lan nodded: "As long as my son can stay in the Vine tribe and not be bullied, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

"Don't worry, he will definitely not starve or freeze in our Vine tribe, nor will he be bullied."

Jiang Xuan paused, then said, "You can come back to see him in the future, and Feng Cao can bring you in."

Lan's face was overjoyed, and she said sincerely, "Thank you, Chief."

"Don't thank me, the thorn vine has a special status and can't give you much benefit on the bright side, but if you need it, the tribe will try to satisfy it."

"At the same time, I want you to remember that everyone in the thorn vines is also a member of the vine tribe. Maybe other people don't know it, but the vine god, the witch and I all recognize your identities."

"Can I also become a member of the Vine tribe?" Lan asked in disbelief.

"Of course, except that you can't live in the tribe at ordinary times, your treatment is the same as that of the Vine tribe, or even better."

"Great, great..."

Lan's eyes filled with tears of excitement. People without tribes are like lonely ghosts. They have no support, no faith, and no one cares about life and death.

With tribes, that all changes.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the witch." Jiang Xuan got up.

"Why are you looking for a witch?" Lan asked suspiciously.

"Of course, the ceremony of joining the Vine Tribe will be held for you. Every team member recruited from the outside by Thorn Vine will have a ceremony."

Jiang Xuan lit a torch, opened the door, walked outside, and said, "Follow me."

Feng Cao also took a torch, lit it, and pushed Lan and the boy out.

After a while, the five braved the wind and snow and walked into Chi Shao's house.

Chi Shao had already heard the news. She took out the animal brush and paint she had prepared and stood in front of Lan and the boy.

"From today onwards, you are members of the Vine Tribe. You must believe in Vine God and be loyal to the Tribe..."

After Chishao finished reading a long sentence, she picked up the animal writing brush and began to draw the totem pattern of the rattan tribe on her face for Lan and the boy.

After painting the totem pattern, it means that they are officially accepted by the Vine tribe.

Lan and the boy couldn't say what they were excited about, and didn't even dare to touch their faces with their hands, for fear of smearing the pattern.

Jiang Xuan said with a smile on his face: "Welcome to join the Vine tribe."

"Thank you boss, thank you Wu..."

Lan hugged her son and thanked her constantly. At this moment, her mood could not be described in words.

"Don't thank me first. Although you joined the vine tribe, I said before that the thorn vine has a special status, so the child can stay in the tribe, and I will let someone take care of him."

"However, Lan, you have to go back to the log cabin outside the tribe. You will still be a tourist in the future, but don't worry, the tribe will quietly send you things like food and warm animal skins."

Lan nodded, these things were all agreed in advance, and she had no opinion.

Later, Jiang Xuan sent the boy to the breeding team overnight, and explained that Dajiao should take good care of him and not let others bully him.

The life on the breeding team is relatively easy, and with Jiang Xuan's advice, Dajiao will definitely take good care of the boy.

Lan watched her son get settled with her own eyes, and before parting, choked up and asked her son to be obedient in the tribe and take good care of herself.

Afterwards, she relented, ignoring the cry of the child, and resolutely followed Jiang Xuan out of the East Bank breeding area, and then, under the **** of Fengcao, left the Vine Tribe and returned to the dilapidated log cabin outside the Vine Wall. among.

Feng Cao left behind some food, ordinary animal skins, a bone spear, and two stone knives, and then left the wooden house.


The cold wind whistled outside, and Lan pulled away the ashes in the fire pit, revealing the fire still smoldering inside, and then rekindled the fire pit.

"Crackling crackling..."

The flames rekindled, bringing a little warmth to the dilapidated log cabin, plus the thick animal skins and food left by the wind grass, Lan was much better off this winter.

However, she used to be accompanied by her son, but now she is the only one left in the wooden house. Although there is no need to worry about food and warmth, loneliness is unavoidable.

Lan picked up a piece of charcoal and, according to the memory in her head, began to draw the totem pattern of the Vine tribe on the ground again and again.

From now on, the Vine God is her belief, and learning to draw totem patterns is a must, and it is also a way to fight loneliness and fear.


As time went on, the winter became more and more cold, and the snow on the ground became thicker and thicker, and the tribesmen were almost at home.

This winter, cold, hunger, and disease have reaped the lives of many people.

In the forests everywhere, tourists who have no food to save are dying one after another. Even some small tribes are not much better.

Only a few tribes, such as the vine tribe, the frog tribe, and the mountain turtle tribe, gained a lot of resources because they defeated the bird tribe, and their life was a little better.

After the ice froze the Feiyu River, the Teng tribe conducted a winter fishing and harvested a lot of fish.

However, it was only this time. When the Veng tribe was not short of food, Jiang Xuan did not want to overfish, lest there would be fewer and fewer fish in the Feiyu River.

It is worth mentioning that even in the cold winter season, several workshops of the Veng tribe did not stop work, and even added some manpower to work.

Because after the spring, the trading area will usher in a peak season, and a large amount of goods will be needed for trading.

The peaceful days always passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the cold winter that made most tribesmen suffer so much passed.

The thick clouds in the sky dissipated, the sun was scattered on the ground again, and the snow and ice began to melt.

The sixth year of the establishment of the Vine Tribe begins.

"Tick tick tick..."

Jiang Xuan sat under the eaves, listening to the dripping sound of melting snow, and engraved the first line on a roll of Hsinchu bamboo slips: Six years of the rattan tribe, the first day of the first month of January, sunny.

After carving, he put the bamboo slips away, looked at the sunlight outside, and said with emotion, "In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed!"

There is no special feeling about time when it is being experienced, and sometimes it even feels that it passes too slowly.

But when you really look back on the past one day, you find that it is actually surprisingly fast, but you just don't pay attention to it.

The snow and ice melted for three days. In the snow-melting weather, the people of the Veng tribe still stayed in the tribe and basically did not leave the vicinity of the house.

Because the forest is very dangerous when the snow melts, the ice cubes on the trees will fall down at any time, and even the branches may fall.

Every year, a few unlucky ones are injured or even killed by ice cubes and branches falling from trees.

Three days later, under the scorching sun, most of the snow and ice on the trees and the roof melted, and there were only some ice cubes where the sun could not shine.


The ice cubes on the Flying Fish River also all Many large pieces of ice floated downstream along the river, melting as they floated, until they were completely integrated with the river at a certain moment.

"Quack quack..."

In the breeding area of ​​the Teng tribe, a large group of colorful ducks was released.

These colorful ducks have been kept for a winter, and as soon as they are released, they can't wait to run to the pond or river, and they go into the water without hesitation.

"Gluck cluck..."

The colorful pheasants were also released. They paced leisurely in the breeding area, using their claws from time to time to scrape the weeds and soil on the ground, trying to find some bugs to eat.

Other livestock that can be released are also released to bask in the sun.

On the other hand, the planting team also began to dispatch.

Gan Song carried his stone **** and led the members of the planting team to turn over the soil of the already planted crops, which made it much easier to sow.

In addition, he also arranged a group of people to continue to open up wasteland, increase the area of ​​arable land for the Vine tribe, and increase food production.

Two hunting teams also began to dispatch, and they couldn't wait to enter the forest to find prey.

Although hunting teams sometimes go out to hunt in winter, it is difficult to obtain prey under the snow and ice, and it is common to return empty-handed.

The fishing team led by Nepeta also began to fish in the river.

The Veng tribe trading area also opened again, and tourists who lived nearby couldn't wait to flock to the trading area. They took various things in exchange for food, salt and other necessities.

The entire Vine tribe, like a huge machine, is running again after the silence of winter.


Above the stone mountain, Shenteng woke up again. After a short period of divine light, a layer of mist shrouded the stone mountain, making it difficult to see the true face.

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