This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 199: Want to join the Vine Tribe?

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After making the tofu, Jiang Xuan made a dip, then braved the heavy snow, sent a serving to Chishao, and heated her with a bronze pot himself.

Since the Veng tribe began to produce bronze, many daily necessities have changed, such as bronze knives for cutting vegetables, such as bronze pots for cooking.

However, only Jiang Xuan and Chishao can use these bronzes for the time being, and they will be gradually promoted in the future.

"This is called tofu. I made it with black pearl beans. It tastes good. You can try it."

Jiang Xuan brought the tofu to Chi Shao and looked at her expectantly.

Chishao picked up Kuaizi, gently picked up a piece of tofu, dipped it in some water, and put it in his mouth.

"Well, it's delicious."

I ate another piece of red peony, and it tasted really good.

A smile appeared on Jiang Xuan's face, and he said, "Eat more, I'll do it next time after eating."

Chi Shao nodded, ate a few more pieces, and then put down the kuaizi.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I still have some medicine powder here that I haven't finished. I'll put it there first and eat it when I'm eating."

Chishao sat by the fire and began to grind the herbs again. She needed to crush several herbs and mix them together to make a medicinal powder with excellent healing effect.

She was always like this, busy.

"Sister, I have an idea, I don't know if you want it or not."

"you say."

"I want you to take a group of apprentices and teach them about herbal medicine, how to handle herbal medicine, and how to heal and save people."

Chi Shao frowned slightly, but did not speak.

The inheritance of witch doctors has always been learned only by witches. Even if it is taught, it is passed on to the candidates for the next witch. This is the rule of the tribe.

Now, Jiang Xuan wants to break this rule.

Jiang Xuan continued: "Sister, I think so."

"Our tribe is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more clansmen. With you alone, even if you don't sleep, you can't be busy. You can't grind medicine and see a doctor every day, right?"

"It's different if you bring a group of apprentices. Things like handling medicines and grinding powder can be handed over to them. You just need to keep an eye on them."

"In this way, you won't be so tired. If our clansmen are injured or sick, they can be treated as soon as possible."

"In the future, we can even open a special witch hospital. All the sick and injured clansmen can go to the witch hospital. There are many witch doctors who see a doctor at the same time, so it doesn't take too long."

"Sister, what do you think of my idea?"

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, he looked at Chi Shao with anticipation. In fact, this idea had been circling in his heart for a long time. He had arranged for two people to help Chi Shao before, but Chi Shao did not teach them witchcraft.

Chi Shao was silent for a moment, then said, "Let me think about it."

Jiang Xuan continued to persuade: "Sister, think about where your witch doctor skills come from? The old witch taught it, right?"

"Have you ever thought about why the old witch taught you, and why did you carve a hundred sketches of the Great Wilderness?"

"If witchcraft cannot be learned by more people and is only in the hands of a few witches, then once an accident happens to the witch or the tribe, the experience of witchcraft accumulated by the witch's life and painstaking efforts will be lost, even the experience accumulated by several generations of witches. Experience is lost."

"Only by allowing more people to learn, can we truly pass down the witch doctor and carry it forward."

What Jiang Xuan said was not only about witch medicine, but also many other skills.

Because those who master these skills are afraid that the skills will affect their jobs, they are very cautious in choosing inheritors, and only one person will be passed on.

However, this way of inheritance is very risky.

For example, the Mosquito Tribe, the Crow Tribe, the Mantis Tribe, and the Mengniao Tribe... After they were destroyed, the experience of witchcraft and healing accumulated by the previous witches also disappeared with the death of the witches.

Even those tribes that have been passed down for a long time, it is impossible for every witch to have no accidents, right?

As long as one of the witches suddenly had an accident, the inheritance would be incomplete, or the inheritance would be severed.

This is undoubtedly a huge loss.

Spreading witch medicine is different. The more people who know it, the greater the chance it will be passed on. Moreover, as long as everyone does not hide it, the accumulation of experience will definitely be much faster than a single inheritance. The development of witch medicine The speed will also increase.

Sooner or later, witch doctors will benefit everyone.

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Chi Shao was silent for a while, and said, "You are right, starting from tomorrow, I will select some clansmen and try to teach them."

Jiang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's great, sister, I'll help you grind the medicine."

Jiang Xuan walked over, sat on the low stool by the fire pond, and helped Chishao grind the medicine.

Chi Shao looked at Jiang Xuan's profile, feeling a little complicated, because she felt that she could not understand Jiang Xuan more and more.

Maybe it's because he's grown up.

Chi Shao lowered her head, no longer thinking about these things, but grinding medicine for peace of mind.

She never doubted Jiang Xuan, nor did she want to doubt it.


Outside the Veng tribe, Feng Cao carried a bag of grain on his back, walked to the area where the tourists lived, and then opened the door of a simple wooden house.


After the door was opened, the cold wind rushed into the house immediately, swept away a little heat that had finally gathered inside, and chilled the people inside.

After Fengcao entered the wooden house, he immediately closed the door, and the people inside breathed a sigh of relief.

There were two tourists in the house, a woman of about twenty-five or six years old, with two warrior tattoos on her face, apparently a two-color warrior.

There is also a boy of about seven or eight years old. Because he has not eaten enough for a long time, he is very thin, and he is very timid when he sees people, and hides aside.

"Lan, I brought you some food, I know you're running out of food."

Fengcao opened the animal skin bag and took out some round potatoes, stone eggs, and even a small amount of red crystal rice.

When the woman named "Lan" saw the food, she immediately jumped up and picked up the food on the ground, as if she was afraid of being robbed.

After it snowed, it was very difficult to obtain food, especially the battles between tourists were very fierce. If Lan was not strong, they would not even be able to live in this wooden house, let alone food.

Lan picked up a round potato, not too dirty, took a few bites, and then stuffed the boy with other food.

While chewing the round potatoes, she said in a vague voice, "Who do you want me to kill?"

Before the snow fell, Fengcao also gave her food several times. In exchange, Lan would help her kill the designated tourists.

Feng Cao shook his head and said, "You don't need to kill people this time."

Lan stopped chewing, looked at the round potato in his hand, frowned, and said, "Then what do you want? I can only kill."

Feng Cao pulled the loose hair behind her ears and said, "Lan, have you ever thought about changing your son to a better environment?"

Hearing Feng Cao's words, Lan suddenly rushed towards Feng Cao, so fast that Feng Cao didn't have time to dodge.

Lan pinched Fengcao's neck with her left hand, pulled out a stone knife with her right hand, placed it on Fengcao's neck, stared at her like an angry leopard, and said coldly, "If you dare to attack my son, I will kill you. !"

"Cough, listen to me..."

After Feng Cao spoke, Lan Cai slowly loosened her neck, but her eyes were still very vigilant.

Feng Cao rubbed his neck and didn't care about it. Tourists were like this. They were very vigilant and sensitive. Most of those tourists with low vigilance had already died.

"Lan, don't get excited, don't worry, I'm not interested in your son."

"What I want to ask is, do you want to join the Vine tribe?"

"Join the Vine tribe?"

Lan obviously didn't expect Feng Cao to ask such a question, and even wondered if Feng Cao was lying to her.

Most of the tourists who gathered near the Vine Tribe wanted to join the Vine Tribe, but few were able to do so, because the Vine Tribe had passed the time when a large number of people were needed, and not everyone was recruited.

If Lan was alone, with her strength as a two-color warrior, it would be no problem to join the Vine tribe, but she also brought a child.

The Teng tribe can take care of the children of their own tribe, but they are not obliged to take care of the children of outsiders.

"Can you let us join the Vine tribe?"

Lan hugged the boy and stared straight at Feng Cao, waiting for her to give a definite answer.

If they can join the Vine Tribe, they don't have to live in this dilapidated wooden house, they don't have to worry about encountering various dangers, and they don't have to worry about starving or freezing to death at any time.

It doesn't matter to Lan herself, but she doesn't want her child to live in such a hopeless life.

She would give everything for her child.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Chi Shao nodded, ate a few more pieces, and then put down the kuaizi.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I still have some medicine powder here that I haven't finished. I'll put it there first and eat it when I'm eating."

Chishao sat by the fire and began to grind the herbs again. She needed to crush several herbs and mix them together to make a medicinal powder with excellent healing effect.

She was always like this, busy.

"Sister, I have an idea, I don't know if you want it or not."

"you say."

"I want you to take a group of apprentices and teach them about herbal medicine, how to handle herbal medicine, and how to heal and save people."

Chi Shao frowned but did not speak.

The inheritance of witch doctors has always been learned only by witches. Even if it is taught, it is passed on to the candidates for the next witch. This is the rule of the tribe.

Now, Jiang Xuan wants to break this rule.

Jiang Xuan continued: "Sister, I think so."

"Our tribe is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more clansmen. With you alone, even if you don't sleep, you can't be busy. You can't grind medicine and see a doctor every day, right?"

"It's different if you bring a group of apprentices. Things like handling medicines and grinding powder can be handed over to them. You just need to keep an eye on them."

"In this way, you won't be so tired. If our clansmen are injured or sick, they can be treated as soon as possible."

"In the future, we can even open a special witch hospital. All the sick and injured clansmen can go to the witch hospital. There are many witch doctors who see a doctor at the same time, so it doesn't take too long."

"Sister, what do you think of my idea?"

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, he looked at Chi Shao with anticipation. In fact, this idea had been circling in his heart for a long time. He had arranged for two people to help Chi Shao before, but Chi Shao did not teach them witchcraft.

Chi Shao was silent for a moment, then said, "Let me think about it."

Jiang Xuan continued to persuade: "Sister, think about where your witch doctor skills come from? The old witch taught it, right?"

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"Have you ever thought about why the old witch taught you, and why did you carve a hundred sketches of the Great Wilderness?"

"If witchcraft cannot be learned by more people and is only in the hands of a few witches, then once an accident happens to the witch or the tribe, the experience of witchcraft accumulated by the witch's life and painstaking efforts will be lost, even the experience accumulated by several generations of witches. Experience is lost."

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