This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 191: No one can hurt my brother!

On the other side of the valley, Shan Jia and others saw Meng Bird God's great power, sucking all the flames in the valley, and everyone was stunned.

After a while, they saw the Mengniao God fly away, and the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe also ran away.

Ye, the leader of the Que tribe, swallowed hard: "Leader of the mountain armor, they seem to have run away, what should we do?"


Before Shan Jia could answer, the remaining warriors of the Vine tribe had already rushed into the valley, and the Turtle God and the Unicorn God did not hesitate to chase after them.

Seeing this, the warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe and the Unicorn Tribe rushed in.

"We chase too!"

The leader of the Que Tribe waved his hand and followed with the Que Tribe warriors.

In this way, the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe ran in front, and the allied forces of the Veng tribe were chasing behind. This scene was a bit familiar, but the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides had reversed.

It has to be said that Mengniao's running speed and endurance are really strong, and the God of Mengniao also uses divine power to replenish their physical strength from time to time, and it runs very fast.

A day later, the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe ran back to the tribe, but the crisis did not end.

In the past, the Mengniao tribe had more than 6,000 people, of which more than 4,000 were warriors.

But after Jiang Xuan used a plan to burn to death more than 3,000 soldiers of the Mengniao tribe, there were only more than 1,000 soldiers left in the Mengniao tribe.

In the Mengniao tribe, Wu shouted loudly: "The time for the tribe to live and die has come, all the clansmen take up arms and prepare to fight!"

The clansmen who stayed in the tribe saw that the people who came back were very embarrassed, and the number had dropped by more than half, and they suddenly guessed it badly.

After Wu shouted, they all returned to the house, men, women and children, all took up their weapons, and hurriedly gathered together to prepare for battle.


The dumplings flew over the forest in front of the Mengniao tribe, making a sharp chirping sound.


Behind the dumplings, more than 60 giant dragonflies fluttered their wings, and on the backs of each giant dragonfly were two warriors from the Vine tribe.

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There were not many warriors in the Veng tribe, and they did not dare to get too close to the Mengniao God. Otherwise, with the flying speed of a giant dragonfly, Mengniao would have nowhere to escape.

Soon, the glutinous rice **** and the giant dragonfly fell to the ground, and the Teng tribe warriors stayed outside the Mengniao tribe, waiting for the tribal coalition forces behind to arrive.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the sky next to the Mengniao tribe, the Mengniao God once again fought the Vine God. They fought more fiercely than before, and the terrifying fluctuations of divine power destroyed the forest below.

The Mengniao God casts a weapon against the rat, for fear that the aftermath of the battle will destroy the residence of the Mengniao tribe, so he can only try his best to lead the Vine God to the side.

"Dong Dongdong..."

Soon after, the ground outside the Mengniao tribe trembled slightly, and the Black Wind Rhino cavalry, the blue sheep cavalry, and the bighorn deer cavalry of the Teng tribe all arrived.

Immediately afterwards, the warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe, the Sparrow Tribe, and the Unicorn Tribe also arrived.

The four leaders gathered again.

"Boss Xuan, attack!"

Shan Jia is in high spirits. In this battle, after several twists and turns, he finally established the confidence to win.

The leaders of the Unicorn Tribe and the Sparrow Tribe also demanded to attack, because they believed that there was not much suspense in this battle.

"Don't worry, the soldiers have been rushing for two days, and they are all exhausted. Eat something first, and then you will have the strength to fight when you are full."

Jiang Xuan shouted to the Veng tribe warrior: "Rest in place!"

The warriors of the Vine tribe got off their mounts, sat on the ground, took out food and water and started to eat.

After continuous raids and battles, they were indeed tired and hungry, and they didn't have much energy.

When Shan Jia and others saw this, they could only order the soldiers to rest and eat to replenish their stamina.

On the Mengniao tribe's side, the 3000 clansmen were already armed with weapons, ready to fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, the other party stopped fighting, and all sat down to rest and eat.

This left them holding their weapons, a little overwhelmed.

A hunting party leader asked, "Witch, what should we do now?"

Mengniao tribe witch actually wanted them to rush out and kill all the soldiers of the four small tribes on the opposite side.

But he couldn't, because the Mengniao tribe was already at a disadvantage, and it was irrational to rush out hastily.

What's more, those fighters who just escaped were more or less injured, and their fighting power was not strong.

Mengniao tribe witch gritted his teeth: "They eat, we eat too, let the soldiers fill their stomachs and heal their wounds."


The soldiers of the Mengniao tribe got off the backs of the Mengniao one after another, took out a large amount of food from the place where the tribe stored food, and devoured it.

However, the witches of the Mengniao tribe did not understand that morale was such a thing that one boost, then another decline, and three exhaustions.

If they return to the tribe and fight directly with the Vine tribe, even if they can't win, in order to defend the tribe, these warriors will squeeze out their potential to fight.

But once you sit down, eat something, and start thinking, you're done.

They will constantly recall the hellish scene they experienced in the valley, and begin to calmly think about whether this battle can be won, and come to extremely pessimistic conclusions.

After the body gets the signal to rest, various sequelae after exertion will begin to appear, and discomfort will be felt everywhere.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of Mengniao tribe warriors will be greatly reduced.

On the side of the Allied Forces of the Vine Tribes, they already knew that this battle was likely to be won. After eating and replenishing their stamina, their morale increased even more, and all the soldiers were eager to attack the Mengniao Tribe.

That's why Jiang Xuan ordered to rest and eat instead of attacking the Mengniao tribe right away.

After resting for about two hours, Jiang Xuan shouted, "Prepare to fight!"


The Vine tribe warriors stood up first, picked up their weapons one after another, and climbed onto the back of their mounts.

The soldiers of the other three tribes also stood up one after another, each took up their weapons and prepared to attack.

On the other side, the witch of the Mengniao tribe immediately shouted after seeing the action on the other side: "Get up, get ready to fight!"

Some of the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe stood up reluctantly, and some were still on the ground, feeling uncomfortable and unable to stand up.

The Mengniao tribe witch angrily kicked the soldier who didn't stand up beside him, and roared, "Didn't you hear me? The enemy is about to attack!"

The soldier barely supported his body and climbed onto Mengniao's back, but his body was sore and weak.

The Mengniao tribe's witches kicked and scolded, and managed to get all the warriors onto Mengniao's back, but their morale was extremely low.

The leader of the Mengniao tribe was also in the crowd. He was hit by an arrow in his left arm and pierced by a spear in his thigh, making him unable to move.

But he still insisted on climbing onto Mengniao's back and fighting with his right hand.

He saw the state of the soldiers around him, and his heart sank.

The moment of life and death for the Mengniao tribe is coming.

This time, can the Mengniao tribe survive?

To be honest, even the leader himself has no self-confidence.

However, he is the leader, and no matter how bad the situation is, he must also fight for the Horde.

The leader of the Mengniao tribe straightened his back and shouted: "The warriors of the tribe, please charge with me and avenge the dead clansmen!"

After that, the Mengniao tribe leader folded his legs, and the Mengniao immediately ran forward.

The leader's words and the actions of the soldiers took the lead, affecting some soldiers of the Mengniao tribe, who gritted their teeth and rushed with the leader.

But more soldiers, morale is still low, just forced to charge along with it.

Outside the Mengniao tribe, the Veng tribe coalition forces also began to charge.

Jiang Xuan sat on the back of the crescent moon, pointed his spear forward, and shouted loudly: "Destroy the Mengniao tribe and take back our territory and food!"

"Come on!"


Crescent Moon let out a filial piety, and then charged forward with her head lowered. The warriors of the Vine tribe rushed forward with a cry.

The warriors of the other three tribes were not far behind. They all wanted to rush into the Mengniao tribe to grab something more.

Soon, the allied forces of the Mengniao tribe and the Veng tribe collided, and the two sides began the final decisive battle.

After Jiang Xuan rushed out, he stared at the leader of the Mengniao tribe at a glance. He had already seen that the morale of the Mengniao tribe was low. As long as the leader was beheaded, the remaining soldiers would collapse.

He rode on the crescent moon and went straight to the leader of the Mengniao tribe.

Heifeng rhinoceros and Mengniao finally approached. Jiang Xuan held the bronze spear in both hands and stabbed the leader of the Mengniao tribe fiercely.


The leader of the Mengniao tribe confronted them with stone spears, and the spears of both sides collided, making a sound of gold and iron mingling.

Because the leader of the Mengniao tribe could only hold a spear with one hand, Jiang Xuan's strength was so great that even if he was a five-colored warrior, he still felt very exhausted.

The mounts of the two sides were staggered, Jiang Xuan rushed into the camp of the Mengniao tribe, and the bronze war spear stabbed again and again, killing several soldiers of the Mengniao tribe, and then made the crescent moon turn around and rushed towards the leader of the Mengniao tribe again.

Soon, the two fought again.

After several fights, the wounds on the left arm and thigh of the Mengniao tribe leader all burst open, dripping with blood.


At this moment, Tang Yuan found an opportunity and suddenly fell from the sky, and its sharp claws grabbed the leader of the Mengniao tribe.

The leader of the Mengniao tribe had no choice but to roll off the back of the Mengniao.

However, the Meng bird couldn't escape, it was directly penetrated by the sharp claws of the dumplings, and took it to the sky.

"good chance!"

Jiang Xuan rode on the crescent moon and rushed towards the Mengniao tribe leader again. The Mengniao tribe leader could only roll over again to avoid the terrifying big hoof of the crescent moon.

However, Jiang Xuan jumped off the back of the crescent moon, and the bronze spear slammed into the chest of the Mengniao tribe leader.


This time, the Mengniao tribe leader couldn't dodge any more, his chest was pierced, and the strength of his body quickly drained with the blood.


The Mengniao tribe leader stared at Jiang Xuan, his body twitched a few times, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

Jiang Xuan said solemnly: "The small tribes that were destroyed by your Mengniao tribe, they are not reconciled, but what can they do?"


Jiang Xuan picked up the corpse of the leader of the Mengniao tribe with a bronze spear, then returned to the back of the crescent moon, and shouted loudly: "I killed your leader, immediately put down your weapons and surrender, you can spare your death!"

Jiang Xuan rode on the crescent moon while running and shouting, and his voice kept echoing in the forest.

When the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe heard Jiang Xuan's shout and saw the leader's body, most of them's emotions collapsed, and their will to fight plummeted.

At the rear, when the witch of the Mengniao tribe saw the leader's body, there was a "hum" in his head, and the whole person was severely hit.

Looking at the battlefield again, the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe were dying, wounded and wounded, and they were losing ground.

"It's over, it's over."

Mengniao tribe witch is very painful.

The Mengniao God couldn't defeat the Vine God, and the members of the Mengniao tribe were dying. He knew very well that in this situation, the tribe could not be saved.

The Mengniao tribe witch fell into despair and fell into a state of madness.

He looked at Jiang Xuan, who had provoked the leader of the Mengniao tribe, and there was a look of resentment in his eyes.

"You killed the leader and destroyed our Mengniao tribe, I want you to die!"

The witch of the Mengniao tribe stared at Jiang Xuan, and at the cost of burning his own blood and soul, he would cast the most vicious witchcraft and drag Jiang Xuan to be buried with the Mengniao tribe.

With the chanting of the witchcraft, a lot of blood flowed from the hands of the Mengniao tribe witch, and it floated eerily in the air, turning into a palm-sized Mengbird made of blood.

This slap-sized Meng bird has absorbed a lot of soul power again, and Jiang Xuan's appearance gradually appeared in the blood-colored eyes.

"Kill him, kill him!"

The witch of the Mengniao tribe gritted his teeth and had a grim face. When the **** Mengniao the size of his palm was completely formed, he looked at Jiang Xuan and roared, "Go!"

The slap-sized Meng bird instantly turned into a streak of blood and flew towards Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan on the battlefield suddenly stood upright with hair on his instinctively felt that a fatal crisis was approaching, but he didn't know how to avoid it.

"Xuan, escape!"

At this moment, a figure screamed and suddenly knocked Jiang Xuan off the back of the crescent moon.

Jiang Xuan rolled on the ground twice, and when he looked back, he saw a palm-sized blood-red Meng bird slammed into Chi Shao's chest.

Chishao instantly spurted out a mouthful of blood and rolled down the back of the crescent moon.


Jiang Xuan quickly climbed to Chishao's side and hugged Chishao in a panic.

He saw that Chi Shao's face quickly turned pale, her lips were purple, and her whole body was constantly convulsing, apparently suffering a fatal injury.

"Sister...what's the matter with you, don't scare me..."

Jiang Xuan was suddenly very scared. After he came to this world, the only relative he had was Chi Shao.

No matter what he did, Chi Shao silently supported him. Although she didn't say much, as long as she was there, Jiang Xuan would be more confident in whatever he did.

As a witch, Chi Shao could have stayed in the safe rear when fighting, but in order to protect Jiang Xuan, she followed Jiang Xuan in every battle and never left.

This time it was the same, when the Mengniao tribe witch performed vicious witchcraft, Chi Shao, who was also a witch, sensed the fluctuation of the witch's power.

When she found out that the witchcraft was aimed at Jiang Xuan, she immediately rushed over and used her body to block the witchcraft that should have attacked Jiang Xuan.

At this time, Chi Shao's eyes were tightly closed, her face was like golden paper, and her body temperature rose sharply.

Her mouth opened and closed, Jiang Xuan hurriedly leaned over, and heard Chishao's weak and intermittent voice:

"No one can... hurt my brother..."


Jiang Xuan hugged the red peony, and tears came out of his eyes instantly.

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