This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 190: bloody battle


"Crackling crackling..."

In the valley, the fire was burning more and more vigorously, and the Mengniao tribe warriors, who were able to hide in the middle at first, gradually found that they had nowhere to hide.


The Mengniao tribe warriors on the periphery, and the Mengniao under their crotch were the first to be burnt to the bone, rolling around in the sea of ​​fire, making shrill screams.

The people inside are also uncomfortable, because the valley is already thick with smoke and the oxygen is extremely thin.

"Cough cough cough..."

The leader of the Mengniao tribe was so choked that he couldn't open his eyes. He heard the screams coming from all around him, and his heart was bleeding.

"We can't be burned alive here, rush to me, someone will survive!"

The leader of the Mengniao tribe held a spear in one hand, roared loudly, and was about to rush out while riding the Mengniao.

However, there are too many warriors in the Mengniao tribe. The people on the periphery have been burned to death, and the smoke is so smoked that they can't open their eyes, and their consciousness is lost. How can they listen to his orders?

The crowded Mengniao and soldiers made the leader unable to rush out at all, and could only utter helpless filial piety.

At this moment, the Mengniao tribe witch, who was knocked out of her mind, finally spoke up.

"Let me come, I brought everyone in, I should take everyone out, cough cough..."

Wu coughed violently twice. Then, he slowly straightened his waist and closed his eyes. The magic power surged in his body, and the totem pattern of the Mengniao tribe appeared on his forehead.


The witch straightened his neck like a Meng bird and made a vivid Meng bird call.

In the valley, all Mengniao's movements suddenly stopped, as if they were drawn from the depths of their souls.

Afterwards, Wu closed his eyes and began to recite the ancient incantation.

"Corpse ㄠ ㄞ ㄎ..."

As the incantation sounded, an invisible force took the witch as the origin, and spread around like ripples in the water.

Anyone who is enveloped by this invisible force and Mengniao, whether alive or dead, all have the shadow of the Mengniao tribe's totem pattern in their eyes.

They were no longer trying to squeeze in, no longer making noise, only uncontrolled coughing.

Only the leader is the strongest and less affected.

He opened his smoked eyes and looked at Wu, his face full of shock.

The witch of the Mengniao tribe is the youngest witch in the entire history of the Mengniao tribe, and also the most talented witch. The clansmen in the tribe have great hopes for him.

Because he is young, he is very decisive.

After the Western Wilderness changed, he defied all opinions and decided to move the entire tribe to the Southern Wilderness.

Therefore, the Mengniao tribe became the first medium-sized tribe to migrate from the Western Wilderness to the Southern Wilderness.

After arriving in the Southern Wilderness, he chose a new place of residence, and personally led his clan to conquer several small tribes, making the Mengniao tribe stronger than before.

If it wasn't for this time when he ran into Jiang Xuan, was trapped in the valley, and used a fire attack that the tribesmen would hardly use, he would never have lost so badly.

Soon, the incantation was finished, and at this time, one third of the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe had been burned to death.


The Mengniao tribe witch let out a low roar, and a shocking scene appeared!

I saw the burned birds and warriors all stood up staggeringly and turned into walking dead.

In addition to the leader, the still alive Mengniao and warriors also had their minds controlled and completely obeyed the witch's orders.


The Mengniao tribe witch gave another order, and the dead Mengniao and warriors took the lead in running, rushing out against the sea of ​​fire.

Afterwards, the living birds and warriors followed, including the witch and the leader, all rushed out desperately.

With those walking corpses clearing the way, the flames on the ground were suppressed, and Mengniao ran extremely fast, and at least some of the Mengniao and warriors who were protected in the middle were able to break out of the sea of ​​fire alive.


Over the valley, Jiang Xuan was circling on a glutinous rice ball. When he found that the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe began to charge out desperately, his face suddenly changed color.

Because the direction they rushed was the entrance to the valley, not the exit.

On the other side of the entrance, there are only a hundred warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe guarding, and they must be unstoppable.

Jiang Xuan immediately let the glutinous rice **** fly back to the ground at the entrance of the valley, and shouted to the warriors of the Vine tribe: "They ran over there, warriors of two colors or more, sitting on giant dragonflies, follow me!"

On the ground, more than 60 giant dragonflies lowered their wings, and more than 100 two-color warriors from the Vine tribe climbed on the back of the giant dragonflies.


When the soldiers sat down, the giant dragonflies fluttered their wings and flew into the sky, followed by the dumplings to the other side of the valley.

The flying speed of the giant dragonfly is extremely fast, and the flying speed of the dumplings is also extremely fast. In a very short time, they rushed outside the entrance of the valley.

At this time, the walking corpses controlled by the witches of the Mengniao tribe had already rushed to the entrance of the valley.

Just when the hundred warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe panicked, Jiang Xuan descended from the sky with more than one hundred warriors of the Vine Tribe.

"What the **** is this?"

Jiang Xuan was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. It was the first time he saw a dead animal continue to run.

"They were controlled by witchcraft."

Chishao, who came by the giant dragonfly, walked to the front and said calmly: "Everyone get out of the way first, I will deal with them."

The warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe looked at Jiang Xuan one after another, while the warriors of the Veng Tribe were already retreating.

Jiang Xuan nodded towards the warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe, and then stepped back with them.

Chishao stood at the mouth of Taniguchi, took a deep breath, then grabbed a common vine on the ground and began to recite the ancient witchcraft.

After chanting the witchcraft, she shouted: "Grow fast!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

I saw that on the ground where Taniguchi was not burned, all the vines grew rapidly, they intertwined with each other and shuttled on the ground like green snakes.

A corpse of a controlled Mengnia rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire. It ran a few steps when it was quickly entangled by two vines and fell directly to the ground.

Then, more walking dead rushed over, bound by vines one by one.

Not only that, after they were bound by the vines, they were invaded by the magic power belonging to the red peony, and the control was broken.


In the valley, the witch of the Mengniao tribe spat out a mouthful of blood and almost fell from the back of Mengniao.

It was very difficult for him to control so many people and Mengniao. After the witchcraft was broken, he was severely backfired, and the whole person suddenly became sluggish.

After losing the control of witchcraft, the remaining walking corpses fell one after another, and the still-living birds and warriors also came to their senses.

"The Ronin from Douluo"

When they were controlled just now, they were still able to brave the sea of ​​fire and rushed forward without fear of death. Now they are awake, their eyes are smoldering with smoke, they can't open at all, and most of their bodies are burned. How can they continue to move forward? rush?

In the blink of an eye, these birds and warriors screamed and howled again, and the formation was in chaos.

"Are we really going to die here?"

Wu Yangtian of the Mengniao tribe let out a mournful cry and fell into extreme despair.

At this moment, the leader of the Mengniao tribe shouted: "The exit is just ahead, if you don't want to die, just rush with me!"

After that, the leader of the Mengniao tribe rushed forward first. There were many Mengniao tribe warriors around him. At this time, he could no longer think independently. The survival instinct made them continue to rush forward with the leader.

The walking corpses in front, although they had already fallen, had already smashed through the burning fire, and after they fell in large numbers, they suppressed the burning flames.

As long as the remaining Mengniao tribe warriors continued to charge out, most of them would definitely be able to escape the fire.

After people lose the ability to think independently, they are all blind obedience, and so is Mengniao.

When the leader of the Mengniao tribe rushed forward, those Mengniao also rushed forward with their warriors on their backs. At this time, the pain was no longer a concern.

Mengniao tribe saw this, and there was a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Although more than half of the casualties have been lost, they are numerous, and as long as they rush out, they will have a chance to survive.

The fact was similar to what he thought. The leader rode a Meng bird and rushed out desperately. Sure enough, he led dozens of soldiers out of the sea of ​​​​fire and breathed fresh air.

However, before they had time to be happy, they saw a group of people outside Taniguchi raising short spears from Lake Momo Lake.

Since Jiang Xuan made this plan, he naturally considered the problem that they might rush out.

Although there are only more than 200 warriors from the Mountain Turtle Tribe, they still have more than 60 giant dragonflies with strong fighting power.

Coupled with the narrow location of Taniguchi, it is impossible for the people inside to rush out at the same time. These two hundred warriors, plus the giant dragonfly, are enough to block the people of the Mengniao tribe.

"Spear throw!"

Jiang Xuan gave an order, and more than 200 short spears flew towards the Mengniao tribe warrior who had just rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The short spear is extremely powerful at close range, not to mention that the short spears of the Vine tribe will be equipped with spear throwers.

Whether it is a bird or a person, as long as it is stabbed by a short spear, it will be severely injured and lose its ability to move.


The leader of the Mengniao tribe didn't care about the injury to his left arm at this time. He held the spear in both hands and waved it frantically. He even knocked down or missed the short spear that flew over.

The strength of the five-colored warriors is evident.

However, the warriors around him were not so strong.

They were stabbed with short spears, and then fell to the ground together with the birds.

The Mengniao tribe fighters rushed out again, and the Veng tribe and the mountain turtle tribe threw their spears again.

A large number of birds and warriors fell to the ground again.

This time, the leg of the leader of the Mengniao tribe was also pierced by a The Mengniao he was riding was also pierced by a short spear and fell to the ground dying.

"I...I'm not reconciled..."

The Mengniao tribe leader turned back, and the Mengniao tribe warriors behind them continued to rush out. The Mengniao who were burned and lost their minds stepped on the leader directly.

At this time, the leader could no longer stand up.

He could only watch helplessly as he was trampled on, watched the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe fall one by one, and watched the soldiers of the Veng tribe and the mountain turtle tribe throw a few rounds of spears, and they rushed over with their spears, blocking them. Live at the outlet of the valley.

The corpses piled up more and more on the ground, but the Mengniao tribe warriors inside were still rushing out, and even the leader who was still alive was crushed by many corpses.

Jiang Xuan held a bronze spear and killed him desperately. His body was covered in blood, most of which belonged to the enemy.

Many of the Veng tribe warriors around him also used bronze weapons, which were much sharper and harder than the weapons of the Mengniao tribe.

They were blocked at Taniguchi and fought **** battles until their eyes were red.

Even Chi Shao was fighting by Jiang Xuan's side. At this time, even Wu had to work hard.

If they don't exterminate the Mengniao tribe today, it is very likely that the Vine tribe, as well as the mountain turtle tribe, the sparrow tribe, and the unicorn tribe will be wiped out in the future.

War is cruel, there is no right or wrong, both sides are for survival.

If the fight continues like this, the warriors of the Mengniao tribe, as well as the witches and leaders, will all die here.

However, things are not always smooth, and on the battlefield, the situation is changing rapidly.


Just as Jiang Xuan and the others blocked Taniguchi and were fighting desperately, there was suddenly an extremely angry bird calling through the sky!

That is the totem **** of the Mengniao tribe arrived!

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