This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 166: Name this battle

When Jiang Xuan and the others returned to the tribe, it was already night, and the two unconscious Mantis tribe warriors also woke up.

Jiang Xuan asked the Veng tribe warriors to find a room to lock them up, and temporarily accommodated the tourist who made a contribution, and then went back to sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just dawn, and the tourist tree roots woke up from their sleep.

He watched the Vine tribe warrior in the same room get up, took a strange animal hair brush, sprinkled some charcoal powder on it, then picked up a ceramic cup, filled it with water, and went to the door to brush his teeth.

There are also soldiers slowly eating baked stone eggs.

All of this was very new to the tree roots, and it made him sure that Jiang Xuan really fulfilled his promise and let him join the Vine tribe after he found the Mantis tribe.

"Want to eat some?"

The soldier who ate the stone egg broke off a large piece and handed it to the root.

"I... can I eat?"

The roots are really hungry, but they are not used to the change of identity for a while.

"Of course, the leader said, you are already a member of the Vine tribe."

Hearing the soldier's affirmative answer, Tree Root took the piece of baked stone egg with excitement and took a careful bite.

"Sweet." A happy smile appeared on the root's face.

The soldier smiled and continued to eat, because they were going to go out hunting in a while, and they had to eat enough to have strength.

After a few bites, the root asked again, "Why do they use that thing to brush their teeth?"

The soldier replied: "Every day when the people of the Vine tribe get up, they have to wash their faces and brush their teeth. This is the rule set by the leader."

"In addition to brushing your teeth and washing your face, the Veng tribe has a lot of rules. You will know it after a few more days."

"Oh, I see."

Tree Root wrote down all the tactics, because he is also a member of the Vine tribe, and he also needs to abide by these rules.

At this time, the warriors who had finished brushing their teeth also came back. They took out the baked stone eggs from the ashes, ate them quickly, drank some water, and then took up their weapons and prepared to go out hunting.

After the soldiers left, Root stayed in the house, a little overwhelmed because he didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, he didn't stay long when Dajiao, the leader of the breeding team, came over.

"Your name is Root?"


"Come with me, the leader will arrange for you to work in our breeding team."

"it is good."

In this way, the tree root entered the breeding team and became an ordinary member of the breeding team, working for the Vine tribe.


On the other side, Jiang Xuan began to interrogate the warriors of the two mantis tribes.

"Tell me all you know about the Mantis tribe."

In the face of Jiang Xuan's questioning, the two warriors of the mantis tribe turned their heads and ignored him at all.

"Very good, I admire people with backbone, I hope you can stick with it a little longer!"

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, he nodded to the Veng tribe warrior next to him, then turned and left the room.

Not long after, there were shrill screams from the house, and it was obvious that the soldiers of the Vine tribe had begun to use torture.

Jiang Xuan stood outside the house, listening to the screams in his ears, but looking at the entire Vine tribe in his eyes.

He is not a ruthless person, on the contrary, he is soft-hearted and never likes cruelty.

But as the tribe grows and encounters more and more enemies, he must learn to be cruel when necessary, otherwise he will not only harm himself, but also the whole tribe.

Growing up is not always beautiful. Many times, you often need to adapt to some things you don't like.

If you don't adapt, you will be eliminated. The reality is that simple and rude.

I don't know how long it took, the screams inside stopped, and a vine tribe warrior with blood on his hands came out and said to Jiang Xuan, "Boss, they are willing to speak."

Jiang Xuan nodded, then walked into the **** room and got the information he wanted from the two mantis tribe warriors.

Afterwards, Jiang Xuan called all the important figures of the Vine tribe to his yard for a meeting.

He first explained the situation of the Mantis Tribe, then looked at the crowd and said, "This Mantis Tribe must be fought. We can't let other tribes feel that the Vine Tribe is weak!"

"Only by quickly destroying the mantis tribe can we deter other tribes."

Jiang Xuan's eyes became sharp: "In this battle, we have to kill a fierce name!"

"Kill a splendid name!"

"Kill a splendid name!"

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, everyone shouted, and they only felt their blood boiled and their fighting spirit was high.

"Everyone, go back and prepare, leave tomorrow, and kill the mantis tribe before it snows!"

Everyone in the room got up one after another, and then went back to prepare for the battle.

Only Chi Shao stayed, and after everyone left, she asked Jiang Xuan worriedly, "Xuan, I have no problem with going to war, but what about the prisoners?"

The number of captives of the Vine Tribe is too many. Once the Vine Tribe goes to war, the Vine God will accompany him. With so many prisoners, they will definitely not stay honest.

In case they take the opportunity to make any trouble, it is also a troublesome thing.

Jiang Xuandao: "I have already thought about this."

"In the afternoon, all the prisoners were transported to the second residence by bamboo rafts and wooden boats, and they were left with food rations for a few days, and then all the bamboo rafts and wooden boats were taken away so that they could not cross the river."

"Our food and various materials are all here. Even if someone makes trouble, it won't cause much loss."

Chi Shao asked again, "What if they escape?"

Although the vine wall is tall, it is not difficult for the tribesmen to stretch their hands quickly and climb out along the vine wall.

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "Winter is coming soon. As long as you're not an idiot, you should be able to think that escaping now to be a tourist would be killing yourself."

"If anyone really escapes, don't worry about that idiot."

Chi Shao nodded, since Jiang Xuan had already considered these situations, she had nothing to worry about.

"Then I'll go back and prepare something."

Chi Shao left Jiang Xuan's yard. As a witch, she had to prepare a lot of things for such a big event as a tribal expedition.

Jiang Xuan sat alone by the fire pond, watching the beating flames, carefully calculating various possible situations, and trying to deal with it.

At noon, all the soldiers of the Teng tribe were dispatched to **** more than 1,500 prisoners across the river.

Fortunately, the Teng tribe has had the experience of crossing the river in large numbers several times, and made a large number of bamboo rafts and wooden boats. Otherwise, so many people would not know when they would be transported.

There were more than 300 prisoners in the second residence of the Veng tribe. There were more than 500 in the past. Later, more than 100 people performed well. They joined the Veng tribe during the autumn sacrifice.

Afterwards, Jiang Xuan selected 18 two-color warriors with relatively strong strength and good performances from among the more than 1,800 prisoners, and asked them to manage more than 100 people each, while promising them benefits.

"As long as you take care of everyone, don't make trouble, don't make trouble, when we come back, we can give each of you a separate wooden house, a pound of salt, and let you join the Vine Tribe and become a real Vine Tribe warrior!"

"However, if one of you takes the lead in making trouble, or encourages others to make trouble, I guarantee that you will all die miserably!"

"Did you hear everything clearly?"

"Listen clearly."

These people nodded, no matter what they thought at least they acted honestly.

Jiang Xuan gave them the power to distribute food again, so that they could establish a higher prestige among the captives.

Later, Jiang Xuan took the vine tribe warriors, as well as all the bamboo rafts and wooden boats across the river, isolating all the captives on the other side of the river.


Above the stone mountain, the vines glowed slightly, and the vine wall on the second residence became active again. The thorn vines grew rapidly, covering the surface of the vine wall, and the door for entry and exit was also closed.

In this way, even if someone wants to run, it is not so easy.

In the evening, the soldiers of the entire Vine tribe were nervously preparing various weapons, dry food, healing medicine and other things.

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In the early morning of the next day, the Vine tribe finally set off.


Above the stone mountain, more than 60 giant dragonflies were shrouded in divine light. They had been sluggish because of the cold weather, but they regained their vitality and resumed their previous flight speed.


Afterwards, the huge divine vine pulled out its roots, broke away from the stone mountain, and floated in the sky again, with divine power surging like an ocean.


"Set off!"

A soldier blew the horn, and then, all the soldiers of the Veng tribe stepped on their mounts, and under Jiang Xuan's order, they marched in the direction of the Mantis tribe.


After they left, all the door openings in the vine wall were closed under the control of Shenteng, and people outside could not get in, and people inside could not get out.

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Thanks to the book friend "Mo Xue Yifan" for the reward. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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