This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 165: was discovered

To the north of the Veng tribe, in a virgin forest.

"Pump puff

- A big mantis spread its wings, flew around the forest, and finally found a big spider.

It landed on the branch, and then from the back of the branch, bit by bit, it crawled towards the big spider.

When it climbed under the big spider, it silently climbed to the side again, and then suddenly attacked, the two jagged front limbs instantly grabbed the big spider.

The big spider struggled desperately, but it was in vain, the forelimbs of the big mantis had already cut its body open.

The mouthparts of the big mantis opened, and began to feast.


At this moment, there was a chirping of birds of prey in the distance, and the big mantis shivered with fright.

This big mantis participated in the battle yesterday, and the sound of tangyuan was a nightmare for the big mantis who participated in that battle.

In the distance, over the forest, dumplings are flying fast.

On the back of the dumplings, Jiang Xuan asked the tourist, "Do you know where the mantis tribe is?"

In fact, Tang Yuan has been wandering around twice, but has not found the mantis tribe.

Because the forest is too dense, the Mantis Tribe does not open up wasteland like the Vine Tribe, and the dense virgin forest shades their houses, making it difficult to see from above.

"Yes, it should be near here."

Tourists used to walk, but after being taken to the sky by the glutinous rice balls, he could only judge the direction by his senses, but he could not directly find the mantis tribe as he was on the ground.

Moreover, he was afraid of heights and did not dare to keep looking at the ground.

Feng Cao said: "Leader, give him a little more time, if it really doesn't work, let's go to the ground.

Jiang Xuan nodded helplessly and let the dumplings continue to fly forward.

It didn't take long for the visitor to suddenly see a mountain in front of him. Near the top of the mountain, there was a huge rock with a relatively flat section.

The visitor's eyes lit up and said, "I know that mountain, and the Mantis Tribe is in the forest next to that mountain."

"Go and have a look."

Jiang Xuan was refreshed, but he did not let the dumplings fly directly over the Mantis Tribe, but landed on the ground when he was about to approach the Mantis Tribe's territory.

The totem **** of the Mantis Tribe can fly. If the dumplings fly directly over the Mantis Tribe, they may encounter danger. Standing on the ground again, the tourist's legs were still shaking, apparently not recovering from the fear of heights.

Seeing the tourists like that, Jiang Xuan also knew that they were unreliable, so he let the tourists stay where they were and walked to the place where the Mantis Tribe lived with the wind grass.

The vast virgin forest, towering old trees and old vines everywhere.

It was late autumn at this time, and many insects were almost at the end of their lives, but they were still chirping loudly.

Not long after Jiang Xuan and Fengcao walked, they saw the totem pattern of the Mantis Tribe engraved on the bark of a big tree.

This is the image of a big mantis with its teeth and claws.

The triangular head, huge eyes, sickle-like forelimbs, and a pair of wings are very distinctive.

"Sure, it's here."

Jiang Xuan continued to walk forward, walking lightly and cautiously.

Suddenly, on the big tree ahead, a big mantis hidden in the leaves found them.


The wings of the big mantis vibrated rapidly, making a special sound.

This was the signal from the big mantis, and soon, all the big mantises nearby began to vibrate their wings.



This kind of special sound was connected together, and the movement was very loud.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Among the mantis tribe, some warriors shouted loudly, and then the whole mantis tribe exploded, and many warriors rushed out with weapons.

"Boss, we have been discovered!"

Feng Cao nervously looked at the big mantises ahead.

Jiang Xuan's expression also changed. He didn't expect these big mantises to be able to warn them.


Jiang Xuan turned around and ran with Feng Cao, and if he didn't run for a while, he would be surrounded.

"Pump puff

Hundreds of big mantises immediately spread their wings and chased after them. The scene was terrifying.


Jiang Xuan pulled out a short spear on his back, turned around and threw it out.

"Puff puff

The short spear carried a terrifying strength, and even penetrated two big mantises one after another, and the big mantises behind them avoided one after another.

But there are too many big mantises, and this spear can only slightly delay their pursuit speed.

Jiang Xuan ran very fast, but Feng Cao was not as strong as him after all. After running with all his strength for a while, the speed became slower.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan immediately took her hand and continued to run with her.

Not long after, the two finally returned to where the dumplings were.

"Quick, go up."

Jiang Xuan first let Fengcao climb on the back of the dumplings, and then pushed the tourist up, jumped up and jumped onto the back of the dumplings.

At this time, the overwhelming big mantis has already chased over, and the forest not far away is also full of people.

Jiang Xuan urged: "Tangyuan, hurry up!"


The strong legs of the dumplings first contracted quickly, then slammed to the ground, spreading their wings and flying into the sky.

Jiang Xuan looked back and saw those big mantises flying around on the ground, but he didn't dare to chase after the dumplings.

In the forest, the people of the Mantis tribe also rushed out, but they could only watch the dumplings leave.

"It's the big bird!"

"It's the tribe from yesterday, they came here!"

"What do they want to do?"

The warriors of the Mantis tribe were discussing at length.

"Stop arguing!"

The leader of the Mantis tribe roared and quelled the warriors.

"Go back and strengthen your guard. With the mantis god, they dare to come to court death!"

After finishing speaking, the leader of the Mantis Tribe took the lead and walked back.

In fact, he had a bad premonition in his heart that the heavy cavalry of the Teng tribe had left a deep impression on him, and even faintly regretted going to grab the prey of the Teng tribe.

But now, there is no other way but to prepare for battle.

"Boss, we have been discovered, what should we do now, should we go back?"

In the sky, Feng Cao asked Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan pondered for a moment, and said, "The situation of the Mantis Tribe has not been investigated clearly, so it would be a waste to go back now." "Although the forest can't be entered, they have to go out hunting and find a chance to catch a few people, still the same. Can figure out the situation of the Mantis tribe.'

Feng Cao's eyes lit up and said, "Yeah, why didn't I think of that.

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "Find a safe place to land, and then arrest someone."

The dumplings flew around in a circle, and finally landed on the halfway of a mountain.

Jiang Xuan still left the tourist behind, and then took Fengcao to arrest him

Winter is approaching, no matter which tribe is frantically hoarding food, the same is true for the Mantis tribe.

They had to send most of the tribe out, and the weaker ones would find wild fruits and dig edible plants near the tribe. The stronger ones form hunting teams to hunt all kinds of beasts to obtain fur, meat and bones for making tools necessary for winter.

Jiang Xuan's target was these hunting teams that ran farther.

As long as you catch two and bring them back to the Vine tribe, there are ways to get them to speak.

The place where the dumplings landed was not too far or too close to the Mantis Tribe, and there would definitely be a hunting team coming over.

After Jiang Xuan and Fengcao entered the forest, they began to look for various clues.

After half a day, they tracked down a hunting party of the Mantis Tribe and followed them quietly.

The hunting party was hunting a few wild boars, with dozens of large mantises flying around to help.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention on the wild boar, Jiang Xuan prepared a piece of animal skin and poured some medicinal powder on the animal skin.

This medicinal powder was given to him by Chishao. It was made of some special herbs. After inhaling it, people would immediately fall into a coma.

Jiang Xuan quietly walked to the back of a mantis tribe warrior standing on the periphery, and then suddenly covered his mouth and nose with the animal skin stained with medicinal powder.


The mantis tribe warrior's eyes widened, and after struggling a few times, he inhaled a lot of medicinal powder, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

After Jiang Xuan brought down a person, Feng Cao on the side immediately carried the person away, took him to a farther place, and tied it with ropes. Afterwards, Jiang Xuan followed suit and found an opportunity to bring down another warrior of the Mantis Tribe and carry it into the woods to join the wind grass.

"Go, go back to the tribe."

Jiang Xuan tied the man up, and then together with Feng Cao carried a comatose mantis tribal warrior, and quickly left the forest. Although Feng Cao is a woman, but she is also a two-color warrior now, it is nothing to carry a person and run away

After they left, the mantis tribe's hunting team worked hard and killed five big wild boars, and some wild boars were run away.

When they tied the wild boar and were about to carry it back, they found that two people were missing.

"What about people?"

The hunting chief was stunned, not sure what was going on.

"What are you doing, hurry up and find it!"

Under the roar of the hunting captain, the hunting team of the Mantis Tribe dispersed immediately, looking for the two missing people.

It didn't take long before someone found two stone spears that had fallen to the ground.

"Chief, here are their spears."

The hunting chief looked at the two stone spears in front of him, and frowned deeply.

Tribes never drop their weapons unless in danger of being overwhelmed.

Now that the spears have been dropped, the people are estimated to be more fortunate than others.

"Keep looking for someone!"

The hunting leader led someone to search for a but found nothing, not even blood.

Going out to hunt is a very dangerous thing, whether it is encountering beasts, or encountering various dangerous plants, poisonous snakes and poisonous insects, you may die.

Since no one could be found, we had to acquiesce that they were dead.

"go back!"

The hunting chief walked back in a bad mood, and the others could only follow with their prey.

On the other side, Feng Cao and Jiang Xuan had returned to the mountain with the two unconscious captives.

"Go, go back to the tribe."

It was already evening, and the glutinous rice **** were bathed in the orange-red sunlight, and they flew to the Veng tribe with five people on their backs.

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