This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 135: united attack crow tribe

After the autumn harvest, the Vine tribe got a lot of food, and together with the edible tubers and wild fruits collected, three large granaries were piled up.

If coupled with a large number of livestock, as well as fishing and hunting, the food of the Vine tribe can be said to be very sufficient.

At the beginning of October, the Veng tribe held a grand sacrifice. In order to enhance the strength of the tribe, all the more than 200 people of the Yanyang tribe participated in the sacrifice. Not only did they become real members of the Veng tribe, but many people became warriors.

After the sacrifice, the weather gradually turned cold, and it won't be long before winter will come.

It was at this time that Jiang Xuan made a major decision, that is, to attack the crow tribe!

In more than half a year, the crow tribe and the jackal tribe have fought countless times, and their strength has been weakened a lot.

After the fall, the two sides suddenly ceased fighting.

Because they all need to hoard food and supplies for the winter, if they continue to fight like this, I am afraid that no one will survive the cold winter.

Therefore, the crow tribe and the jackal tribe agreed to a temporary truce and made every effort to prepare supplies for the winter.

After the armistice, the two tribes frantically plundered nearby resources, and wiped out several small tribes without the protection of the totem god.

If they continue to plunder like this, it won't take long before they can regain their strength, even stronger than before.

When winter is over, even if the rattan tribe is guarded by the rattan god, they will not be able to keep those hunting grounds, and the living space will be severely compressed.

Therefore, the Vine tribe must fight back, and it is when the two tribes have not recovered.

"Why not attack the jackal tribe that is closer to us?"

In the courtyard of the bamboo forest, Chi Shao asked Jiang Xuan in confusion.

"There are more tribes offended by attacking the crow tribe."

Jiang Xuan explained: "If we attack the Jackal Tribe, we can only rely on our own hundreds of warriors, but if we attack the Crow Tribe, we can pull the Mountain Turtle Tribe and the Rex Tribe to attack together."

"At that time, maybe the Jackal Tribe will also step on the Crow Tribe. With so many tribes attacking together, it will be difficult for the Crow Tribe not to be destroyed."

"After the crow tribe is wiped out, it's not too late for us to deal with the jackal tribe slowly."

Jiang Xuan's words made Chi Shao suddenly realize that there were indeed too many tribes offended by the crow tribe.

"After it snows, giant dragonflies will also freeze to death, so we have to hurry up."

In fact, there is one more sentence Jiang Xuan did not say.

That is, after the snow, the strength of Shenteng may be weakened, and even fall into a deep sleep.

Although the vine is outrageously strong, it is a plant after all, and it cannot get rid of the influence of seasons and weather for the time being.

Jiang Xuandao: "Sister, I will go to the Mountain Turtle Tribe and the Rex Tribe. You organize the warriors in the tribe to prepare for the war. Weapons, dry food, clothing, and medicine are all indispensable."

Chi Shao nodded solemnly: "Okay, I will prepare the soldiers with me."

"I can rest assured that."

Jiang Xuan hurriedly left Chishao's yard, returned to his yard, prepared some gifts, and immediately flew to the mountain turtle tribe on a glutinous rice ball.

Last summer, they wiped out the mosquito tribe. This year, Jiang Xuan hopes to wipe out the crow tribe as well.

After Jiang Xuan left, Chi Shao immediately organized all members of the Teng tribe to prepare for the war.

Weapons, dry food, clothes, medicines and other things must be prepared.

In addition, in order to prevent someone from attacking after the battle, all the materials of the Teng tribe were quietly transferred to the other side of the Flying Fish River and hidden in the cave of the big mountain.

Including those ordinary clansmen who are weak in combat, as well as the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, will enter the cave to temporarily hide.

In this way, after the warriors of the Vine tribe set off, even if someone came to do a sneak attack, there would be no benefit.

The entire Vine Tribe entered a tense atmosphere, and all the warriors were hurrying to make more tools.

At this time, the stone tool master Black Stone became the most popular person.

Because the arrowheads, stone knives, stone spears and other weapons he polished are very easy to use, much better than those soldiers polished themselves.

Therefore, many fighters have sent things to Blackstone, hoping that he can build more weapons for him.

The most leisurely person is the old witch.

The old man kept saying that he was about to go into the ground, and he even prepared the big animal skin for the corpse.

But two years later, he is still full of energy, his face is red, and he can't see the slightest sign of going to the ground.

After the arrival of the Black Stone, the old witch often went over to look for him to watch him polish various stone tools and bone tools, and sometimes chat and eat meat together.


Southern Wilderness, Mountain Turtle Tribe.


Purple dumplings fell from the sky and landed outside the mountain turtle tribe.

Those giant mountain tortoises had seen the dumplings before, so they just looked up and slowly crawled on the ground or basked in the sun.

When there is nothing to do, these giant tortoises always appear slow, but when they are in danger or fighting, they can run very fast.

Jiang Xuan got off the back of the dumplings, let it wait outside, and then entered the mountain turtle tribe alone.

When he came to the gate of the fence, Jiang Xuan said to the soldiers guarding the gate: "I want to see your leader."

The soldiers guarding the gate knew Jiang Xuan, and one of them immediately went in and reported to Shan Jia.

After a while, the mountain armor wearing a fur coat came out, and greeted Jiang Xuan warmly from a distance.

"Boss Xuan, welcome to the mountain turtle tribe."

Jiang Xuan looked at the mountain armor and said with a smile, "Leader of the mountain armor, why don't you wear tortoise armor today?"

The first few times we met, the mountain gecko was wearing a thick tortoise shell, which looked like a big human-shaped tortoise, which was quite funny.

But today he was only wearing animal skins.

"The tortoise shell is very heavy. When you're not going out, it's better to wear animal skins to be more comfortable."

"That's true."

The two entered the mountain turtle tribe talking and laughing, and came to the big house where the mountain turtle lived.

"Boss Xuan, the weather is getting colder, and the mushrooms are not growing anymore. Today, we won't be able to eat bone-grinding pork skewers, but it doesn't matter, we can eat dried mushrooms stewed meat."

Shan Jia washed a pottery ding, which was traded from the Veng tribe.

Afterwards, he put animal meat, dried mushrooms in the pot, added water, covered the pot and let it simmer slowly.

After all this was done, Shan Jia asked, "Why is the leader Xuan free to come to our Shan turtle tribe today?"

Jiang Xuan came alone and did not bring any goods. Obviously, he did not come to do business.

Jiang Xuan unhurriedly took out a small bag of salt from the animal skin bag, handed it to Shan Jia, and said, "New salt, give it to you to taste."

Shan Jia opened the bag and saw that it was filled with salt. He was surprised: "This... this is too precious."

"It's okay, we are friends, let's accept it."

Shan Jia wanted to refuse, but Jiang Xuan gave too much salt, and he put it away subconsciously, unable to refuse at all.

"Then...Thank you, Chief Xuan."

Yamagata accepted the salt, and the smile on his face became more sincere.

After giving gifts, Jiang Xuan finally entered the theme.

"Actually, I came here this time because I have something very important to discuss with the leader of the mountain gills."

"Leader Xuan said, if I can help, I will definitely help."

Shan Jia is also not stupid, and did not agree to accept the gift.

Jiang Xuan didn't sell off, and said directly: "I wonder if the leader of the mountain armor is interested in attacking the crow tribe?"

"What? Attack the crow tribe?"

Shan Jia was taken aback, and even thought he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, the Crow Tribe and the Jackal Tribe have been fighting for so long, and now is the time of weakness. The Vine Tribe, the Mountain Turtle Tribe, and perhaps the Otter Tribe, if we join forces to attack, we will definitely be able to defeat the Crow Tribe!"

Shan Jia didn't talk to him right away. He was cautious by nature, and something so important must be considered carefully.

Jiang Xuan continued: "If you don't fight now, after the winter, the crow tribe will become stronger again, even stronger than before. At that time, whether it is the vine tribe or the tribes around the Great Swamp, they may be attacked by them. attack again."

Shan Jia was silent for a moment, then said: "Boss Xuan, this matter is too big, I need to discuss it with Wu."

"It should be." Jiang Xuan expressed his understanding.

Shan Jia asked Jiang Xuan to sit for a while, while he hurriedly went to the witch of the mountain turtle tribe, and asked the witch to ask the totem **** for advice.

After a long time, Shan Jia returned to Jiang Xuan again.

He said solemnly: "Boss Xuan, it is okay to jointly attack the crow tribe, but our mountain turtle tribe is only responsible for assisting, and will not take the lead in charging."

Yamagata added: "This is the meaning of the turtle god."

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Yes, but after the battle starts, you can't watch the battle by the side, you must attack together."

"That's natural, our Mountain Turtle Tribe will not sit back and watch the Vine Tribe's warriors Well, that's it, three days later, we will join forces to attack the Crow Tribe!"

The two settled the matter and made a verbal contract.

Jiang Xuan said again: "By the way, I remember that there are also many feuds between the Rex tribe and the Crow tribe. I want to go there and invite them to attack the Crow tribe together. Can the leader of the mountain armor take me there?"


Subsequent repetition, update later.


Jiang Xuan continued: "If you don't fight now, after the winter, the crow tribe will become stronger again, even stronger than before. At that time, whether it is the vine tribe or the tribes around the Great Swamp, they may be attacked by them. attack again."

Shan Jia was silent for a moment, then said: "Boss Xuan, this matter is too big, I need to discuss it with Wu."

"It should be." Jiang Xuan expressed his understanding.

Shan Jia asked Jiang Xuan to sit for a while, while he hurriedly went to the witch of the mountain turtle tribe, and asked the witch to ask the totem **** for advice.

After a long time, Shan Jia returned to Jiang Xuan again.

He said solemnly: "Boss Xuan, it is possible to jointly attack the crow tribe, but our mountain turtle tribe is only responsible for assisting and will not take the lead in charging."

Yamagata added: "This is the meaning of the turtle god."

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Yes, but after the battle starts, you can't watch the battle by the side, you must attack together."

"That's natural, our Mountain Turtle Tribe will not sit back and watch the soldiers of the Vine Tribe desperately."

"Okay, then it's settled. After three days, we will join forces to attack the crow tribe!"

The two settled the matter and made a verbal contract. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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