This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 134: mud brick thatched cottage

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The crow tribe and the jackal tribe were busy pinching each other, but neither could destroy the other.

As a result, the Vine Tribe got a relatively stable period of development, building a tribe with peace of mind and enhancing its strength.

Peaceful days always passed quickly, and months passed in the blink of an eye.

The fifth day of September.

Vine tribe, altar.


The five buffalo buffaloes were **** and placed on the altar, howling in panic.

Chishao stood in the middle of the altar and prayed to the rattan **** with a dry and incomprehensible incantation to domesticate these little bison.


Above the stone mountain, the divine vines bloomed with green light, and there were vines hanging down from the stone mountain, quickly wrapping the little bison.

After a while, the little bison stopped howling in panic.

When the vines retracted, the five little bison struggled a few times, and then looked at the crowd under the altar with big innocent eyes.

On their foreheads, there are dandan vine tribe totem marks.

Jiang Xuandao below the altar: "Go up and lift it down."


Shi Loach and other soldiers walked up to the altar excitedly, and then lifted the five buffaloes to the open space in front of the altar.

Jiang Xuan said again: "Untie the rope."

Shi Loach and others untied the ropes according to the words, and the five little bison stood up immediately, looking around curiously, and there was no fear in their eyes.

Jiang Xuan sighed in his heart: The domestication speed is too fast. If it is artificially domesticated, I don't know how many years it will take to reach this level.

These buffaloes were captured by the second hunting team. This time, there were no accidents. They were successfully brought back to the tribe and domesticated by the rattan god.

Of course, the Vine tribe can't always let the totem gods do this kind of work. After the first generation of bison grows up, they will give birth to cubs and become the second generation of bison.

How to tame the second-generation bison into a working cattle depends on the efforts of the Teng tribe.

In addition to the five young bison, there are also six adult big-horned deer, which were also sent to the altar and domesticated into mounts by the rattan god.

There are hundreds of big-horned deer like this in the Vine tribe.

These bighorn deer will become the powerful mounts of the Vine tribe, hunting and charging together with the Vine tribe warriors.

After the domestication of the buffalo and the big horned deer was completed, Jiang Xuan and the others sent some sacrifices to thank the Vine God for their help.

"Okay, take these little bison to the breeding team, and you can bring the big horned deer back by yourself."


The loach and the warriors of the second hunting team took away the buffalo and the big horned deer, and they expected these little buffalo and big horned deer to bring new changes to the tribe.

Chi Shao and Jiang Xuan cleaned the altar together, because there were some leftovers from the offerings that had been eaten by Shenteng.

After finishing, Chi Shao returned to his yard to continue working, while Jiang Xuan walked into the crops.

After half a year of hard work, Hongjing Rice is finally about to mature!

Looking around, the red crystal rice that is three or four meters high is continuous, the thick purple-red stems and leaves are very conspicuous, and bunches of plump red ears are hanging down, which is very gratifying.

Because of the accumulated planting experience, as well as the extensive use of compost, pond mud, and smashed animal bones, the output of each of these red crystal rice plants is higher than last year.

After the harvest this year, the Veng tribe no longer needs to save all the red crystal rice, and can use more than half of it for food.

If there is still a bumper harvest next year, the Veng tribe can support half of their clansmen just by relying on the red crystal rice.

In addition to red crystal rice, tuber crops such as round potatoes, stone eggs, and yellow essence are also growing quite well, and a real bumper harvest is expected.

Gan Song and Jiang Xuan were walking on the small road of the crops, and said with high spirits: "Boss, this year's planting team has increased the number of people and the harvest has also increased. I don't think the two granaries will be able to hold it!"

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "What do you mean, you want me to build a granary?"

Gan Song said confidently: "Yes, the granary must be covered!"

Jiang Xuan looked at the crops that were about to mature, and said cheerfully: "Okay, then build a granary, build a big granary!"

"Boss, our food will definitely fill the new granary!"

"Then I'll wait and see."

Jiang Xuan was not trying to perfunctory Gan Song. After leaving the crops, he immediately started to prepare for the construction of the granary.

In the past, the houses of the rattan tribe were made of bamboo and wood as building materials.

Because these two materials are easy to obtain, the house can be built quickly.

But the shortcomings of this kind of house are equally obvious.

They will quickly decay under the influence of wind and sun, rain and snow, and the erosion of a large number of borers.

The bamboo house built by Jiang Xuan and his five people has been reinforced several times now, and it may collapse one day.

Bamboo-wood-structured houses can last for a long time unless they are brushed with several layers of tung oil to prevent moths and cracks, and covered with tiles to shade and protect from rain.

But with the conditions that the Teng tribe is still struggling with food and clothing, it is obviously impossible to build such a house.

Therefore, Jiang Xuan has been pondering how to build a house that is strong enough and durable, does not require any skills, and the raw materials are very easy to obtain.

The first thing he thought of was a rammed-earth wall. This kind of wall is made of soil, with sturdy wooden strips added to it as "ribs", which can be smashed tightly with a heavy hammer. After drying, it is very strong and resistant to weathering.

But here comes the problem. The rammed earth wall requires tools. Even the simplest mortise and tenon structure plywood cannot be built by the rattan tribe.

Now, let's talk about tiles.

Jiang Xuan can burn pottery, and burning tiles is naturally not a problem.

But the number of tiles needed for a house is very large, and it will take a very long time to burn enough tiles for a house by relying on the small earthen kilns of the Teng tribe.

At present, there are at least hundreds of houses in the Vine tribe, and the number of tiles required is extremely large.

Therefore, the idea of ​​rammed earth tile house was temporarily declared shattered, and when the Vine tribe became stronger in the future, it could be tried.

However, Jiang Xuan remembered another kind of house. The manufacturing process is much simpler than that of rammed earth tile houses, and the strength is not bad.

That's the mud brick thatched cottage.

Mud bricks are made of soil and plant straws. After mixing with the mud, they are made into long square bricks. After drying, they are very strong and can be directly used for building walls.

And thatched roof, the production process is not complicated, only need to set up beams, and then tie wide bamboo pieces to form a grid, and then bundle the thatch layer by layer to make a thatched roof.

If you can, you can also lay several layers of bark on the roof, which will be much better waterproof than thatch alone.

The rattan tribe is not short of soil, plant straw, thatch, or bark, and is fully equipped to build mud-brick thatched houses.

Even for simple molds for making mud bricks, Jiang Xuan can also use clay to fire several thick clay molds instead of wooden boards.

For example, the painstaking planing of wooden boards and mortise and tenon joints, for Jiang Xuan, it is easier to burn pottery molds.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xuan immediately began to prepare to build a sturdy and spacious mud-brick thatched cottage as a new warehouse for the rattan tribe!


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


The crow tribe and the jackal tribe were busy pinching each other, but neither could destroy the other.

As a result, the Vine Tribe got a relatively stable period of development, building a tribe with peace of mind and enhancing its strength.

Peaceful days always passed quickly, and months passed in the blink of an eye.

The fifth day of September.

Vine tribe, altar.


The five buffalo buffaloes were **** and placed on the altar, howling in panic.

Chishao stood in the middle of the altar and prayed to the rattan **** with a dry and incomprehensible incantation to domesticate these little bison.


Above the stone mountain, the divine vines bloomed with green light, and there were vines hanging down from the stone mountain, quickly wrapping the little bison.

After a while, the little bison stopped howling in panic.

When the vines retracted, the five little bison struggled a few times, and then looked at the crowd under the altar with big innocent eyes.

On their foreheads, there are dandan vine tribe totem marks.

Jiang Xuandao below the altar: "Go up and lift it down."


Shi Loach and other soldiers walked up to the altar excitedly, and then lifted the five buffaloes to the open space in front of the altar.

Jiang Xuan said again: "Untie the rope."

Shi Loach and others untied the ropes according to the words, and the five little bison stood up immediately, looking around curiously, and there was no fear in their eyes.

Jiang Xuan sighed in his heart: The domestication speed is too fast. If it is artificially domesticated, I don't know how many years it will take to reach this level.

These buffaloes were captured by the second hunting team. This time, there were no accidents. They were successfully brought back to the tribe and domesticated by the rattan god.

Of course, the Vine tribe can't always let the totem gods do this kind of work. After the first generation of bison grows up, they will give birth to cubs and become the second generation of bison.

How to tame the second-generation bison into a working cattle depends on the efforts of the Teng tribe.

In addition to the five young bison, there are also six adult big-horned deer, which were also sent to the altar and domesticated into mounts by the rattan god.

There are hundreds of big-horned deer like this in the Vine tribe.

These big horned deer will become the powerful mounts of the Vine along with the Vine tribe warriors to hunt and charge together.

After the domestication of the buffalo and the big horned deer was completed, Jiang Xuan and the others sent some sacrifices to thank the Vine God for their help.

"Okay, take these little bison to the breeding team, and you can bring the big horned deer back by yourself."


The loach and the warriors of the second hunting team took away the buffalo and the big horned deer, and they expected these little buffalo and big horned deer to bring new changes to the tribe.

Chi Shao and Jiang Xuan cleaned the altar together, because there were some leftovers from the offerings that had been eaten by Shenteng.

After finishing, Chi Shao returned to his yard to continue working, while Jiang Xuan walked into the crops.

After half a year of hard work, Hongjing Rice is finally about to mature!

Looking around, the red crystal rice that is three or four meters high is continuous, the thick purple-red stems and leaves are very conspicuous, and bunches of plump red ears are hanging down, which is very gratifying.

Because of the accumulated planting experience, as well as the extensive use of compost, pond mud, and smashed animal bones, the output of each of these red crystal rice plants is higher than last year.

After the harvest this year, the Veng tribe no longer needs to save all the red crystal rice, and can use more than half of it for food.

If there is still a bumper harvest next year, the Veng tribe can support half of their clansmen just by relying on the red crystal rice.

In addition to red crystal rice, tuber crops such as round potatoes, stone eggs, and yellow essence are also growing quite well, and a real bumper harvest is expected.

Gan Song and Jiang Xuan were walking on the small road of the crops, and said with high spirits: "Boss, the number of people in the planting team has increased this year, and the harvest has also increased. I don't think the two granaries can hold it!" Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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