This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 114: Fujishen Cave

After Jiang Xuan returned to the foot of Shishan, he immediately found Chishao, and then told her about the discovery of the cave on the mountain on the other side of the river.

"What do you need me to do?" Chi Shao asked.

"Sister, that cave is very deep. I'm afraid that there are underground beasts in it, so I didn't dare to go to the bottom. See if you can ask Fujishen to come over and help explore the cave."

Jiang Xuan pondered that it is too dangerous to explore a cave by himself, but for Shenteng, this is simply a piece of cake. If he encounters any beasts, Shenteng can supplement nutrition.

Chi Shao said, "I'll try it."

Chishao faced Shishan and closed her eyes, there was a mysterious power surging in her body, apparently communicating with Shenteng.

After a while, Chi Shao opened her eyes and said, "Vine God agrees, you can go now."

"That's great, thank you Fuji God!"

Jiang Xuan's face was full of surprise, this way, things would be much simpler!


On the stone mountain, the divine vines bloomed with green light, and then, two vines quickly extended to the side of the yard, gently wrapping around the waists of Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao.

"What is this for?"


Jiang Xuangang asked aloud, and then he was pulled up into the sky by the vines. This feeling was quite exciting.


After Tang Yuan found Jiang Xuanfei flying into the sky, they thought he had encountered some danger, and immediately fluttered his wings and flew into the sky, following Jiang Xuan away.

On the ground, many Veng tribe tribesmen were shocked and stunned when they saw this scene, because they didn't know what happened, only that the leader and the witch were taken by Shenteng to fly in the sky.

Even the old witch walked to the door, not knowing what they were doing.

"Xiao Hei, let's take a look."

The old witch shouted, and the giant black eagle immediately walked up to him and stretched one of its wings to the ground.

The witch climbed on the back of the eagle along the wings, and then flew across the river on the giant eagle, and went to watch the fun.

With the help of Shenteng, Jiang Xuan and Chishao flew directly over the crops, over the river, and finally landed on the mountainside on the other side of the river.

God Vine gently placed them on the ground, and then loosened the vines wrapped around his waist.

"Thank you Fuji God."

Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao sincerely thanked them, and Shen Teng shone slightly and seemed to respond to them.

"It's the Fuji God!"

"Vine God sent the leader and the witch over here!"

Those soldiers and ordinary people who stayed on the mountain were excited, and the fear in their hearts also disappeared at this moment.

Because they firmly believe that as long as the Vine God is there, they will not encounter any danger.

The power of faith is so powerful.

It didn't take long for the dumplings to land next to Jiang Xuan. Seeing that Jiang Xuan was all right, they wandered around the mountain curiously, catching some snakes and other prey to eat.

The old witch also came over on a giant eagle. After the giant eagle landed, the old witch walked over to Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao and asked, "What happened?"

Jiang Xuan told the story of discovering the cave and asking Shenteng to explore the cave.

"So it is."

The old witch suddenly realized, and then waited for Shenteng to show off his power with the two of them.

At this time, the soldiers at the entrance of the cave had already retreated.

Two thick divine vines drilled into the cave, and more vines grew in it, scattered into various forks, and explored the entire cave.

"Fan flutter fan..."

Soon, under a boulder on the mountain, a large group of bats flew out in a panic, apparently frightened by the vines exploring the cave.

"Come and see, there must be a hole over there."

Jiang Xuan quickly ran towards the position where the bat flew out, followed by Chi Shao and other warriors.

Soon, they found a relatively spacious hole, about two meters high and one and a half meters wide. The hole was covered with shrubs. If it wasn't for bats flying out, it would not be easy to find.

"Clean up this place."

Jiang Xuan was overjoyed, this is much better than the hole dug before, and it is also hidden and not easy to be discovered.

The bushes at the entrance of the cave need to be cleaned up, otherwise people will not be able to enter.

The accompanying soldiers immediately used tools such as stone axes to chop down those bushes.

However, Jiang Xuan thought that these shrubs would help conceal the location of the hole, so he didn't let them cut them all, just cut a passable road.

Not long after, Jiang Xuan discovered another hole and was also flying bats out.

But the hole is so small that even children can't climb in it, so it's not very useful.


At this moment, a strange beast roar suddenly came from the cave.

Jiang Xuan's expression changed, and he said, "Sure enough, there are subterranean beasts."

At this moment, he was very fortunate that he did not go too deep into this cave, but to find Shenteng to explore the cave.

Otherwise, when encountering those terrifying underground creatures, it is uncertain whether he can beat the four-color warrior.

Inside the cave, the divine vine suddenly glowed with green light, and the terrifying divine light could be seen even at the entrance of the cave.


The roar of beasts continued to come from the cave, and there was actually more than one underground beast!

Hearing this strange and strange beast roar, the warriors of the vine tribe instinctively felt danger, but because of the existence of the vine, they were not afraid.

At this time, in the underground cave, there were two strange-looking underground beasts, and they encountered Shenteng in different caves.

Their bodies are more than ten meters long, and they look a bit like big lizards, with a mouth full of fangs.

Their eyes are small, but their bodies are covered with thick scales, and there is a spherical sledgehammer at the tail. When they swing, they smash the rock wall with a "dong dong" sound, which is very terrifying.

If the warriors of the Vine tribe encountered these two subterranean beasts, they would only have to escape.

However, now facing these two underground beasts is the extremely powerful God Vine.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

I saw the glowing green vines quickly entangled towards the two underground beasts, the speed was unbelievable.

The two underground beasts instinctively wanted to escape, but it was too late, and the vines quickly wrapped around them.


A fierce beast opened its **** mouth and bit the vines, trying to bite them off.

However, the green vines are extremely tough, even if you have sharp teeth, you can't stop biting.


On the contrary, the vines bloomed with a stronger green light and began to slowly tighten the vines.

The two underground beasts screamed, and their bones were deformed by the vines.

Not only that, but there were actually many air roots growing on the vines.

These tiny air roots penetrated into their flesh and blood along the scales and armor of the underground beasts, as well as their eyes, mouth, nose, and other places, quickly absorbing their blood essence.

It didn't take long for the two terrifying underground beasts to be sucked dry!

The divine vine added a lot of nutrients, and the breath seemed to be stronger than before. It dragged two huge mummified corpses out of the underground cave and dragged them all the way to not far from the entrance of the cave.

Because the entrance of the cave is relatively narrow, Shen Teng can't directly drag the two mummified corpses out, and he doesn't want to destroy the violent cave, so he can only drag it to that position.

Shen Teng withdrew from the cave and stayed beside Chi Shao for a while, then quickly retracted above the mountain.

Chi Shao said to Jiang Xuan, "Vine God said, there are good things in it, let us go in and move out."

Jiang Xuan immediately summoned a few soldiers, let them light the torches, and entered the cave together.

When Jiang Xuan walked into the cave and found the mummified corpses of the two huge underground he took a breath.

This kind of giant beast, just looking at it like this, gives people a feeling of extreme danger, and it is not something that ordinary warriors can deal with.

But now, they are all trophies of the Vine tribe.

"Good stuff!"

Jiang Xuan held the torch and looked at the solid and generous scales, sharp fangs, and the sledgehammer of the tail bone, and was only surprised.

Like this kind of beast, scale armor, animal teeth, animal bones, etc. are all treasures, and they can polish out good tools.

"Break them down and ship them all out."

With Jiang Xuan's order, the warriors of the Teng tribe began to work hard to pry off the scales of the two subterranean beasts, cut their teeth, bones and tendons, and then carry them outside.

Although this kind of work is tiring, everyone is happy because it is a great asset.

Many people have begun to wonder what weapons and tools should be polished with these fine materials.

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