This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 113: migratory waves

Since the dumplings can be manned to fly, Jiang Xuan will take it with him when he goes out hunting.

Tangyuan can not only help them drive away their prey, but also reconnaissance in the air to detect the danger around them in time.

Soon, the dumplings were welcomed by everyone in the hunting party.

At the same time, the busy spring ploughing of the Vine tribe has officially started.

After two years of planting, the Vine Tribe already has a large amount of grain seeds. If all goes well, the grain output of the Vine Tribe this year will be several times higher than in previous years.

This also means that the Vine tribe can feed more people and increase the population with confidence.

On the breeding team's side, the breeding of long-tailed rabbits, unicorns, colorful ducks, bamboo rats, colorful pheasants, etc. has achieved remarkable results, and the number of livestock has become more and more.

These farmed livestock, which can provide a large amount of meat for the tribe, are much more stable than hunting.

Everyone performs their respective duties, and the entire Vine tribe is a thriving scene.


Southern Wilderness, Crow Tribe.

In mid-February, the weather turned warmer.

The crow tribe, which had been preparing for more than a month, finally began to migrate.

"Dumb dumb..."

Over the woods, countless crows were circling, and a large area was covered with darkness, like a swirling dark cloud, making a messy and harsh cry, which made people feel uncomfortable.

In the giant old crow's nest in the center of the crow tribe, a terrifying black giant crow opened its eyes, and two blood-colored rays of light emitted from its eyes, illuminating the entire old crow's nest.

Under the big tree, the crow tribe witch knelt on the ground and said, "Please ask the crow **** to lead the tribe people to find a new place to live!"

Behind the witch of the crow tribe, more than 3,000 clan people of the crow clan knelt down in a large area, the scene was solemn and strange, and even the children did not dare to cry.

Inside the old crow's nest, the black giant crow slowly walked to the edge of the nest, first glanced at the crow tribe clansmen kneeling on the ground, and then fluttered its wings and flew into the sky.

"Dumb dumb..."

All the black crows boiled, and they swirled and danced around the giant crows, barking in hoarse voices.

All the birds and beasts nearby were scared away, and not even the insects dared to chirp.

The crow tribe witch got up and said to the crow tribe leader on the side: "Let's go!"

The leader of the crow tribe also stood up and shouted to all the clansmen: "Go!"

More than 3,000 crow tribesmen got up immediately, took food and tools, followed the crows in the sky, and embarked on the migration road.


At the same time, with the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, droughts, hail and other disasters, the tribes in Xihuang couldn’t bear it anymore and started to migrate to other places one after another.

The Eastern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness are the first choices for migration. The Northern Wilderness is relatively cold and harsh, and most tribes in the Western Wilderness will not migrate there.

With such a large-scale migration, the previous struggles of the various tribes were also extremely fierce. On the way of migration, I don't know how much blood was shed.

Among them, the one closest to the Southern Wilderness and with relatively strong combat power is the Jackal Tribe.

There are more than 3,000 jackal tribes, and they are also the first tribe to migrate.


In the jackal tribe, a huge jackal let out a shocking howl, and then countless jackals also howled up to the sky, causing all the animals in the nearby mountains and forests to flee frantically.

The jackals in the wild are relatively small, but the jackals of the jackal tribe are particularly large, they can carry warriors to fight, and they are very powerful.

This is one of the reasons why the Jackal Tribe is so powerful.

"Go, go to Nanhuang to grab a new territory!"

The leader of the Jackal Tribe rode on the back of a tall jackal, only to hear him shout, and then took the thousands of warriors riding on the jackal and took the lead in opening the way.

These primitive cavalry will loot all the tribes that can be beaten along the way, in order to supplement the amazing food consumption on the migration road.

When the Jackal Tribe entered the Southern Wilderness, the first unlucky one was the Yanyang tribe at the junction of the Southern Wilderness and the Western Wilderness.

At this time, the poor blue sheep tribe knew nothing of the danger, and their witch was still reminiscing about the scene they saw after eating the divine mushroom.


Southern Wilderness, Vine Tribe.

"Dig deeper and wider."

On the other side of the Feiyu River, Jiang Xuan took the newly made bone **** and dug a tunnel in the mountain with the warriors of the tribe.

There is a lot of rain in the southern wilderness, and it is more difficult to dig tunnels, because it is easy to dig and dig, and water will come out.

Therefore, when digging a tunnel, it is best to find a place with higher terrain and a relatively dry place to dig, and at the same time, dig a drainage ditch and dig a good ventilation hole.

Even so, except in winter, most of the time the tunnels are still wet and can only be used as temporary shelters, and cannot live in them for a long time.

If it is in a relatively dry place, such as the high mountains of the Yanyang tribe, you can even dig a cave to live in without building a house.

For example, the witches of the Yanyang tribe have always lived in cave dwellings on the mountain.

In order to cope with the future situation, the Vine tribe has prepared three barriers.

The first barrier is naturally the vine god, and it is also the most important barrier. If the vine **** can't stand it, the people of the vine tribe can only run for their lives.

The second barrier is the Flying Fish River.

The people of the rattan tribe can make bamboo rafts to cross the river, but most tribes do not. If the situation is critical, they can use bamboo rafts to cross the river.

The third and final barrier was the tunnel that Jiang Xuan and the others were digging.

Originally, Jiang Xuan planned to dig more tunnels under the stone mountain, but then he thought about it, if the rattan gods couldn't protect them, the tunnels could play a very limited role.

Therefore, he simply found a mountain on the other side of the Flying Fish River, dug a lot of tunnels, and regarded it as the last barrier.

In case the Vengshen can't stop the enemy, and the Feiyu River can't stop the enemy, then the Veng tribe can finally get into the tunnel of this mountain and fight the enemy with the help of the tunnel.

Of course, at that time, the fish will die and the net will be broken. Even if they can survive, the Vine tribe will be severely damaged.

If it is not a last resort, it is much better for the entire tribe to escape together than to die.


A soldier was digging when suddenly a **** fell into the soil, and there was a muffled sound.

The soldier pulled out the bone **** with all his strength, quickly dug out the surrounding soil, and exclaimed, "Boss, there's a hole here!"

I saw a pitch-black hole in front of him.

Jiang Xuan and the nearby warriors ran over immediately.

"Light a torch and throw it in and see."

Soon, a soldier quickly made a torch, lit it in the cooking fire, and then ran to the hole and threw it inside.

The fire light illuminated the scene inside the cave, which turned out to be a natural cave!

There are a large number of natural caves in the rocky mountains in the Southern Wilderness, but not near the rocky mountains where the Teng tribe lived.

Jiang Xuan did not expect that this mountain actually has a cave.

"Dig it wider!"

Jiang Xuan gave an order, and the soldiers stepped forward one after another and quickly widened the hole.

When they dug out all the dirt and loose stones near the opening, the opening widened enough to accommodate an adult cat waist.

"Make some flammable torches and go in and have a look."

Jiang Xuan was a little excited. If the cave was deep enough, maybe they wouldn't have to dig the tunnel.

What tunnel compares to criss-crossing underground grottoes?

Of course, this kind of undeveloped underground cave is very dangerous. People who enter it may get lost, or they may encounter unknown underground beasts.

If Jiang Xuan didn't rely on his current strength and night vision ability, he would definitely not dare to enter with just a few fires.

Soon, the warriors of the rattan tribe made more than a dozen fire-resistant torches made of a mixture of bamboo and resin, lit four of them, and then followed Jiang Xuan into this strange underground cave.

People are always full of fear of the unknown environment, those warriors are closely behind Jiang always vigilant around.

Jiang Xuan asked them to use a stone to carve a mark on the wall every time they walked a short distance, so that they would not easily get lost.

At first, the cave was relatively narrow, but after walking for a while, the cave became wider, and there were some forks.

At the same time, they found a large number of stalagmites hanging from the top of the cave, which were very beautiful under the illumination of the fire.

When the torch was half burned, the cave had not yet come to an end. Jiang Xuan did not continue to explore, but let the soldiers return the same way.

After returning to the ground, those warriors breathed a sigh of relief. Although the cave was beautiful, there was always a feeling of trepidation when walking inside.

Jiang Xuan said to the crowd, "Let's not dig tunnels, you guys stay here, I'll go back."

Jiang Xuan hurried down the mountain, then crossed the river on a bamboo raft, entered the bamboo forest, and went to find Chishao.

The soldiers who stayed in place looked at each other. They didn't know what Jiang Xuan wanted to do, so they could only stand by the entrance of the cave and wait patiently.

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