"Didn't expect will actually be such a result in the end."

"Human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation."

Outside Profound Capital City, I saw King Taiyu looked at the sky with emotion. And Wanshou Immortal Sect Saintess flower jacaranda stood beside him, with the same complex expression.

To Lu Xingzhou, Jacaranda does not actually have much hatred in her heart.

The reason is also very simple:

Fortunately, Yujingguan was fortunately adopted. At this moment, Wanshou Immortal Sect is already in charge of her.

Xiao Xuan, the only one who could threaten her status, was defeated by You Xianke. The magical treasure was scattered, and she died in the previous battle with Savage-Wilderness Boundary, while Sect Master was furious. Lu Xingzhou was killed by Lu Xingzhou. At this moment, Wanshou Immortal Sect was ranked first regardless of the rules or the strength.

It's just------

Lu Xingzhou, which once looked upright, and even the Jade Jingguan it established, has suddenly surpassed itself, which is still inevitable. Imbalance.

"My lord, what shall we do next?"

"How do we do?"

King Taiyu glanced at the jacaranda, but he restrained his emotions, instead He laughed and said, "Of course I went to congratulate. In any case, Passion Boundary Heaven was still defeated. Although my plan was not successful, all heroes are determined by the result. A good relationship with Yujingguan is naturally my capital. "

"Just before...." Jacaranda looked a little hesitant, after all, King Taiyu was strictly speaking before plot against Lu Xingzhou, if he held a grudge...

"Don't worry."

Compared with Jacaranda, King Taiyu seemed very calm: "We don't ask Imperial Preceptor Lu to do anything, just express kindness and apology."

After saying this, King Taiyu let the jacaranda wait in place, and then raised a ray of light, moved towards Beyond Heavens, and in the blink of an eye, he saw a magnificent divine peak standing in the boundary river Among them, and on the top of the divine peak, there is a canopy made of Qingyun.

The original name of Floating Clouds Mountain is derived from the sea of ​​clouds on its top.

But didn't expect that now I am in Beyond Heavens,

The sea of ​​clouds is still endless.

Not only that, from the Qingyun canopy, King Taiyu can still see a golden lamp lighting up the darkness, and a bunch of Golden Lotus roots in the void, a series of 璎珞珞珞珞The three palaces on the top are set off magnificent, and people can't help but feel awe-inspiring.

".....It's really amazing."

Even if he is experienced and knowledgeable, even if he has already sighed once before, King Taiyu could not help but mutter. One sentence, and then let go of God’s will:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, please see me."


After a while, I saw the Qingyun canopy slowly separated, as if a thin curtain was unveiled, revealing the appearance of the palace in it, and the gate of the most central hall was opened suddenly, and King Taiyu flew over. After falling into the hall, I soon saw Lu Xingzhou on the First Seat.

I saw him sitting on a cloud seat, three lights of the sun, moon, and stars looming in the cloud.

"I have seen Fellow Daoist Lu." King Taiyu called a checker.

"Fellow Daoist Li is polite." Lu Xingzhou also nodded in response. King Taiyu is Sage Sovereign Heaven Imperial Family, and naturally surnamed Li, which is not wrong.

King Taiyu is not nonsense, and directly enters the topic: "I am here for Your Majesty this time."

After that, King Taiyu will do it Wiping his hand on the Interdimensional Pouch around his waist, he took out a piece of golden light shining, and wrote a symbol of "chi" in his hand.

"I sincerely invite Fellow Daoist Lu to Your Majesty to settle in Ashen Mystery."

"This is an extension card."

"This symbol is created by Your Majesty is a condensed divine intention. As long as you activate it, you can link all the Human Immortal Realm to the Ashen Mystery Boundary, border with my Sage Sovereign Heaven, and become a state land in the Ashen Mystery Boundary, and at the same time be blessed by Your Majesty. It can be regarded as compensation for the damage caused by this killing."

After speaking, King Taiyu watched his nose and heart, silently waiting for a response.

After a moment-----

"many thanks Fellow Daoist and Sage Sovereign Your Majesty kindness."

tone barely fell, the sign is Flew out and fell into the cloud of light on the First Seat of the Zhenzhen Temple. Lu Xingzhou looked at this talisman that is said to be the condensed spell of Sage Sovereign. There were countless emotions in his eyes, and finally landed on the talisman. In the space left, clear comprehension suddenly appeared in my heart:

"This is for me?"


King Taiyu continued : "After Fellow Daoist brought the world into Ashen Mystery, this world turned into a state land, and naturally it must have a corresponding name, just like the Savage-Wilderness Boundary and Manzhou."

"And since it turned into Zhoulu, then the original name is not easy to use again, when there is a new name."

"So this blank space is prepared for Fellow Daoist, and used as the name of the Huazhoulu in this world. Yes, this move is considered to be in compliance with the Ashen Mystery Boundary Heavenly Dao order."

"I understand."

Lu Xingzhou was also nodded when he saw it. Mystery Boundary is not repulsive either. It is better to say that he really needs a backer now. After all, whether it is the player or the Samsara Palace, the power behind it is not very reliable, not to mention the strength, the attitude is unpredictable.

In contrast, Four Heavenly Sovereigns is much more serious.

Thinking of this, Lu Xingzhou immediately said: "many thanks Fellow Daoist Li for guidance, after I wipe out the blood tide, I will lead the field into Ashen Mystery, and then please Fellow Daoist to come and watch."


King Taiyu hearing this was also slightly smiled, and then there was another wave of business talk between the two. The host and the guest had a great time, and it took a long time to say goodbye to each other.

And after leaving King Taiyu away-----

"What do you think of Fellow Daoist Gu?"

"Sage Sovereign Heaven still has a very good external reputation It's good, you can consider."

"That's good."

The cloud light dissipated, and Gu Yunyan's silhouette walked out of it, with a gentle smile on his face: "Said To be honest, I didn’t expect you to be able to do this step, but your cultivation base is still one step behind. As long as you are not at the Yin God level, everything in front of you is a castle in the air."

"I understand."

Lu Xingzhou nodded: "It's just that proving the Dao is not so easy, but before the Dao, I may have other ways to improve the battle strength."

"With you."

Gu Yunyan shrugged: "It's up to now, I should leave. I will also come when I settle in Ashen Mystery."

"Respectfully welcome you. "

Lu Xingzhou called the chief inspector, and Gu Yunyan also responded with a salute. Even if he disappeared into the Palace of Reality with a light escape, it would be regarded as an out-of-bounds matter. As for things in the world, there is Royal Court that can't make trouble, and as for the natural phenomenon of the sky, it can also be prevaricated by auspiciousness.

It is safe to look at it like this...Do you think I would think so!

In the true hall, Lu Xingzhou laughed speechlessly.

After all, it has happened many times, so now my Lu Xingzhou is also rich in experience. That's right, "that thing" should be coming soon.

I count three numbers.




[ Inform Lu Xingzhou, the lord of the world, that Samsara squad 10085 has drawn your Samsara World.

[Find them.

[Block them. 】

The great heavenly sound from Samsara Palace rang in Lu Xingzhou’s ears, and almost at the same time, Lu Xingzhou’s eyes fell into the bounds, observing the luck of Great Zhou, and soon saw a flash Suddenly, it was a familiar scene and a familiar action. I saw a fist falling from the sky: "wow hahaha! Lu Xingzhou! Didn't expect me to come back?"

"Suffer to death!"


Three punches fell in succession, but Lu Xingzhou just spread his small hands, and then followed his body Shattered, the consciousness broke away from the state of observing Qi Luck.

Look at it?

Sure enough!

"There will always be people who want to harm me!"

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