Why? Why did it become like this?

In Floating Clouds Mountain, Anger Filled Court looked at the chrysalis in his hand and fell into deep contemplation.

[Congratulations on successfully completing the Southern Barbarian Hidden quest! ]

[Quest Reward: Gold Devouring Beetle Mother]

[Due to the extinction of the Gold Devouring Beetle swarm, the mother of Gold Devouring Beetle suffered heavy damage and was forced to pupate and protect herself, which required cost Certain resources can wake it up again. ]

[Wake up progress bar: 0%]


Anger Filled Court has only one sentence in his heart at this time : Back then, I was only one step away from invincible in the whole world, but I didn’t cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the mortal world is this. If God can give me another one. Opportunity...

...It seems that there is nothing wrong.

"Call, forget it, in fact, this is also a standard routine, after all, Impossible really gave me a BOSS character at the peak period."

"But no matter what How, this is also a BOSS unit."

"As long as it can be raised,

The future is still very bright."

Anger Filled Court quickly convinced Lost myself. At the same time, players who were forced to disconnect because of the hidden quest in Western Territory were banned and finally unblocked, and as these players couldn’t wait to go online, in Western Territory Goddess Peak, the demon banners of the arrogant also began. Self-recovery.

So this group of titled players received a unified message.

[Congratulations on successfully completing the Western Territory hidden quest! ]

[Quest Reward: Profession Reincarnation]

[You who have been included in the demon banner, finally completed the recovery in the demon banner, and obtained the body of the demon soul. Reincarnated as a special profession: fighting spirit]

【Fighting soul: special Spirit Soul in the magic banner, has partial permissions for the magic banner, can summon different demon spirit beasts in the magic banner, also You can get the blessing of the divine ability hidden in the demon banner, and the method of use will be realized in the form of cards. For the specific card content, please check the official website.....]

At first, everyone was still a little confused. water.

But as time passed, more and more players responded:

"My god, this fuck is a card game!"

"cash recharge draw card!?"

"rare beast card, magic card, trap card, dark duel!"

"My turn, draw card!"

"Dig grass!"

After the chaos, it was cheers. Obviously, the opening of another new gameplay mode greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the players, and most importantly, this The mode is different from other modes, it can be strengthened by cash recharge! Suddenly attracted the attention of local players.

However, the excitement returns to the excitement. At this time, most players are still in a fierce battle, because although the divine beast borer has disappeared, the blood tide has not dissipated.

Although Lu Xingzhou and the others cannot disperse it.


"This is not necessary, just keep it, just to find something for players to do, and use it as a massively multiplayer instance dungeon It's also very good to use."

In front of the Zhendian Temple, Lu Xingzhou's eyes twinkled, and he took in the entire scene with only one glance, so he naturally saw the existence of the demon banner.

"...hasn't been concealed anymore."

Lu Xingzhou has already explained the player's recovery in the beckoning banners in advance to ensure not understanding the People with complete truth will not panic about players who have come back from the dead. With his current strength status, it is enough to convince people, but being able to convince people does not mean that they can convince themselves.

For Lu Xingzhou, as his strength improved, he put more energy into things that he hadn't paid attention to or guessed at all.

Before it was lack of ability.

It's different now.

Whether it is for himself, or for Yujingguan, or for Central Plains people, Lu Xingzhou has to face up to the many problems surrounding him.

And the player is obviously the first to bear the brunt.

It will not die, the number is huge, and the room for growth is huge. As the backbone of the battle strength, the player is undoubtedly terrifying, but it is not enough for the top level, at least for the Yin God realm, for the current Lu Xingzhou In other words, even if the number of players doubles tenfold, it is just a few slaps.

The real problem is-----

"The power behind the players."

Lu Xingzhou has not forgotten that he I was trapped by chickweed and cultivator, and I was finally forced to live to death. There is quite a part of the reason.

I was misled by the players’ quest description.

This makes him have to be suspicious.

Although the players are now in the same camp as him, this does not mean that the powerful person behind the players will also be his own companion.

Next is Samsara Palace.

Although he did not become a reincarnator, he became the boss of Samsara World. According to Samsara Palace, there will be a reincarnator coming to the own world afterwards, and the reincarnator, like the player, belongs to the chaotic evil camp. , It is hard to guarantee what trouble this group of people will cause.

At the same time, the attitude of Samsara Palace is not clear.

Is it an enemy or a friend?

Not sure.

"The eventful autumn..." Thinking of this, Lu Xingzhou couldn't help but sighed deeply. Why do so many powerful experts notice me?

Is it really that I am too good?


After gagging and enlightening himself for a while, Lu Xingzhou continued to think: "The power behind the players, the power behind Samsara Palace , May they be alone? From the Weili point of view, the power behind Samsara Palace is stronger, but the power behind the players is more mysterious."

After thinking for a moment, Lu Xingzhou made a decision :

"No more!"

-----He gave up thinking.

Thinking too much just adds to worries. In the final analysis, he has now cut six souls. Under Yin God, he is not afraid of any cultivator, and he can proclaim Yin God in one step.

The plot against plot is only a trail after all.

For the cultivator, the cultivation base and the path are the fundamentals.

"Fellow Daoist Lu?"

Suddenly, a soft call pulled Lu Xingzhou back from his meditation. After turning his eyes, Lu Xingzhou looked towards Zhengzhizhi The head of the cultivator moth in the true hall, the latter's aura is extremely weak now, the Spirit Soul hidden in the skull is also bright and dark, and may dissipate at any time.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xingzhou immediately stretched out his hand, took out the Investment of the Gods, put the head on the list, and protected the few Spirit Soul left by the cultivator borer.

"This time, many thanks to Fellow Daoist."

"I will abide by the previous promise, and the Savage-Wilderness Boundary will not be held accountable. But accordingly, they must sign a law We promise that we will not invade the people of Central Plains, and will be responsible for the reconstruction after the war. And I will protect them in the name of Yujingguan."

".. ...I understand."

In the Investiture of the Gods, the silhouette of the cultivator moth turned out, and then he said to Lu Xingzhou: "Please also Fellow Daoist to my Barbarian Race department Everyone treats everyone equally."

"Fellow Daoist can do this by himself."

Speaking of which, Lu Xingzhou couldn't help but smiled slightly: "After falling into the Investiture of the Gods, I am immortal, and I will not die. The Spirit Soul is immortal. How to integrate Barbarian Race into a new life is left to Fellow Daoist. I treat people with sincerity. I hope Fellow Daoist can treat me with sincerity. Preliminary."

".....I keep it in my heart."

"Good." Lu Xingzhou nodded, but to his surprise, he didn't leave here. Form, but stopped in place, hesitated for a moment before continuing:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter?"

"The moth.... I mean, the divine beast. After all, I have inherited its cause and effect, and I know its means. Although it invaded my ancestral body, it also gave me a glimpse of its memory. . This method of Myriad Transformations, even the Dragon King never really took his life back then."

"I doubt it is so easy to die."

"..... .. oh?"

Lu Xingzhou hearing this also raised his eyebrows.

And at the same time------

"Huh.....it seems to be hidden from the past, the master and servant contract has also been released, Wang Hong that Humans, actually thought they could take me as a servant under my seat, but didn’t I escape my Golden Cicada shell and escape? Although the price is too high, it’s still better than being restrained by others."

The cultivator borer accurately hit the fact.

The divine beast is of course impossible to die, and it can survive by chance because of its fourth divine ability that it has always hidden.

This divine ability is taken from a divine beast named "Wheel".

This kind of divine beast is the essence of plants and trees. It can split Spirit Soul into millions of seeds. It seems to be turned into powder, but in fact it is hidden vitality, as long as there is a little Spirit Soul seed. If it is contaminated on a creature, it will immediately take root and germinate, gather other seeds, and deprive that creature.

This is also the method used by the divine beast worm to invade the cultivator ancestor of the cultivator. Before being hit by Lu Xingzhou Konggebao, it used this divine ability to smash its own Spirit Soul and turn it into a seed into the blood stream below, avoiding everyone's eyes and ears.

And now,

It finally found a host!

The next thing to do is to slowly occupy the body of this host, and then wait for the opportunity to return in a swirl of dust. As expected, it is me who can come up with such a trick to hide from the sky!

Divine beast is very confident in own divine ability:

"No one can find me!"


"I will make a comeback sooner or later!"


.......... ..


[Warning! The player "just wants to make trouble", you are parasitized by the "divine beast"! 】

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