Since Lu Xingzhou threw it into the Savage-Wilderness Boundary through the altar and got the marching beans, the demolition and relocation was once in a stand-alone game mode for free.

But let's not say, the demolition and relocation are free of charge and have a great time.

"To be honest, this game is quite fun as an SLG. Build an own city in the unfamiliar Savage-Wilderness Boundary, and then build city defenses and troops."

"The most important thing It’s that these are no longer just data and pictures."

"It's really what you can see!"

"So handsome!"

In Savage -Somewhere in the Wilderness Boundary in Old Lin, in a place not found by all the Savage-Wilderness Boundary tribes, the demolition and relocation has quietly built a town belonging to the own, which is also marching beans, or provided by the game The "celestial troops and generals" model is interesting.

The player city.

There are everything in the city, including a barracks dedicated to the production of troops, a gathering spirit dedicated to gathering Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, as well as various city defense buildings, resource buildings, and even special arms buildings. "Final Divine Stage", can provide you summon Investiture of the Gods on the exclusive units of the gods.

Generally, the gameplay of this type of game is very straightforward.

Either major in city defense and build an invincible fortress. Either you major in the army and build an invincible army, and the free choice of demolition and relocation is wise.

"This place will be here soon."

"If I am majoring in city defense, if someone hits the door, I will be alone. No matter how powerful the city defense is, it will be finished, so I still have to Use the skills of Old Ancestor to fight guerrilla warfare. Level 5 Barracks, Level 6 Divine Armament Pavilion, Level 1 Enclosure Divine Stage, these are all my bottoms..."

Looking far away At the end point shown on the map, the demolition could not help but swallowed saliva and said for free, then opened the player panel and looked towards his current strength.

13970Yellow Cloth Strongman (2 Heavenly Layer).

1200 Heroic Soul (3 Heavenly Layer).

700 Tianhe Cavalry (4 Heavenly Layer )

520 Giant Spirit God (5 Heavenly Layer )

100 Heavenly Gate Guard (exclusive unit of guarding heavenly generals)

The demolition is free of charge. I am sure that he has the strongest force among the players carrying the marching beans at this stage. After all, he has no battle consumption, and he has such a large map resource as Savage-Wilderness Boundary. Helping oneself grow, this is the case, this is only when he ate the grass and milked it.

In addition to this part of the force, he also used Level 6 Divine Armament to create several pieces of equipment.

among which is included the "breaking the formation heavy spear" allocated to the Tianhe Cavalry, the "Xuanhua Great Axe" allocated to the Giant Spirit God, and the "Langya God Armor" allocated to the Tianmen Guard.

These are not free.

In addition to the necessary materials, whether it is equipment or an army, players need to consume exp to create it.

In the beginning, the demolition had no repayment and was heartbroken.

But as he became more and more aware that he was hard to support in the Savage-Wilderness Boundary and needed the cover of the army more than his personal strength, he didn't care about these things. The facts have proved that his judgment is correct, at least now his accumulated army can play a role in completing the quest.

Thinking of this, the demolition and relocation free of charge looked towards the hidden quest he received. To be honest, he was actually quite surprised when he received this quest:

【Northern Plains hidden quest "Mingxiu plank road, secretly crossing Chencang" has been activated! ]

[The strongest fortress is often breached internally. ]

[Although Barbarian Race’s defenses in Northern Plains are very perfect, they are relatively weak in their own Savage-Wilderness Boundary, so instead of attacking from the Northern Plains, they have to work hard. , It’s better to start directly from Savage-Wilderness Boundary and destroy the altar of access in Savage-Wilderness Boundary! 】

"Ancestral Master is still smart."

"Ming repairs the plank road, secretly crossing the warehouse, this is the tactic."

"The heart is really dirty. !"

After demolition praised Lu Xingzhou for free, he continued moving towards the altar and moved towards the direction of the altar, then opened the voice of his teammates and continued:

"brothers? I’m already in place here."

"Where are you?"

Soon, the voice came in. There was a lot of noise in the forum, and there has been no demolition so far. The voice of the elite high-level players:

"Is approaching the destination, the boss."

"It's almost there."

"This time I will definitely be able to do a major event ! Even if the Favourability of Defying Heavens Monastery is nothing difficult, when the time comes, our Guild will definitely be able to surpass the other two! But it is said that there have been quarrels on the forum, and it seems that some people have the rhythm, the boss, you have become a profession Scum."

"Leave them alone."

The demolition is free of charge. Heearing this completely face doesn't change: "Speaking of e-sports strength, wait until you finish this ticket and then take care of those Public opinion, hurry up and get in place."


After the exchange, the demolition again looked towards the distant altar for free, and then forced it down immediately. The idea of ​​hands-on continued lurking.

At the same time-----

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Southern Barbarian Myriad Insects Valley Crypt, intertwined with complex insects In the nest aisle, Anger Filled Court was rushing madly and screaming while running. Behind him, there is a huge amount of Gold Devouring Beetle that is enough to cause intensive phobia. Chasing him like crazy.

"Don't come here!"


------Why did things turn out like this? Woolen cloth?

This has to start with "the biggest and most desperate incident in Immortal Road history". At that time, Anger Filled Court sent out a post: Unlimited flashback brush gift packs? Simply is nonsense. I will put my words here. If this matter can be true, I will be there! Just jump from this place! "

There is also a screenshot of the wormhole at the bottom of the post.

Needless to say the result.

He didn't want to jump at first, but his fucking gang After learning about this, the teammates decisively chose to execute justice, tied him up and threw him in.....

Then after an exciting adventure, he was killed three times, relying on four-point strength. With six points of luck, Anger Filled Court walked to the deepest part of the wormhole and got a thing there. The moment he got the thing, a message appeared on his game panel:

[Congratulations to the player "Anger Filled Court"!]

[You successfully activated the Southern Barbarian hidden quest!]

[Quest Name: The Truth About Gold Devouring Beetle]

[As the calamity of Southern Barbarian, countless people fear the existence of the Gold Devouring Beetle. The most terrifying point of the Gold Devouring Beetle lies in its huge number and nature of fierce and unafraid of death, but it is biological to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Instinct, even if it’s insects and ants, theoretically you should be afraid of death. Why is the Gold Devouring Beetle exception?]

[The answer is in your hands!]

Think of it here, Anger Filled Court couldn’t help looking towards the transparent cocoon he was holding in his hand, and from inside he could see an extremely petite white larva.

It’s just different from the petite appearance,

Its name is extremely shocking:

[Gold Devouring Beetle mother]

[The real Gold Devouring Beetle has the characteristics of devouring gold and iron and splitting, and the splitting child The body has a strong shell and bloodthirsty nature. At the same time, it is completely under the control of the insect mother and has no independent consciousness. However, as the mother body, it is extremely weak, so it always hides underground.]

[Killing] After death, all progeny will lose their activity.]

[Experience recognizing Master can be consumed.]

[Recognizing Master progress: 56%]

The last sentence This is the only reason for Anger Filled Court to rush to the present with the opponent.

You can recognize the Master!

Heaven and Earth conscience, if you can make it recognize zing Master, isn’t that an instant ascending to the skies with a single leap? It’s okay to fight against all players by one person!

"danger lurks within the riches and honour."

"This wave of spells!"

............ .

The atmosphere in the Player Forum has become more and more intense, and more and more people are swearing.

At this moment, the player who previously published "The Scum of Profession Trying to Do Some Useless Work" actually posted another post after less than an hour:

Shameless is in Final Struggle"

"Obviously, the demolition office, or the demolition free of charge, I did not want to respond to my last post, and my heartfelt words did not touch him at all, but I To say, his ostrich mentality will only make me look down on him even more, but he is in Final Struggle that's all."

"I am a ten-year old fan of the Demolition Office."

"I'm really disappointed with such behavior."

"Let's do it."

"Take off."

--- --Such a post added fire to the already fierce forum scolding war, although some people questioned its motivation for posting, saying that the demolition office has only been established for eight years, and where the ten-year old fan is purely a matter of fact. Nonsense. However, under the guidance of a large number of naval forces, the overall public opinion,

still moved towards, dumped in a direction unfavorable to the demolition office.

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