In the boundary river.

Lu Xingzhou’s once stagnant aura began to rise again with An Yueyao’s breakthrough. Under the induction of his divine will, he only felt that he was a little closer to the indescribable thing, not only one foot and five inches above his head. On the verge of collapse, the last two black qi on the gods also tend to fall off.

But compared to the initial breakthroughs of Pei Xuzhen and Yue Wancheng, the gains to Lu Xingzhou's cultivation base that An Yueyao's breakthrough brought to Lu Xingzhou were not as great as imagined.

And the reason is-----

"Yueyao alone is not enough to influence the battle..."

Although the achievement of Human Immortal, But An Yueyao is only one person after all. He has not yet reached Heavenly Cycle Realm and Returning Pill. He cannot really intervene in the battle between Jacaranda and Savage-Wilderness Boundary. As long as Wanfang has not been defeated, Savage -Wilderness Boundary, even if the situation is bad, he can try his best to sustain it.

And as long as it can support it, you can win.

Time is running out.

The three altars are opened almost simultaneously, so the Northern Plains altar is almost complete at this moment, and once you let it complete, you lose here.

The general trend won before will undoubtedly be exported in one go.

And want to break the game...

"Old Xiao!"

Lu Xingzhou's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly found the key point: "Just Old Xiao was able to rush out from the Southern Barbarian, and teaming up with Jacaranda was enough to defeat that Wanfang, and once it was defeated, Northern Plains collapsed without a that's how it is, so the Southern Barbarian was carefully designed Has it become a trap..."

With Life-Taking Sword, Xiao Yuyu's escape is only a matter of time.

But this time is very delicate.

If it can't be as fast as possible, I am afraid that even if we finally get out of trouble, there will be no way to save the overall situation. After all, even if it can kill Wanfang, it will also take time.

If you take this into consideration:

"I’m afraid I can’t count on Lao Xiao, it depends on my success..."

And here, Lu Xingzhou quickly converged his mind, and then urged his spirit and blood, while continuing to fight in Hanoi, creating a violent wave to cover the sight of others, but on the other hand, he also separated a ray of divine will and connected it. To a certain direction in the dark.


"Strongly condemn the shameless behavior of the demolition office! I opened up a new map, and then We all left it and went to the new map for fun!"


"Profession player's scum!"

At this moment , With the end of the Western Territory battle, a large number of players, to be precise, a large number of professional players began to denounce one person.

This person is the Guild Master of the Demolition Office.

The demolition is free of charge.

There are two reasons. The first is envy, jealousy, and hatred. After all, the Jiekong Island, which everyone at East Sea has finally created, is not allowed to enter for a long time, and the demolition is still free. In the new map "Savage-Wilderness Boundary", most of the professional players are mentally imbalanced.

As for the second one,

It is about Guild demolition office.

"While we are all working hard on the quest, what are you guys doing?"

"I haven't seen one of the silhouettes!"

"This is a world-class mainline quest, you are not willing to do it at all! I look down on you!"

-----In the Western Territory that just ended, and the Southern Barbarian that is about to end, In these two areas, the elite team of Guild of the Demolition Office has never appeared. Considering the free discovery of new maps by the demolition, many people feel that they have left the main line and run new maps to open up wasteland.

With the brewing of this emotion, a large number of players just ended the battle and had time to visit the forum, plus some caring people were fanning the flames,

The rhythm was immediately brought up. .

But soon,

The public relations office of the demolition office responded immediately, saying that these all are slanders, and I have absolutely no intention to give up the main line. Please don’t be taken. The rhythm and so on, but because there is no substantive evidence, it seems very convincing.

In a short while, various similar exposures, secrets, insider disclosures and many other messy posts appeared in the Player Forum.

To be honest, this is actually not a major event.

It’s nothing more than a Guild who didn’t participate in the mainline quest, but many netizens themselves like to beat down dogs. In addition, some people ask the navy to fan the flames. The result is such a trivial matter. In the end, it changed in the Player Forum. It became a major event as if the sky had fallen.

During the period, the demolition office seems to be trying to explain, but in many cases, netizens will not believe the so-called explanation without a real hammer.

Even with a real hammer,

will not believe it.

However, the demolition office’s response was stiff. It seems to see through the rhythm. It may be that some people want the demolition office to publish what they are planning under pressure from public opinion. Obviously This is a very bad means of competition, but it is very effective.

In the end, there was even such a post that was topped on the homepage of the forum, the title used red font, and the words are even more unceremonious:

"profession The scum is trying to do some useless work"

"Everyone should have seen the rhythm of this period. The Demolition Office, one of the three largest Guilds in Immortal Road so far, is related to the Immortal Road world. In the main line quest of the line, no effect was played at all! None of them even appeared on the battlefield!"

"First of all, I must declare that I am a sane fan of the demolition office."

"From the perspective of fans, I can understand the decision of Guild Master of the Demolition Office. The demolition is free of charge. After all, compared with the main line quest, the new map can enhance Guild's strength."

"But from the player From a perspective, I think this is a betrayal!"

"It is not a betrayal to us, but a betrayal to Yujingguan, to Ancestral Master Lu Xingzhou, and to this Human Immortal Realm!"


“Perhaps in the eyes of the demolition free of charge, these NPCs are just data, but in my eyes, they are no different from True Person. Yue Wancheng, An Yueyao, Pei Xuzhen, they all belong to own feelings, and if they are If the main line quest fails, they cannot survive."

"Can you bear this kind of thing?"

"I can't."

" As a sane fan, I sincerely hope that Guild, the demolition office, can no longer explain the useless work, but take the action of own."

"Although I use the name of a scum of profession, But I hope you don’t really become the scum of profession."

"It’s not too late to make up for it."

------Below of such a rhythm post , It’s all a scolding war, from supporting the host, to questioning the host, to conspiracy theory, and to the theater. In short, there are thousands of posts on the floor below the post in less than ten minutes. Nothing else, at least hot. It has risen.

At the same time,

It has been regarded by many people as the demolition of the profession scum without compensation, but at this moment, in the new map "Savage-Wilderness Boundary", looking at it with scorching eyes. A place.

There is such a message on his player panel:

[Under the instruction of NPC "Lu Xingzhou", you received a quest. ]

[Congratulations to the player for "demolition free of charge"]

[Northern Plains hidden quest is activated! 】

"It's finished!"

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