This endless world

Chapter 81 Arhat Fist (please order first!)

Naturally, Yang Yun didn't know about the night conversation between Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie. In fact, during these ten days, he didn't think about the main god's space at all. Instead, he relaxed his body and mind, allowing the nerves that had been tense since the Resident Evil crisis to relax a little... It’s not that he forgot about Zhang Jie hypnotizing Zhan Lan in the original work, but that Zhan Lan is now hypnotized as a mental controller, which can almost be said to be a clear attack on the Zhongzhou team. Zhang Jie will not do this to expose himself. things.

So when the holiday was over and everyone returned to the main god's space, except for Zheng Zha who was a little worried, everyone was smiling, even Zhang Jie himself. It seemed like it was a really enjoyable trip.

As soon as he returned to the main god's space, Zheng Zha directly contacted the main god with his eyes closed. He first inquired about Arhat Fist, then began to inquire about other D-level martial arts exchanges, and began to compare them one by one. But what is disappointing is that it may be because there are really no good skills in the D-level branch plot. After searching for a long time, Zheng Zha reluctantly discovered that as Zhang Jie said, he was the master of Luohan Quan. By far the best option.

"Arhat Fist, the basic introductory boxing technique of Shaolin Temple, requires a D-level branch plot and 1,500 reward points. Do you want to redeem it?"

——Well, if I have a choice, I really don’t want to redeem the Arhat Fist...

As someone who has experienced that era of martial arts, who wouldn’t want to practice martial arts such as the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, Nine Yin and Nine Yang, Tianshan’s Plum Blossom, Dugu’s Nine Swords, Xiao Li’s Flying Sword, and the Flying Immortal from Heaven?

Zheng Zha sighed and chose to confirm, and a large piece of information was immediately poured into his mind. I saw a bald monk appearing in Zheng Zha's mind, constantly practicing this martial art. Every time the monk punched, he would automatically know the name of the corresponding move, the technique for exerting force, and the route of internal force.

And that's not all. In addition, as Zhang Jie said, the main god also comes with a series of body skills and light skills that come with Luohan Quan itself, taking almost all aspects into consideration. This after-sales treatment method made Zheng Zha, who had obviously exchanged for C-level internal power at that time, but only had the most basic internal power operation route, couldn't help but be extremely moved.

(Okay, then the next step is to practice my current two skills and master them as soon as possible...)

Zheng Zha took a look at his reward points. He spent a thousand points on helping Zhan Lan exchange for mental power scans, and spent 1,500 points on Arhat Boxing. He spent 100 points on this vacation, and now he still has a thousand points. More than four hundred bonus points.

"Yang Yun, I plan to redeem four months to practice my skills in Grudge. Do you want to go with me?"

Thinking of Zhang Jie's words that night, Zheng Zha turned to ask Yang Yundao. On the one hand, among all the people present, only Yang Yun had extra reward points. On the other hand, he also wanted to use these four months to see if he could get some information from Yang Yun.

"Now? That's fine with me."

Although Yang Yun was a little surprised why Zheng Zha went back to exercise in such a hurry, he didn't take it to heart. Anyway, he originally planned to go back to Grudge to exercise and get familiar with the B-level Heart of Life bloodline and Ether Cotton Body he had just exchanged.

In addition, how to extend the opening time of the gene lock is also a required course. Zheng Zha unlocked the second-level gene lock, and the two returned together, just in time to practice with each other.

"Lord God, exchange the return curse for one hundred and twenty days."


At a specially reserved uninhabited beach, Zheng Zha was shirtless and exhaled loudly according to the Arhat Boxing training method taught by the Lord God. Every time he punched, there was a loud shout. In conjunction with the moment he unlocked the second level Even the seagulls in the sky who love to order French fries near tourists dare not approach the bulging muscles on his genetically locked body. And every time Zheng Zha breathed, the muscles on his body trembled at the same time, rising and falling again. It was obvious that he was much more proficient in the second-level gene lock.

——This is obviously just an ordinary Arhat Fist, and the moves don't look complicated. Why can it be so powerful in Zheng Zha's hands... Could it be that Zheng Zha is actually a hidden martial arts genius?

But, that’s not right either.

Although Zheng Zha had a martial arts dream in the original work, he did not show any superior martial arts talent after switching to basic Qinggong and A-level Hunyuan Yi Qigong.

——Or is this Arhat Fist naturally suited to him?

At this time, Yang Yun was sitting on a chair, watching Zheng Zha continue to practice Arhat Boxing. Today was the 117th day that the two of them had returned to training together, and they would return to the main god space in three days.

During this period of time, Yang Yun became familiar with the redemption of B-level Heart of Life bloodline... Of course, there is nothing to be familiar with. After all, the essence of energy has not changed, but the quality and quantity have been greatly improved.

Since the running speed of life energy and his own control ability have also been greatly enhanced, coupled with the gradual introduction of the etheric body, Yang Yun also has an idea of ​​​​creating his own skills to use life energy in combat... In addition to every day In addition to sparring with Zheng Zha and recovering from their hidden injuries, Yang Yun devoted almost all of his body and mind to the development of this self-created skill.

On the other hand, during the first few days of chatting, Zheng Zha also pretended to inadvertently ask Yang Yun several times about exchange issues, but was either fooled by Yang Yun's explanation or pushed to Chu Xuan's speculation. This left Zheng Zha completely unable to say anything. After all, Chu Xuan was dead and no one wanted to confirm it, so he stopped testing and began to concentrate on training.

Due to his proficient experience in using vampire energy, Zheng Zha quickly mastered the use of red flames in the first few days, and was able to skillfully embody flames on his body surface, which can be regarded as an offensive and defensive move.

However, the consumption of red flames is really huge. Zheng Zha is only a C-level bloodline at this time and cannot maintain the state of being surrounded by red flames for a long time. But Zheng Zha still couldn't figure out how to partially manifest the red inflammation on his hands or body, so he still put a lot of energy and time into Luohan Quan.

Of course, Zheng Zha also kept an eye on it. When Yang Yun asked him why he exchanged this set of boxing techniques, he did not tell the truth that the Arhat Boxing was recommended by Zhang Jie. And Yang Yun just thought that this was an exchange that Zheng Zha found because he felt that he lacked the means to use his internal strength. After all, Arhat Boxing was an entry-level boxing technique at first glance, and it was very suitable for Zheng Zha.

However, as Zheng Zha began to practice the Arhat Boxing, he soon discovered that Zhang Jie had really recommended an excellent exchange for him. Compared with Hongyan, which simply embodies the vampire energy on the body and turns into red flames, the more he practices, the more Zheng Zha can understand the benefits of this Arhat Fist!

First of all, as Zhang Jie has said before, Luohan Quan is a set of martial arts, not just a simple boxing technique, it contains many tips. Zheng Zha was just a white-collar worker before. He had not received professional training, nor had he learned how to use his own power. All he relied on was the fighting instinct and fighting consciousness that came with unlocking the first-level gene lock.

This fighting method is actually a wild intuition, a fighting method that has been practiced step by step in life and death. It is naturally unfavorable when used in actual combat. However, in daily practice, how to tap the power in one's body and exercise internal strength and For muscles, the usefulness of the first-level gene lock is not that obvious.

There is a saying that goes well: knowledge and action are unified. Although optical theory is not good, optical practice will also take detours. Zheng Zha often read some martial arts novels before. In one of the famous novels, there was a plot where the villain did not understand the principles of martial arts and practiced his own internal skills blindly. As a result, he went so far that his legs were paralyzed.

Although Zheng Zha feels that he may not have reached that stage yet, Luohan Quan is not the kind of advanced martial arts that will make him disabled if he practices it, but in exchange for a D-level side plot and 1,500 reward points This set of martial arts has indeed made up for a lot of his theoretical shortcomings... If he hadn't exchanged for Arhat Fist, I'm afraid Zheng Zha would never understand in his life that just an ordinary horse stance contains many truths.

In the Grudge before, because Zhao Yingkong looked down on him as the captain in words, and talked like a fool, Zheng Zha also had a small fight with this assassin girl before Yang Yun returned to the hotel. Although Zheng Zha won that sparring match, it was not easy. Even the aorta in his wrist was almost cut by Zhao Yingkong's fingernails.

In the end, although Zheng Zha relied on his experience in two worlds, his physical fitness and exchanged bloodline to be much stronger than Zhao Yingkong, he defeated the assassin girl, but he only narrowly defeated him. If Zheng Zha had really won Zhao Yingkong's heart, there would not have been the situation where Zhao Yingkong disobeyed the command at the last moment, carried a finger cot made of a spiritual bullet warhead and went his own way, rushed into the core of Gay Coconut and almost died.

Afterwards, Zheng Zha also thought about the battle with Zhao Yingkong. At that time, the two of them were also in the state of unlocking the first-level gene lock. Zheng Zha Sheng was completely defeated in terms of strength and physical fitness, speed and skills. Of course, this is also because Zheng Zha is not yet fully familiar with the state of the first-level gene lock and cannot fully control his own power. Zheng Zha knew that power might be easy to obtain, but controlling it was ten times more difficult...and this was what he was currently working on.

Zhao Yingkong was born in a family of assassins. Judging from the few words revealed by herself and Ling Dian, she must have been exposed to cruel training since she was a child. She also learned how to develop her body, liberate her potential, and use every part of her body to her advantage. All turned into weapons to kill people... This is exactly why Zhao Yingkong can use fragile nails to cut through Zheng Zha's strengthened skin.

——Skills and moves, as well as the ability to control power, these are what Zheng Zha lacks most at the moment.

There is a natural reason why Luohan Quan has become the basic introductory boxing method of Shaolin Temple. Although this boxing technique is simple in movement and power, it has been modified and abridged by countless masters and masters over thousands of years. It can be said that it is a martial art that has been refined over time. There is a saying that clumsiness is better than skill. This is the case.

After such a long period of practice, Zheng Zha can confidently say that even if he fights Zhao Yingkong head-on without unlocking the second-level gene lock, he can still use Luohan Fist to defend Zhao Yingkong's treacherous assassination methods. , and then use your own strengths to win!

——As for the second benefit of Arhat Boxing, Zheng Zha only discovered it after practicing this boxing method for two months.

In the introduction of the Lord God, this Luohan Quan is a set of martial arts that starts from the outside in. Practicing it persistently can not only strengthen the body and improve physical fitness, but also can be practiced to an extremely high level, and can also automatically generate internal force from the human body.

Zheng Zha initially thought that this so-called "strengthening body" would not have much effect on him. At best, it would be like normal physical exercise. After all, his physical fitness at this time was no longer comparable to that of ordinary people, and it could be fatal to normal humans. In his opinion, the amount of exercise is only the amount of one day.

But after starting to practice Luohan Quan, Zheng Zha quickly realized that his initial thinking was too simple.

First of all, the training of Luohan Quan is not done casually. According to the teaching materials given by the Lord God, each punch and kick must use many muscles on one's body to achieve the effect of training, otherwise it will be meaningless. It's just a movement, it doesn't have the effect of exercising, it's almost the same as dancing in the square... This has also greatly increased Zheng Zha's appetite in recent days. Almost every meal consists of big fish and meat, and delicacies from the sea. Only in this way can he make up for it. The energy lost by the body, after all, it is not empty talk to be poor in culture and rich in military.

Fortunately, Zheng Zha's physique is definitely at an extraordinary level. The physical bonus brought by the exchange of blood energy and internal force, coupled with the treatment of Yang Yun's Heart of Life bloodline, allows him to not worry about leaving any hidden injuries, and it also brings He has plenty of confidence.

For the upcoming team battle, and for everyone to survive together, Zheng Zha tried his best to practice Arhat Boxing almost every day, almost to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat. In addition to eating and taking necessary rest, he also thought about becoming stronger in his dreams.

If we use the words in a certain comic book, then the amount of exercise Zheng Zha does every day is about double that of an ordinary person's 24-hour non-stop exercise... In other words, Zheng Zha's exercise time in a day may be Forty-eight hours.

The effects of crazy exercise are also significant. Since Yang Yun exchanged the B-level Heart of Life bloodline, when the two of them were in the same first-level gene lock state, his physical fitness was stronger than Zheng Zha's. This gap was also reflected in the two people's physical fitness. On the sparring record.

But after Zheng Zha practiced Luohan Quan for a month, Yang Yun could no longer win. After two months of practice, Yang Yun even had to wear a super electromagnetic soul armor to ensure that he could barely win in the sparring with Zheng Zha. To compete with... This kind of improvement cannot be explained by pure skills, but an all-round improvement in physical fitness, combat skills, energy use and other aspects!

From the initial heavy punch that was blocked by Yang Yun, to the random punch from Zheng Zha later, Yang Yun had to defend with all his strength before he could barely catch it. Anyone who is not an idiot can understand the difference.

Of course, as a practitioner of Luohan Quan, Zheng Zha can clearly feel his changes. From a sluggish body, to being able to jump several meters high with a single jump; from a boxing technique that is heavy but not light, to a The punches were as fast as the wind; and the internal energy began to function gradually as expected, as if the meridians of the body were gradually being opened... All of this represented an almost fundamental change in his body!

The fifth update is completed, or to be precise, the sixth update, because this chapter has 4K words, so I would like to thank everyone for their support.

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