This endless world

Chapter 80 Zhang Jie’s recommendation (please order first!)

"Of course!"

Although he didn't understand what Zhang Jie meant, Zheng Zha still answered resolutely: "No matter what Yang Yun faces, whether he is a guide or an ordinary person, since he is a member of the team, then I, the captain, will I have the obligation to face all difficulties with him... Anyway, my life in Alien can be said to have been saved by him. At worst, I will give this life back to him!"

For a moment, the two looked at each other like this. In Zhang Jie's opinion, although Zheng Zha's eyes were confused, they were more firm and persistent, without any trace of falsehood... In other words, he really planned to do this. Do it, ask Yang Yun clearly, and be prepared to face all enemies together, even the Lord God!

After a long time, Zhang Jie let go of Zheng Zha's arm. The man returned to his usual cynical attitude. He laughed and said: "Zheng Zha, you are too impatient. You are talking about giving back your life. In fact, it's not that serious……"


Zheng Zha withdrew his arm and looked at Zhang Jie in confusion. Zhang Jie's change of attitude just now made him feel strange. Why did he change his attitude again now?

"So, we haven't gotten there yet, we still have time."

Zhang Jie spit out the burnt cigarette in his mouth and took out the cigarette box again, only to find that there were only two cigarettes left in the box. After he was stunned for a moment, he threw one of the cigarettes to Zheng Zha, but he took the cigarette case back into his arms and said, "I believe that Yang Yun's wish to survive does not conflict with our goal, so Zheng Zha, there is no need for you to be so anxious to find him to explain clearly."

"As the saying goes, a saint does not care about his heart when it comes to his deeds. There is no saint in the world when it comes to his heart. Don't look at what he says, but look at what he does."

"Judging from the current situation, Yang Yun has not done anything detrimental to us. In fact, he has also taken the initiative to create side plots and reward points, making Zhan Lan a mental controller. This behavior itself is harmful to us. It shows goodwill... After all, Yang Yun is the mind controller, so having a second mind controller appear in the team increases the chance of him being exposed in disguise, doesn't it?"

Zheng Zha took the cigarette. He was no longer in the mood to smoke, and stuffed the cigarette directly into his trouser pocket: "You are right to say that, but..."

"There is nothing good to say. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. I think it is better to pay attention to Yang Yun's performance in the next horror movie. If he really does something else, it will not be too late to question him then."

Zhang Jie laughed and patted Zheng Zha: "That's it. Since I have chosen to believe in Yang Yun, what else do you have to be dissatisfied with? Although you are not certified by the Lord God, you are also the captain recognized by all of us. As the captain But I broke up with my partner and eventually parted ways. Doing it once is enough."

Hearing what Zhang Jie said, Zheng Zha couldn't help but think of what happened in Alien. It is true that Chu Xuan's approach was very problematic, but didn't Zheng Zha himself make the wrong choice?

If we were more determined at that time and took some measures to make everyone work together, then everyone might...

"Since you even said that, then... let's watch a horror movie for the time being?" Zheng Zha asked tentatively. Although he was a little surprised by Zhang Jie's several consecutive changes in attitude, he was relieved in his heart. Zhang Jie has said so. From now on, he will pay more attention to Yang Yun's behavior and he will always be able to get some corresponding information.

"That's right, that's it!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jie patted Zheng Zha's shoulder again, while Zheng Zha rubbed his body and said with some confusion: "Speaking of which, Zhang Jie, you have such strong hands, you can actually grab me directly. .”

Zhang Jie laughed and said, "Maybe it's because I spent more points to strengthen my physical fitness... By the way, Zheng Zha, you still have a D-level subplot left to redeem, right? What do you plan to redeem for?"

Seeing Zhang Jie mentioning this matter, Zheng Zha didn't care about this trivial matter and nodded: "Yes, I already have red flames in terms of vampire energy. Next, I want to exchange for a martial arts to use the internal energy in my body. It also has its uses. It’s a pity that the corresponding skills from the Lord God are really too expensive. I previously liked a light skill called Zongyun Ladder. It actually requires an A-level side plot and 8,000 reward points... Nope Now we know whether this exchange is Qinggong or an immortal method like soaring into the clouds and riding in the mist."

"In other words, you want to exchange for a basic martial arts, right..."

Zhang Jie began to ponder upon hearing this, and then said after a long time: "So Zheng Zha, are you interested in hearing my recommendation? Although he is not as knowledgeable about the redemption at the Main God's Office as Yang Yun is, because of the senior people before Some of them have redeemed their skills in this area, so I can still give some suggestions.”

"You can tell me whether to listen or not. It's better than me being completely blind and not knowing what kind of martial arts to change." Zheng Zha said with a wry smile.

"Then you can exchange it for Arhat Fist." Zhang Jie said directly without any hesitation.

"Um...Arhat Fist? Is it what I think? It comes from the Shaolin Temple, the kind of basic martial arts in martial arts novels? The kind of bad street kind?" Zheng Zha asked strangely, he really didn't I thought Zhang Jie would recommend him such an exchange.

Zhang Jie looked like he was not joking. He nodded affirmatively and said: "That's right, you are only exchanging C-level internal energy now. If you really change to high-level martial arts, you won't be able to afford the corresponding consumption. So. You set your sights on the exchange of A-level martial arts skills from the beginning, which is really a very ambitious behavior."

"Do you really think that Luohan Quan is that simple? According to the senior person, although Luohan Quan seems to be just an ordinary external skill, it can actually work from the outside in to exercise the internal organs, and it can also be driven by internal force to explode. Greater power, Shaolin Temple disciples all use this set of martial arts to lay the foundation.

"The Luohan Fist set of martial arts not only includes boxing moves, but also the techniques of various moves, ways of exerting force, and light kung fu footwork... The light kung fu you want to redeem is itself included in this set of kung fu. Otherwise, If so, do you really think that your enemies are just wooden dummies in the training ground, standing there stupidly and letting you punch them? A mature set of martial arts must have matching footwork, otherwise the enemy will be blinded when he moves. ?”

The more Zheng Zha listened, the more sense he made. He immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I will check the redemption of Arhat Fist when I return to the main god space... If there is no better choice, then I will redeem this set of martial arts!"

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