This endless world

Chapter 76 Remarks on the launch

Hello readers, this is Baka Mengyun, thank you very much for coming to read my book.

If joining V counts as being on the shelves, "This Infinite World" should be regarded as my first novel on the shelves. After all, Dongfang Lu in 2012 and "That Infinite World" serialized in 2013 are actually free works.

What should I say? If you are experienced readers, you should remember that the Qidian fandom area back then was divided into several categories: anime fans, novel fans, and martial arts fans. In addition to anime fans, novel fans and martial arts fans are also available.

And that is not a fan of novels. There are two books before me, Warrior Road and The Last Demon, that were put on the shelves first, but I never thought about putting them on the shelves, not even once, even though several editors mentioned it to me, including that year When Shuke was first established, some editors came to scout me, but I didn’t go there at that time.

The reason is actually quite simple. I was still in college at the time, and I had a very simple concept in my mind. I couldn't accept making money from other people's words.

So I wrote nothing for 1.7 million, and never thought about collecting money for listing it on the shelves. Just think of it as my strange reserve as an author... After all, baka means fool. If I wasn't a fool, I wouldn't be able to do it. This is a pen name.

This is true. Originally, I wrote the third volume and it would be available on the shelves at the end of February. However, I delayed it for nearly half a month in order to give the third volume a satisfactory ending.

There is no need to mention what happened ten years ago. After experiencing the turmoil of net harmony, those things have gone with the wind. I don’t want to discuss those grudges anymore, so let’s talk about the current things.

This "Infinite World" was actually partly written by me to give an explanation to myself back then. It was a slow-burning book. I spent 100,000 words and two volumes of Biochemistry and Alien to pave the way for the next chapter. Change.

In fact, I was criticized a lot and my grades were greatly affected, but I have no regrets.

If that was what I was interested in doing at that time, then it was to seriously study how to write a book well. For this purpose, I made an outline, made settings, consulted information, revised it repeatedly, and considered sentences... In addition to biochemistry and I wrote the two volumes of Alien in August and September for some reasons. Starting from the third volume, I basically read and revised it two or three times in order to give readers a better reading experience.

I believe that "This Infinite World" will be a better novel than "That Infinite World". I hope to surpass myself ten years ago... To this end, I set a small goal before starting the book. , before writing Biochemistry 2, he had achieved more than 30,000 points.

Looking at it now, this goal should be achieved sooner than I thought.

In the previous work related to my work, I mentioned my previous state. Even now, I still use my time to code after work, and my code is also very slow. Basically, I can only write about 1,500 words per hour, plus personal There is also an inexplicable obsessive-compulsive disorder about words, paragraphs and clauses, and punctuation marks... This even slows down my coding speed.

I don’t want to present the text to readers that I can’t even read. I didn’t continue writing because Nawu had some considerations in this regard, because I have read Nawu’s words several times and was addicted to them. ...So instead of changing it again, I thought it would be better to start from scratch and simply rewrite it.

And it seems that it was due to the backend revision of the Qidian writer at that time that it was blocked several times, which caused the entire typesetting to go wrong, which was very strange.

After it is released, there will be a guaranteed 4K of two chapters per day. Unfortunately, this is my limit, because I think quality should be maintained rather than quantity. And I also believe that the text and plot development after it is released will be more exciting than before it is released.

Finally, I would like to thank all the new readers who have read my books since then. Your support is the driving force for me to move forward. Whether it is in the post bar, in the book review area, or in various strange places, I have actually seen you. Regrets, your messages, it is because of you that I can pick up the shattered glass heart and muster the courage to write again.

I also apologize to all readers who find the settings of the front and back to be awkward, the writing to be outdated, unreasonable, and toxic, because this book does have many shortcomings, and I will work hard to make up for these shortcomings one by one - as long as they are not words. I will accept it with an open mind and listen to suggestions if they are excessive or unintelligent.

I don’t talk too much nonsense, actions speak louder than words.

Maintaining stable daily updates, constant updates, and no supervision is the greatest commitment I can give.

By the way, spoilers, the next volume is not a legend of gods and ghosts. I believe that through this change, I can surpass what I have always lacked, and what I lacked ten years ago... The change in the plot is also a new world. , new courage to deduce the plot.

The basic situation is like this, above.

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