This endless world

Chapter 75 The Road Ahead

Regarding Zheng Zha’s proposal to return to Hawaii for a five-day vacation, two people in the team did not go with him. The first is Zhao Yingkong. After this little girl exchanged the Yasha and the memory wire, she simply couldn't put it down. She wanted to go back to her room to get familiar with these two weapons.

Since these two exchanges emptied all her reward points, Zhao Yingkong couldn't get away with this mere 100 reward points. Yang Yun wanted to lend it to her, but unfortunately the one-time limit for joint redemption by the Lord God also included helping others return to the last horror movie, so Yang Yun and Zheng Zha, who had the most reward points left, had nothing to do.

"If it's only five days, then I still have a hundred reward points here, and I can help sister Yingkong redeem them." Zhan Lan said with a smile: "It's great to exchange one hundred reward points for five days of peace. "

"No need, your willpower is too fragile. In my opinion, the ten days of rest given by the Lord God's Space is completely enough. As a descendant of the assassin family, I am completely capable even after a month of non-stop fighting. Stick to it."

Zhan Lan's words were originally well-intentioned, but Zhao Yingkong didn't know what stimulated him, and his face immediately became extremely cold. After saying a hard word, he left the Main God Square and returned to his room. It looked so clear Is angry.

"I obviously mean well..."

Zhan Lan was rushed for no reason and wanted to say something, but Zhao Yingkong had already left, so the little woman could only turn her eyes to Zheng Zha again. Fortunately, Qi Teng raised his hand and said, "I thought about it. , I decided not to go with you. On the one hand, my strength is the worst, and on the other hand, I have few reward points, so instead of using a hundred reward points to relax, I might as well use these reward points to strengthen my physical fitness. "

"By the way, doesn't it mean that the Lord God will forcibly enter the next world every ten days? You all go on vacation, so won't Zhao Yingkong and I be the only two people left in the Lord God's space during these five days?"

"It's okay. No matter how long we've been there, it only takes a moment to return to the main god's space, so you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. Maybe you just said goodbye to us, and we'll be back the next second." Zheng Zha comforted him as he returned to reality. People in the world have a say in this aspect: "Where are the others?"

"Of course I will go to Hawaii... Haha, I can really enjoy it this time."

Zhang Jie laughed and said, Ling Dian didn't say much, he just nodded lightly, which surprised the people around him. Yang Yun nodded in the same way, and the itinerary was decided.

After everyone finished packing and brought their family members to redeem and return, they were already on a beach after experiencing the half-dream and half-awake process again. The ground is covered with white sea sand, and the weather is sunny and sunny. It's a good time for vacation... This is the world-famous tourist destination, Hawaii Beach.

Seeing such a scene, the female members of the team could not hold back their temper. They immediately took off their clothes to reveal the swimsuits they were wearing, and ran into the sea with cheers, which for a while feasted the eyes of all the men present... …

"Li'er, did you have fun?"

It was already night time, and there was no need to think about the mission of the main god or the threat of monsters. Everyone in the Zhongzhou team had a lot of fun during the day. But under the BRIC road, those complicated procedures and identity certificates were no longer needed, and everyone successfully checked into a high-end hotel.

At this time, Zheng Zha was lying on the bed, looking at Luo Li beside him.

"Of course, I'm very happy... Zheng Zha, can we come here for vacation more often in the future?"

Luo Li curled up in Zheng Zha's arms. This little girl's physical fitness was only at the average level, and she had not experienced professional training. After playing for so long during the day, she was already drowsy. Before Zheng Zha could answer, she curled up in Zheng Zha's arms and fell asleep.

Looking at Loli's sleeping face in his arms, Zheng Zha couldn't help but think of memories in the real world. When Luo Li was still alive, he laughed and said that he would take Luo Li to travel abroad. It can be said that this time he took Luo Li for a vacation in Hawaii. Firstly, he took into account the mental state of everyone in the Zhongzhou team, and secondly, for To fulfill the promise I once made... I didn't expect that what I couldn't do in the real world was done in the Lord God Space this time.

Will you come here often for vacation in the future?

——But until then, I have to keep living.

Zheng Zha turned over, put his arms behind his head, and let Luo Li lean against his chest. After entering the main god's space, obviously not much time has passed. The three worlds, plus the rest time between tasks, plus the time to return to reality, are only two months. But Zheng Zha felt that the memory of the ordinary life of more than 20 years ago began to become blurred, but in these short two months, it was so clear...

——"Do you want to understand the meaning of life, do you want to truly live?"... I seem to be beginning to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Zheng Zha stared at the ceiling in confusion. If strengthening the bloodline and internal strength of the blood clan was the starting point for him to embark on the path to transcendence, then unlocking the first-level genetic lock was the official step forward on this path. After all, just by unlocking the gene lock for the first time, you can kill an alien with cold weapons in hand-to-hand combat. This is something that even the most elite special forces king cannot do... This is beyond the limits of human beings.

In order to save Zhan Lan in the Grudge, after he unlocked the second-level gene lock in desperation, Zheng Zha could clearly understand that he had completely transcended the realm of mortals and that his body was constantly evolving... Whether it is using Najie's invisible position to eliminate Takeo Saeki who sneaked into Zhan Lan's body without harming her body at all; or controlling his own muscles so that he can expand his whole body, thereby greatly improving his physical ability, it has been proved that The current Zheng Zha is making great strides on the extraordinary road.

——Gene Lock... If the first level is to increase reaction force and dynamic vision, and greatly increase combat instinct, then the second level I have unlocked is to freely control the body and bring out 100% of the potential power. If I try my best to release the second-level gene lock, in this state, I am afraid I can kill five previous me. This is really an incredible improvement.

——If there is a second level, then there will naturally be a third level. Speaking of which, I have also heard of scientists' research on the low utilization rate of human muscle. This study said that in order to prevent the muscles from being overloaded, the brain subconsciously limits the output of the muscles... Then the third-level genetic lock, Will it be about the brain?

For a moment, Zheng Zha thought a little too far, but when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but feel funny. He has only opened the second-level gene lock once, and he is not yet skilled in using it. He has to endure severe pain when closing it. What is the use of thinking about something that is too far away?

It is better to move forward steadily and wait until you can use the second-level power without side effects, then find a way to unlock the third-level gene lock. This is the right direction.

But just as Zheng Zha closed his eyes, there was a knock on the door. This made him open his eyes and look at the clock on the bedside. He found that it was already after eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and he couldn't help but show a puzzled expression. It's impossible for the waiter to come to clean at this time, and this is a high-end hotel, and there won't be the kind of door-to-door service... Could it be Zhan Lan?

As soon as this idea came out, Zheng Zha himself was startled. Fortunately, the voice coming from the door dispelled his idea. It was Zhang Jie's voice——

"Zheng Zha, you haven't slept yet..."

"Come out with me for a smoke."

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