This endless world

Chapter 582 Detachment and Appointment

As the sharp noise gradually subsided, the blast channel slowly closed.

After accepting the surrender of the Nanyanzhou team, Yang Yun did not stay in the submarine and act with the opponent. Instead, he returned directly to the temporary position of the Zhongzhou team - located in the depths of the waters dozens of kilometers away from the nuclear submarine of the Nanyanzhou team. In this quiet and secretive safe house, all members of the Zhongzhou Team are waiting for his return, preparing to jointly plan the next move.

Qi Tengyi reorganized the structure of the sea water and created a safe house in the deep sea, providing a hidden location for the Zhongzhou team to rest and deploy. On the one hand, this effectively prevents the enemy from being followed closely. At the same time, the vast ocean can also effectively prevent Yuri's mental power scanning and mind control technology that has been iterated several times, preventing all accidents from happening.

"This is the key to the time machine..."

Looking at the thing in Yang Yun's hand, Zheng Zha couldn't help showing a strange expression. Because no matter how you look at it, this so-called "key" is just an ordinary cubehedron. Except for its strange shape, there is no energy fluctuation, and there is nothing special about it.

"To be precise, this thing is called the Emblem of Time."

Yang Yun corrected Zheng Zha's statement and threw the folk cube octahedron in his hand. The moment Zheng Zha caught it, the Lord God's prompt sounded in his ears: "The plot prop, the emblem of time, was found. , and after combining it with the time machine, you can start the time machine..."

"It actually has a name... OK, with the reminder from the Lord God, I can at least be sure that this thing is genuine and not a random trick played by the enemy."

Listening to the prompt from the Lord God, Zheng Zha handed over the Emblem of Time to Chu Xuan, while he frowned and said: "But why does this name sound like a treasure in a fantasy novel, and it is incompatible with this technological world... …Also, is it true that we can use something like a time machine?”

"I thought you were already familiar with the plot of Red Alert 2." Yang Yun shrugged: "Don't tell me that until now, you haven't been able to remember those uncomplicated story lines."

"Originally, I thought it was just a plot setting, a pure story element. But since the Lord God specifically gave a hint, it means that the so-called time machine is not only a prop that can be used by the characters in the plot, but also by us. Can operate it as well..."

In any case, there is a big difference between a time machine that only exists in the background and a time machine that can be experienced personally. Zheng Zha paused for a moment, obviously thinking about a suitable metaphor, and then continued: "Just like in the "Terminator" series of movies, we initially thought that we were just supporting roles, and our goal was to protect John Connor from Assassination. But when the story really unfolds, we discover that we are actually future characters who can travel through time and space, change history, and follow the governor back to that point in time... Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, I understand, but I feel like there's something wrong with your ability to understand."

Zheng Zha's language skills were not outstanding, and his words were a bit confusing, but Yang Yun, who understood what he was talking about, just showed a speechless expression: "Regardless of why you think we can't use a time machine, time travel is just a matter of time travel." When something happens, there is an experiencer right in front of you.”

"Ah, yes."

Hearing these words, Zheng Zha finally realized the character Yang Yun had set for himself at that time. He couldn't help but scratch his head and laughed: "I was mistaken. Then the main issue we will focus on next is, It’s about how far a time machine can do it, and how it can help us... I remember that in the original plot, it was even enough to send an entire Soviet army back to the age of dinosaurs, and Einstein also used it to change history. .Think about it, if we could bring the time machine back to the Lord God’s space, that would mean we could use it for time travel!”

"We can invest reward points, return to other worlds for training and exercise, and then use the time machine to reverse time when we are close to returning. Doesn't this mean that we will have endless time to strengthen ourselves? The strength?”

Zheng Zha's eyes flashed with excitement, and he was clearly conceiving a bold plan in his mind. His hands were clenched into fists, as if he had touched the edge of infinite possibilities, "Now I urgently need a lot of time to familiarize myself with the third chapter." The power of the fourth-level gene lock, not only that, I also need time to perfect my genes, strengthen my body, and make it a truly 'perfect body'..."

"Mortal wisdom..."

But before Zheng Zha's daydream was over, Chu Xuan, who also received the Lord God's reminder, took the first step to deny his idea: "Your idea has not even the slightest possibility, because the return of the Lord God itself contains As for the element of 'time', don't forget that no matter how long we redeem the return time, only one second has passed since we returned to the Lord God's space. I don't think the time machine in Red Alert 2 can break through the Lord God's authority."

"And even a time machine still has great limitations. Why did the Nanyanzhou team, as the first reincarnation team to enter the Red Alert II world, fall to this miserable end? Nios has no interference from other reincarnation teams. Under the circumstances, successfully taking advantage of the situation and taking control of the time machine within fifteen days is not a very difficult thing from a God's perspective... Then do you think he would not want to use the time machine and try his best to Can we increase our advantage before the other two reincarnation teams have arrived?"

"...It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't."

Unlike Zheng Zha, Yang Yun was much more sober. He said thoughtfully: "For such a powerful plot prop as the time machine, its use must have extremely harsh conditions. Regardless of what will happen to us in sixty days, if The main god really gave the Southern Yanzhou team such a big 'power' from the beginning, so it would be unfair to the Northern Yanzhou team that will enter fifteen days later."

Chu Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, the pros and cons of the time machine have been clearly stated in the original plot. First of all, it requires an extremely large amount of energy to start. The power plants shown in the game may be just the tip of the iceberg, but anything with a little Anyone who knows something about physics can understand that the amount of energy required to return an entire Soviet army to the age of dinosaurs is an astronomical figure."


After being told this, Zheng Zha had to admit that what Chu Xuan said was very reasonable. Energy is the basis. Even time travel, space travel, and many other things that seem like miracles to ordinary people are all inseparable from the support of energy. If this problem cannot be solved, everything will be a castle in the air.

"Secondly, a time machine may be able to change some history, but it cannot change the real 'general trends'."

Chu Xuan said calmly: "Major events that should happen will still happen. This can't be avoided by killing someone or erasing an important decision... In a sense, this is a kind of The inevitability and revision of history, even with a time machine that has the ability to change the past, the core events of history will still happen in a certain way, thus maintaining the continuity of the timeline.”

"That's why Neos deliberately took out the Emblem of Time when nothing could be done. On the one hand, it was to prevent Team Arctic and Yuri from using this time machine. On the other hand, it was also to use it at a critical moment. Time is used as a bargaining chip and is specially given to our Central Continent team... However, the key alone is of no use. The body and design of the time machine are the truly important things."

"Is it possible that what we got is a useless piece of meat?" Zheng Zha asked unwillingly.

"No, it's not tasteless."

With that said, Chu Xuan handed the cubehedron in his hand to Qi Tengyi: "Qi Tengyi, try to use the advanced capabilities of the mother box to analyze the composition of this object, whether it is copying or performing technical reaction. To decipher it, it will be helpful to us."

"Understood." Qi Tengyi smiled slightly: "Leave it to me."

"Very good, but Qi Tengyi, I have to add another burden to you. Next, you need to cooperate with Zhan Lan to jointly solve Yuri's psychic illusion disguise technology against mental controllers."

Regarding research, Yang Yun can be said to have mastered all seven of the six, but this does not prevent him from exerting his subjective initiative as a captain at this time, which is to hand over the work that he does not understand to those who do: "Just now Nios has already They shared the general principles of this technology and the deciphering results developed by their scientists with our Central Continent team."

"The technical research will be done by Qi Teng, but as for the actual operation, Zhan Lan, this aspect is your job."

"I see."

Zhan Lan, who had obviously unlocked the third-level gene lock, but seemed to have had trouble with everything since entering this world, nodded. Just now, she also obtained the corresponding information from Neos: "Spiritual Power" It’s just the application of skills in this area. I was just not familiar with this aspect of mental skills before, so I was misled accordingly... Now that I understand, I am confident that I can make up for this loophole in a short time."

Yang Yun nodded and said: "Well, as for the cleaning work of the Yuri rocket launch base in this area, I will trouble you and Zheng Zha to complete it. No matter what, this is the first place we have descended on in this world. The foothold may have some special intention of the Lord God... Destroying that base will prevent Yuri from continuing to deliver supplies to the moon, and it can also effectively delay the completion of the giant mind control device."

Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan are a surprising but reasonable team combination. With Zheng Zha's current strength, he can completely ignore Yuri's army in this area. The only worry is that this guy may be distracted and accidentally injure his mind-controlled Allied or Soviet teammates with an AOE. But with Zhan Lan's help, this last problem will not be a problem.

——Of course, it may be a big problem for Zheng Zha.


Zheng Zha carefully glanced at Zhan Lan beside him, and asked Yang Yun with a grimace: "What, can you change to another job? I feel that staying here to sweep Yuri's base is really overkill. I thought you You will let me go to the Antarctic and raid Yuri's base camp alone, while you grab a rocket and fly to the moon, and beat the mind controller into a piece of scrap metal..."

"Strategically despise the enemy, and tactically pay attention to the enemy,"

Yang Yun shook his head and rejected Zheng Zha's proposal: "I wouldn't say that the water in this world is very deep, deep enough to drown our Zhongzhou team, but now the enemy's access has not been clear, so it is not suitable to be so public. And Zhao Yingkong can go and investigate the matter in Antarctica first... Zheng Zha, are you not afraid anymore?"

"I'm scared? How is that possible?"

Zheng Zha laughed. However, when he accidentally caught a glimpse of Zhan Lan smiling beside him, his laughter couldn't help but be mixed with a little embarrassment and discomfort, and even more of a guilty conscience.

Yang Yun ignored him, turned to look at Zhao Yingkong on the other side and said, "What, is there any problem with this mission?"

The Watcher armor helmet worn by Zhao Yingkong covered most of her face in shadow. After hearing this, she did not answer, but shook her head to indicate that she had no doubts. Cheng Xiao glanced at the six newcomers who were still amazed by the scenery on the bottom of the sea. Now they just felt bored and looked impatient because they were excluded from the seniors. "Then what?" Coming down? Are we following the Nan Yanzhou team to go to the 'Lost Paradise'?"

"We are indeed going, but we are not going together, but one or three of me, Chu Xuan and Qi Teng are going."

At the moment when he said these words, Yang Yun seemed to hesitate for a moment, but this moment was fleeting. In the end, he made a decision: "Zero Point, Cheng Xiao, Overlord, Luo Gandao, you will protect the newcomers here first. The place created by Teng Yi should be able to ensure safety and concealment... As for what happens next, keep in touch at any time."

After hearing Yang Yun's decision, Chu Xuan, who had always been the wise man in the team, did not express the slightest opinion, but silently pushed up his glasses. This action seemed to be full of profound meaning, but the silence made it difficult to understand his thoughts at this time. As for the four people named by Yang Yun to stay, their expressions showed a little confusion. In their opinion, Yang Yun's decision seemed a bit too cautious...

But before they could ask questions, the outspoken Zheng Zha asked the question first. The man frowned and said, "Are you really planning to go to that 'Paradise Lost'?"


Faced with Zheng Zha's doubts, Yang Yun responded with a smile: "Since the invitation has been issued, it is only natural to go and take a look." (End of Chapter)

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