This endless world

Chapter 581 Tower of Babel and Paradise Lost (Part 2)

The sixth level of the Soviet campaign, flying to the moon.

The seventh level of the Allied campaign, brain dead.

After listening to Nios's narration, Yang Yun had an idea in his heart. In the original plot of "Red Alert 2", the Allied forces and the Soviet army embarked on two completely different historical trajectories due to the intervention of the time machine.

However, Yang Yun clearly remembered that the mission goal of "Braindead" was to destroy Yuri's mind control device in Antarctica, while "To the Moon" was to destroy Yuri's lunar base on the moon, and he himself was hiding in Romania. His hometown... Perhaps because the Lord God changed the plot again, or perhaps because of the influence of the two reincarnation teams, these two historical lines were strangely intertwined, forming a brand new timeline. Many things have become very different.

"So if you want to complete the mission of the Lord God, you must destroy Yuri's base camp in Antarctica and the giant mind control device on the moon."

Yang Yun understood Neos's operation and also knew the specific reason why he, as the commander of the coalition forces, was in this area: "But now you guys lack the means to go to the moon. That's why you showed up. In this area, in addition to finding our landing place and treating the Central Continent team as your life-saving straw, we actually plan to find Yuri's large rocket launch base and imitate the Soviet army in the original plot of "Red Alert 2" strategy to achieve the goal of traveling to the moon using a large lunar landing rocket.”

"That's right, when the Soviet Union and the Allied Forces were completely defeated and only the defeated soldiers like us were left, there wasn't much I could do."

Neos did not deliberately conceal his purpose, but nodded and admitted it. But looking at the crunch of the crunchy chocolate bar he bit into, and the way he wanted to grind it into powder, you can see this. The young man's current mood: "As the enemy who defeated our Nanyanzhou team, Yuri made full use of the large rocket launch base in this area to continuously send materials and personnel to the moon to support his establishment there. The giant mind control device... and based on the information obtained by Richard and Tanya, Yuri and the Arctic team gave that thing a name."

"Tower of Babel."

Neos' tone turned into sarcasm. He didn't even bother with the tea that was flowing all over the table. His hatred and reluctance were beyond words: "It's really crazy."

The Tower of Babel is the Tower of Babel in ancient Babylonian religious legend. Yuri named his final weapon this name, and his intention is self-evident.

"So he plans to use that thing to complete his final plan."

Yang Yun's tone was not a question, but an affirmation. Whether judging from the original plot of Red Alert 2 or the situation just described by Neos, this is an undoubted fact: "Continue."

"There's good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Neos seemed to be asking a question, but the next moment he asked and answered himself: "The good news is that in the previous battle in Antarctica, that thing was not yet completed, and using it early will inevitably delay its construction progress; The bad news is that as a person who personally experienced that battle, I am fully aware that the overwhelming mind-controlling wave is not yet its full power."

"If Yuri really completes his final weapon, then it is very likely that all human minds on the entire earth will fall in an instant and become Yuri's slaves... Even you will not be able to escape him. Mind control!”

——He controls the world with his mind...a fourth-level mental power controller.

Yang Yun did not pay attention to Neos's warning, but roughly estimated Yuri's strength. If he could really control the minds of humans around the world in an instant, then this level would obviously have exceeded the fourth level. It's no wonder that Nyos came here to find a way to get to the moon, making the Lord God's last mission his top priority.

Seeing that Yang Yun did not refute for a while, Nios continued: "It is through the large rocket launch base located in this area that Yuri will send a steady stream of materials and corresponding personnel to the moon for construction on the moon. His giant mind control device... and they used the latest mind illusion technology to cover the entire area, so we can only use the most primitive method to map the terrain to grasp the key to finding the main base. Location."

"Psychic illusion technology?"

Hearing this, Yang Yun's words revealed a sudden realization. He recalled the scene when the Zhongzhou team destroyed Yuri's defense stronghold on the island. Chu Xuan unearthed a mysterious device in the ruins of that battle. Although he took away the core chip, the external container was still intact.

Immediately, Yang Yun took out the device and asked, "Is this the device you are talking about?"

"...Yes, that's it."

Having dealt with Yuri's army a lot, Neos recognized it at a glance: "In the battle in Antarctica, it was this thing that misled Xueling'er's mental scanning, and at the same time blocked the detection of spy satellites. , it only takes dozens of devices to shield a large area, hiding the truth under layers of mental illusions.”

"Attempting to use mental scanning for detection will trigger the enemy's early warning mechanism in advance. This is why we were restricted in previous battlefields... Our team of scientists is currently working overtime to conduct research and want to reversely decipher Bring out internal technology so that we are no longer restricted by others in terms of vision.”

"You still have a team of scientists?" Yang Yun was even more surprised when he heard this: "I thought that almost all your forces were lost in the previous battle."

——After all, it’s all down to you, the commander-in-chief, Tanya, and two lieutenants to come here in person.

"We do have some, but not many. The only remaining resistance forces are located in Cape Hope, Alaska, near the North Pole, because it is quite far away from Yuri's Antarctic base."

"Although it's just a group of losers hugging each other for warmth, fortunately, we still have the key, the key to the 'Lost Paradise'..."

There was a sarcastic smile on Neos's face, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at himself for being so embarrassed, or at something else. The young man took out a folk cube octahedron from his arms and threw it to Yang Yun without hesitation.

"This is the key to the time machine, now..."

"It's yours." (End of chapter)

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