This endless world

Chapter 578 A good commander

--I see.

Nios' declaration of revenge was very powerful, and Yang Yun instantly understood what kind of mental journey this young man had gone through.

Hatred is indeed a powerful force. It can not only completely change a person's inner world, ignite the motivation for revenge, but even make them willing to give up everything for revenge. Nios's emotions and behavior at this moment are the embodiment of this power.

Those things that he once valued most have become insignificant in the face of revenge. If the Nanyanzhou team really lost so miserably as Neos said, and even the members of their team were captured by Yuri as experimental subjects, living a life of survival and death, then all this would be enough for Nios has a strong desire for revenge, and all Yang Yun's questions have answers.

"So you placed all your hopes on our Central Continent team, and took the initiative to release the detector to lead us here. You want to help you get revenge by joining us."

Looking at Neos's crazy look, Yang Yun could understand why the young man who lost his legs in front of him became so extreme. In this case, his behavior is no longer a simple strategy or layout, but an explosion from the inside out, an effort to transform himself into a vengeful ghost.

——But this attitude is not to my liking.

"I don't like the way you speak very much, and the way you judge the good and evil of the main gods, treating the Zhongzhou team as good people, and thus trying to morally kidnap us. The result of the battle between the Nanyanzhou team and the Northern Icezhou team is yours Regarding your own affairs, if you plan to place your hopes on us, you are really looking in the wrong direction."

——Especially the attitude that puts one's own plans above the life and death of his companions.

Yang Yun looked at Nios, as if he saw a wise man, the kind of wise man who was arbitrary, had strong confidence in his own layout, and had no room for others to question him. Judging from the reaction of Richard next to him just now, Neos did not reveal the slightest bit about releasing the detector to attract the attention of the Central Continent team to his teammates.

In other words, without the knowledge of his only remaining teammates and the three plot characters who trusted him wholeheartedly, Neos tied everyone present to his chariot to accompany this man who had already failed. A wise man bets one game at a time. He was betting that the Central Continent Team would stand on the side of "justice" under the Lord God's judgment of good and evil, and would not attack them who were half disabled; he was also betting that the Central Continent Team would need their intelligence, their information, and leave them a way to survive.

Yang Yun's thoughts shuttled between the reality in front of him and the images in his memory. He saw the shadow of a gambler in Neos. The eyes of those who have lost everything at the gambling table are both desperate and full of persistence for luck. They place their last hope on the unknown next game. Even if the probability is slim and the price is high, they are willing to put everything they have just for that possible victory.

At this time, Nios was like one of those gamblers. He had lost his legs and something very important, but he still wanted to come back in this game. In his eyes, Yang Yun saw the same persistence and determination, the kind of embarrassing struggle that refused to give up even though he knew he might fail again.

——Sure enough, even if some people are different from them in the original world line, what is hidden in their bones will still not change... Neos is still the same person who thinks highly of himself, does not regard his teammates as partners, but does not recognize him A guy who knows how much he weighs.

——If Chu Xuan really succeeded in seizing power when he entered the Alien and became the captain of the Zhongzhou Team, then the Zhongzhou Team under his leadership may also be in the same situation...the lives of the team members will only become a part of the chessboard layout. The chess pieces became stepping stones and consumables on the road to ultimate victory, and were eventually used up in his gambling again and again.

The Nanyanzhou team is in a precarious situation at this time, with almost no bargaining chips left. Under this situation, Nyos still chose an extreme path. He bet everything he and the team had on the gambling table in a last-ditch effort to reverse the situation.

This young man who lost his legs is using his skilled words as much as possible, trying to put the Nanyanzhou team and the Zhongzhou team on the same level by tying himself to the power of the plot. This is how he strives to gain a bit of dignity for himself and the team. Performance. But what is sad is that his behavior is not to gain a slightly more favorable position for the Nanyanzhou team, but to preserve his own last dignity...even if this position is based on an extremely fragile foundation.

In other words, he said the softest words in the strongest tone.

Yang Yun actually doesn't quite understand Nios's thoughts, just like he can't understand why Nios has such a arrogant attitude and is so narrow-minded that Chu Xuan would be angry to death... But Nios's In one round, the bet was indeed won.

The Zhongzhou team would indeed not attack the half-disabled Nanyanzhou team. What Nios had brought out was enough to buy both his own and Richard's lives. And a living Nios is more useful than a dead Nios.

The former can get intelligence, information, and a series of help, but the latter can only get two B-level side plots and 14,000 reward points, and then add two points to the Central Continent team's score for this team battle. Although the gap between side plots and reward points will never be satisfied, the Central-Continent team, which has done a hard job in the previous world, still looks down on this reward for the time being, so Nyos, who has lost both legs, and is seriously injured, his body Richard, whose interior had been destroyed and was in disarray, managed to save his life. but……

"You must rarely ask for help, and rarely surrender."

Staring into Neos' eyes that looked like death, Yang Yun shook his head: "As the captain of the Nanyanzhou team and the commander of the Soviet Alliance, your behavior will chill the hearts of those who follow you."

A team leader must not only have courage and determination, but also have calm judgment and a responsible attitude towards his teammates. Every decision they make will directly affect the fate of the entire team, and extreme behaviors often cause distrust and instability within the team... In the past of the Zhongzhou team, Zheng Zha did not know how much suffering he had suffered, but even if The man who killed all his teammates in Resident Evil 2 did not turn into a vengeful ghost like Neos and embark on that extreme path.

"A good commander only needs to continue to bring victory to the people under his command, no matter what the cost."

Nios answered without hesitation, without a trace of hesitation: "That's my answer." (End of Chapter)

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