This endless world

Chapter 577 Chips and Avengers



The moment Nios said these words, both Richard and the three plot characters all screamed.

Everyone present was no stranger to Nios. They had a deep understanding of the blond young man's character and past. They also clearly knew that Nios' pride was almost the essence of his existence, and his confidence and self-esteem were the basis of his actions. the driving force. Therefore, it is undoubtedly an extremely painful thing for a person with such an arrogance to admit defeat and even ask for surrender from the Central Continent team he has never met... It can even be said that this is more difficult for him than death.

Yet he did it anyway, without hesitation.

"The information you know."

After hearing Neos' declaration of what could be called "surrender", Yang Yun couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. After all, this guy was in the original world line, but he was angered to death by Chu Xuan without saying such words. There was a big difference between him and the arrogant wise man he saw in the book "Infinite Horror".

At such a close distance, even if Yang Yun did not need to rely on Zhan Lan's mental power to perceive emotions, he could still see the profound obsession for revenge on Nios's face. At present, there are only two people left in the Nanyanzhou team, and they are still disabled, which can also silently explain what kind of failure they have encountered. To describe it in four words, it is a complete defeat.

However, Yang Yun would not have any sympathy for their misery. The current situation of the Nanyanzhou team is a problem between them and the Arctic team, and has nothing to do with the Zhongzhou team. The Zhongzhou team and the Nanyanzhou team have never even met before.

——There is no old love to remember, so there is only one choice to make.

"Tell me your bargaining chip." Yang Yun's eyes did not waver at all, but looking at Neos's miserable state, he still regained his momentum slightly to prevent this guy from doing anything bad: "You have nothing to bargain with. If you want to buy a life with information, tell me everything you know."

"...the margin of the strong."

Feeling that the heavy pressure on his chest was finally lightened, and the fatal danger of death at any time was also slightly away, Nios coughed and exhaled a breath of depression that he had not been able to exhale before: "Yes, we are here now. Please surrender to you. Even if we have the corresponding information in our hands, the priority cannot be reversed... Being able to make such a judgment proves that you are not a simple-minded guy with well-developed limbs, but a qualified captain. .”

"You'd better stop talking nonsense." Yang Yun always felt that this guy was connoting a certain former captain named Zheng: "My time is very precious, you'd better pray that your information has corresponding value."

After hearing this, Nios didn't waste any time and said directly: "The Arctic Team has cooperated with Yuri."

……That's it?

Yang Yun almost said these two words. He glanced at the three plot characters behind Neos and thought that anyone could see this kind of thing, since important figures from both sides of the Soviet Union are here. , then the Arctic team and the Yuri camp should be in the same situation... Can this also be considered intelligence?

"The cooperation I'm talking about doesn't mean this kind of cooperation with our Nanyanzhou team, but the kind of deep-seated cooperation that involves the main god space."

Perhaps this is a common problem among wise men, they like to half-talk what they say. After saying half a sentence of information that everyone knows, Neos finally broke the real news. The young man took a hard bite of the chocolate in his hand and said through gritted teeth: "They don't have the slightest bit of pride in being reincarnators of the Lord God's Space. Instead, they joined Yuri's command and made the other party know all the plot stories of Red Alert 2. ...They even opened up all the technologies they know to Yuri!"

"The combined attack of hyperspace transformation and nuclear bombs that you suffered before was the new weapon developed by Yuri with their help. And now that you have entered, they have almost ruled the entire earth and grown into a behemoth... …Even you, the strongest Central Continent team among the three reincarnation teams, cannot possibly compete with Yuri’s army sweeping the world!”

——If that were the case, it would make sense.

After hearing these words, Yang Yun immediately understood the reason why Richard had both gunshot wounds and artillery wounds. And at the moment when he caught the knife, he even felt that there was still radiation and virus erosion in the other person's body. Looking at it now, it is the injuries sustained by the Nanyanzhou team in the past confrontation with Yuri's army.

"In this world, Yuri is a powerful mental controller, so he must have noticed something was wrong with the reincarnations and used mind control to control the reincarnations of the Arctic team."

Looking at the flames of resentment flashing in Neos's eyes, Yang Yun thought for a while and then replied: "After that, Yuri integrated the internal forces and developed brand new weapons, so as to defeat you all."

"No, they are not controlled by Yuri, but maintain their own consciousness. Perhaps this is the exchange condition for their cooperation with Yuri, and it is also the reason why I did not discover it at the beginning..."

Unexpectedly, Nios actually denied Yang Yun's speculation: "But because of this, I can't accept it even more... I can't accept that I was completely kept in the dark, nor can I accept that I was completely kept in the dark by the Arctic team and the Arctic team." Yuri played together with applause!"

——If this is the case, then you really did not lose unjustly.

Yang Yun glanced at Tanya and the other three people behind him. He noticed that from just now, Neos had used his mental power to cover up his conversation, so that the three people behind him except Richard could not hear it... This is still happening to this day. The guy who hasn't been able to truly have a heart-to-heart relationship with the other person still hasn't let go of his status and pride.

However, Yang Yun would not point out this character weakness of Neos. Since the other party was unwilling to let Tanya and the others know the specific secrets of the main god space and wanted to retain the last face, he would be happy to do so: "Compared to this , I am more concerned about what the intelligence you mentioned can actually bring us."

"After entering this world, I became the commander of both the Soviet Union and the Alliance in a short period of time, and before the Arctic team entered, I commanded the army to defeat Yuri on all battlefields. "

Hearing this, a trace of humiliation flashed across Neos's face: "So I can hand over to you a series of scientific and technological information including light prism technology, Tesla coil technology, hyperspace technology, and iron curtain technology... "

"If it's just these, it's not enough, far from enough." Before Nios finished speaking, Yang Yun shook his head and said: "These are not absolute secrets. If you want, we are keeping Yuri After defeating the Arctic team completely, you can definitely get it yourself.”

"...I can give you all the troops I have, whether I serve as the commander and follow your orders, or transfer the remaining command authority."

The look of humiliation on Neos's face deepened, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "If you want to completely defeat Yuri, you need an army. The strength of a reincarnation team alone cannot fight against the Yuri army in the entire world. of……"

"That's just what you think." Yang Yun still shook his head: "Do you really understand how strong we are? And do you really understand that the Lord God has given you sixty days to enter in advance? How big is the gap?"


"Bring out your cards, Neos."

Nios seemed to want to defend something, but Yang Yun no longer wanted to listen to him: "If you only have these chips, then I would rather get a two-point kill, and then go and destroy the Arctic continent." The team and Yuri will be completely crushed."

"What seems to be a huge thing in your eyes may be just a small thing in my eyes."

"No need to doubt, I and my partners can definitely do it."

This sentence blocked all of Neos's rhetorical plans in his throat. At this moment, he really understood what it felt like to be "defeated by strength", and his heart was full of aggrievedness. The most annoying thing is that the black-haired young man opposite him continues to say: "You still have the last three seconds to think about it, three, two..."

"Damn it, I'll give you everything!"

Hearing Yang Yun's countdown, Neos could no longer suppress his inner anger. He hammered the armrest of his wheelchair, causing the chocolate in his hand to explode and fly everywhere. The young man roared: "I'll give you the key to the time machine! The key we got from Dr. Einstein when we entered this world!"

"This is my biggest bargaining chip! It should be enough!"

Nios's words were like the roar of a trapped animal. His chest rose and fell violently, and every breath seemed to be fighting against the agitation in his heart. His red eyes were locked tightly on Yang Yun, and not only anger flashed inside, There is also an indescribable firmness and determination.

--I see.

A certain enlightenment flashed through Yang Yun's heart. He knew very well the specific function of the time machine. Regarding this key prop that ran through the first to third parts of Red Alert, Chu Xuan had already entered the world of Red Alert 2. Before, I did a science popularization for all the members of the Central Continent Team.

The importance of the time machine goes without saying, and it can even be called the greatest invention in the Red Alert world. In Yuri's Revenge Campaign, both the Allies and the Soviet Army used this key machine to change history at the first level and launched a counterattack against Yuri... As the first to enter the world of Red Alert II For the Nanyanzhou team, it is not surprising that they hold the key to the time machine.

"If this is not enough, then we will break up in two and you will not get anything!"

But Yang Yun's thinking and silence seemed to give Neos an illusion, making the young man who had shown his last trump card even more irritable. He couldn't help but roar again, and his words also revealed an extreme attitude.

Not to mention Yang Yun, even Richard beside him could see that Nios had pushed himself to the edge of the cliff, leaving no escape route. His words were not only a final fight for his dignity and goals, but also an ultimatum to Yang Yun.

"With this thing, it is indeed enough."

Even by saying such shameless words, Neos has exposed his current embarrassment. It can be said that this wise man of the Nanyanzhou team who thinks highly of himself has indeed been pushed to the end of his rope. And Yang Yun himself understood that unless he really forced Nios to death here, he would not be able to get more chips from the Nanyanzhou team.

But Yang Yun still has an unanswered question that needs to be answered by Neos. So he spoke, his voice steady and clear: "That's enough, but I still have a question."

"If you are doubting that my words are deceiving you, then there is no need to do so."

When Neos, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, heard this, he opened his arms again and gave up his resistance.

Although Nios also knows that if Yang Yun really intends to take action, the difference between resisting and giving up resistance will not extend his life even for a second, but this is an attitude in itself, an attitude of letting things go: "You can do whatever you want. You can ask the mental controllers in your team to scan my thoughts, read through my memories, search my soul, and see if there is any lie in what I just said..."

"No, that's not what I'm asking. How should I put it... Neos, this is not your style."

Yang Yun paused, on the one hand to organize his words, and on the other hand to ensure that Neos's attention was completely focused on himself: "What made you do this?"

"……you know me?"

Hearing these words, a flash of thought flashed in Neos's eyes, and he said keenly: "And listening to your words, you actually know my style of doing things? Where did you know me? Other members of the Samsara Team In the mouth? Or..."

"It's not important, but I do have a certain understanding of you." Yang Yun would not say that he got to know Nios from the book, and also understood his character traits and part of his layout style: "On the contrary , your answer is very important to me, because time will change a person, but it cannot change something engraved in his bones."

Nios frowned and stared at Yang Yun, as if he wanted to see the truth behind the question from his face. But Yang Yun, who has unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, can already control genes. How can he leave any chance for Neos to read facial expressions?

"It's hatred. It's Yuri who used Hofer as a vivisection material to study why he was able to emit thunder and lightning hatred with his own power after redeeming the Thunder Fruit. It's Yuri who killed our mental controller Xue Ling'er. The body was captured alive and sliced, only one brain survived, the hatred that could not survive or die; it was the hatred that Richard and I barely escaped from, but could only linger here, pinning our hopes on the Central Continent team that finally arrived... …”

After a few seconds, Neos finally took the initiative to let go. At the moment he said these words, he could no longer maintain his expression, and his original emotion was replaced by an almost tangible anger: "It was my plan that failed. Yuri plotted against me when I was in the heat of battle with the Arctic team. He used this despicable method to undermine my pride and even toyed with me. Hatred among applause——"

The anger burned in Neos's eyes, and the young man's pupils shone with piercing hatred, like a wounded beast, ready to launch a final desperate fight. The young man took a hard bite of the broken chocolate in his hand, and every word They seemed to be carrying blades, cutting the surrounding air: "So as the captain of the Southern Yanzhou team, I want to take revenge on the Arctic team, and take revenge on Yuri..."

"I will do everything I can to get back this shame!" (End of Chapter)

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