This endless world

Chapter 575 French Tradition

The first moment the sonic blast channel opened, Richard moved.

He had to move, because the moment he heard the sudden sound, a strong danger hit him like a tide, making his body tense invisibly. It was as if when he walked out of his house this morning, what was outside the door was not the usual peaceful golden morning light, but a sea of ​​blazing magma and boundless fire... This illusion was so real that he could almost feel the temperature and heat in it. Burning his skin!

This is not an illusion, but a sixth sense that Richard has honed over many years of battlefield career, a keen awareness of danger - and his body even moves faster than his mind!

Conditioned reflex, when humans face danger, the body often reacts one step ahead of the mind. The second-level gene lock was opened in an instant. Richard's muscles expanded several times in an instant, and his already strong physique became even larger. At this moment, he transformed into a muscular giant of about three meters!

——And this is not enough, far from it.

Then the blood in Richard's body seemed to be ignited and began to boil inside his body, and every heartbeat seemed to increase his strength. His nerves seemed to be burned by flames, his bones seemed to be gradually dissolving in the heat, and his reason gradually blurred in front of this force, conveying unspeakable pain, but also inspiring a more powerful force in this pain. strength.

Self-created skills, Berserker.

The blood in the man's body became more intense, as if there was a flame burning in his body, and then the violent power surged out of his body, forming blood-colored air waves on the surface of his skin, and then -


Richard stepped down with his left foot, leaving a deep footprint on the steel floor. The man roared and held the giant ax that never left his body in his left hand, regardless of where he was on the submarine. In the command room, he slashed straight at the figure who had not completely walked out of the passage!

This blow is very strong. With the addition of "Berserker", the giant ax in Richard's hand seems to have become the embodiment of his anger. It can easily break rocks and cut through steel, which is enough to destroy a building. Cut in half in the middle, it was even stronger than when Zheng Zha went all out in Legend of Gods and Ghosts. With one blow, just the strong wind brought by swinging the giant ax caused violent vibrations in the air, creating wind pressure that split everything around it and left several deep scratches on the wall. !

"too weak."

——However, this blow, which in the eyes of ordinary people was completely invincible, only received a comment that could even be called contempt.

However, this is not contempt, but fact.

The enemy opposite him had not yet walked out of the passage, but he just stretched out his hand lightly, and clamped the center of the ax with his thumb and index finger with a faint green light, and then the force of the axe. The falling giant ax fell into the opponent's control like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

The huge momentum suddenly returned to zero, and was suddenly frozen in mid-air. All the power seemed to be easily absorbed and neutralized by the opponent, and even the power that should have rebounded disappeared without a trace.

"There are enemies!"

Richard's movements were so fast that others only reacted at this time. As an elite agent, Tanya subconsciously took out the C4 explosive she had always carried with her from behind. Eva, who had just woken up from a dream, took out the pistol at her waist and wanted to fire. The one closest to the console was also for this ship. Sophia, whom the submarine is most familiar with, wants to press a dangerous red button——

"Be quiet."

But the next moment, the voice suddenly sounded in the air again.

Its tone is not high-pitched, but it contains an irresistible majesty. As the sound appeared, a frightening pressure came and enveloped the entire command room instantly. Everyone in the field instantly became unable to move, like a frog locked by a giant snake. I felt extreme fear and powerlessness.

This kind of coercion is not simply murderous intent or other indescribable forces, but a more fundamental existence - the crushing of the essence of life. It is like oppression from a higher-level species, making everyone feel the insignificance and fragility of their lives at this moment.

It was as if he was facing a whole world.

The crisp sound of the weapon falling to the ground was like a heavy stone being thrown into the calm lake, breaking the originally tense atmosphere of the confrontation. The invisible pressure from higher-level beings is like an invisible torrent, sweeping away everyone's will to resist.

Tanya, a female warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, her eyes were once full of determination and perseverance, but at this moment, her eyes became empty and confused. The two adjutants, who once commanded Ruoding on the battlefield, could only stand where they were, giving up all means of resistance. Even the soldiers stationed outside the command room originally wanted to rush in to provide support, but when the pressure came, their footsteps were blocked outside the door, and they could only stand helplessly, feeling their own weakness.

Under the oppression of this high-level life, all struggles and forces seem so insignificant and powerless. Everyone has a feeling that they are like a small boat in a storm and may be swallowed by huge waves at any time. Their will is like a broken sail, which can no longer lead them in the direction.

At this moment, everyone was waiting in silence, their hearts filled with fear of the unknown and helplessness about their fate. They understand that in the face of this power, all they can do is wait and accept.

"Nan Yanzhou Team."

They saw that the owner of the voice finally walked out of the space passage. It was a young man with black hair. He looked ordinary, but the aura emanating from him made it difficult to even breathe. . And everyone who has experienced the feeling just now seems to have seen a god walking on earth, and that seemingly ordinary body contains energy enough to destroy the world——

They saw that the black-haired young man raised his eyebrows, and with a flick of his hand, Richard, who seemed to be frozen, was sent back to his original position. There is not even the slightest difference in position, everything seems leisurely and leisurely, as if the "fight" between them is just a leisurely performance: "So, are you ready for your last words?"


Suddenly, Neos's voice rang out, and he was the only person who could speak in this dead space. Although the voice spoke very slowly and showed an unstoppable weakness, it seemed so clear at this moment.

"Oh?" The black-haired young man seemed to be a little interested in Neos's words. He cast his gaze and stayed for a full second on the other person's current state, especially his legs that were broken at knee level: "What do you want to say?"

This question rekindled the hope of everyone present. Yes, Nios is the co-commander of the Soviet and Allied forces. He has led everyone present to overcome so many difficulties and created so many miracles. Until today, he will always find a way——

"We surrender."

Then, they saw the commander in their mind and gave the French military salute without hesitation. (End of chapter)

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