This endless world

Chapter 574 What are they?


The dark clouds in the sky were instantly torn apart by a dazzling light.

It was a terrifying beam of light that was several times more dazzling than the sun. The nuclear bomb transferred through time and space conversion was directly detonated. In just an instant, endless light burst out from the void, and the entire space was destroyed. Swallowed by this light, it was as if daylight had suddenly fallen, and the world was trembling at this moment.

A small sun seemed to be born from the center of the explosion. The light and heat it released could turn everything into nothingness. The trees standing on the desert island only lasted less than a tenth of a second before they were spread. Nuclear explosions burned everything down. The shock wave of the nuclear bomb spreads around at an incredible speed, mercilessly destroying all objects in front of it, but it is constrained by some kind of boundary line of time and space, so that it can only react back and forth within a prescribed area.

Unstable radiation bombards all matter in the closed space. The energy that cannot be diffused becomes increasingly dense in the shrinking area, creating an environment like the core of a star. Under high temperature and high pressure, the atomic structure of all matter is disintegrating. Otherwise, secondary fusion or fission may occur, causing chain reactions to rarely appear in the macroscopic world.

When the violent energy fluctuations finally subsided, there was no sound, and nothing could remain. The isolated island where the Zhongzhou team arrived had completely become the dust of history.

——And it wasn't until a few hours later that a small machine slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea.

"...Judging from the remaining energy fluctuations here, there are at least twenty high-power nuclear bombs detonated at the same time."

In the command room, the light shines on the operating table and various instruments, and the slight hum of machinery, accompanied by the occasional sound of water flow, constitutes the main melody in this enclosed space. Adjutant Sophia, wearing a Soviet uniform, was sitting in front of the command podium, her eyes fixed on the screen in front of her.

Looking at a series of data readings on the screen, Sophia sighed deeply: "Specially made new nuclear bombs, that bastard Yuri has improved them. According to the energy readings from the detector, the amount of energy released by the nuclear explosion center is The energy is even enough to destroy a quarter of the United States... Nothing can survive an explosion of this power."

"...It's Professor Einstein's hyperspace technology."

Adjutant Eva, who was sitting on the other side of the podium, was in sharp contrast to Sophia. This normally heroic female adjutant looked extremely ugly at the moment, and seemed to be under heavier psychological pressure than Sophia. Wearing an Allied military uniform, she slowly took off the headphones from her head and placed them on the command podium, her movements seemed a little weak.

Eva's eyes were red from staring at the screen for a long time. She pinched the corners of her eyes gently, trying to dispel the pain caused by tension and fear: "Through time and space conversion, the nuclear bomb is sent to the target location and detonated. And it freezes the surrounding space and time, preventing the huge energy from escaping, destroying everything in the solidified space... Professor Einstein's research has made another breakthrough, but unfortunately, his technology has become our biggest enemy. "

"Professor Einstein..."

Eva's voice revealed exhaustion and helplessness, as if she had just experienced a mental torture. Compared with her, Tanya, who was wearing a vest, sounded much more energetic and angry. The agent, who has always had a bad temper, clenched the guns at his waist, gritted his teeth, and showed an unbending expression: "If I can get him out of that miserable place in Egypt with Colonel Richard, If you are rescued from the Great Pyramid, the situation will not be..."

"Don't talk about those past things now, it's all meaningless."

Beside the table, a strong man was holding a burning cigarette in his mouth. The smoke was swirling around him, adding a bit of roughness to him. It was he who interrupted Tanya's words with his rough voice just now.

The strong man's body is covered with scars, each telling a cruel story of past battlefields. Some of those scars come from the penetration of bullets, some are traces left by the flames of bombs, and some are deep wounds caused by chemical corrosion and radiation. Deep trauma. His right arm was lost, and the empty cuff left behind seemed to tell the story of the lost battle, and the giant ax he once used could only be placed next to his left hand helplessly.

——The man's name is Richard, the strongest fighting force of the Nanyanzhou team, whether it is now or in the past.

In the past battle, Richard was seriously injured. Although a life was finally recovered from the battlefield, the lost arm could not be recovered. In other words, in the battle with the opponent, it was a blessing to only lose one arm... Although I walked away from the door of hell. The experience greatly reduced Richard's strength, but his tone was still firm: "I believe that the Central Continent team will not die in that nuclear explosion. They must have some way to escape."

"How is that possible?" Tanya turned around and asked in a surprised tone: "Richard, although I respect you very much and understand how powerful you time and space travelers who have returned from the future are, those are twenty nuclear bombs. ! Under this level of attack, no matter how strong a person is, there is no way he can survive——"

"...They can survive."

Suddenly, a spiritual power sounded in the minds of everyone in the command room. It was a tired, weak, but unable to hide the wisdom of the voice: "This level is not enough to kill them."


The voice that suddenly came from the mind made everyone present stand up from their seats almost at the same time, as if it was a silent tribute to the upcoming figure. Immediately afterwards, the door slowly opened, and a blond young man sat in a wheelchair, sliding into this slightly depressing space with the faint light from the corridor.

The appearance of the young man instantly made the atmosphere in the room solemn and solemn. Although his legs were gone from the knees down, leaving only the empty outline of the wheelchair, he still couldn't hide the arrogant temperament emanating from his bones. There is an obvious gap on his forehead. Even under the dim light, it still looks very conspicuous, giving people an unusual feeling.

"Nios! Why are you here? Are you okay?"

Richard stood up from the table and held Neos's wheelchair. There was unconcealed worry on this strong man's face: "Your body is obviously..."

"...It's nothing. At this level, I just need to eat more chocolate to make up for it."

Neos waved his hands impatiently. He took out a piece of chocolate from his trouser pocket, took a hard bite on his mouth, and then looked at the people present and said: "You don't understand the true strength of the Central Continent Team. They ——”

He suddenly stopped at this moment, and the two lieutenants, who seemed to want to say something, and Tanya also stopped. Because everyone present heard a noise like the whistle of a cruise ship, which suddenly sounded inside the Dreadnought-class nuclear submarine located thousands of meters deep in the Pacific Ocean.

"Them what?"

In the small space inside the submarine, the sonic blast channel slowly opened. (End of chapter)

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