This endless world

Chapter 543 There is only one Zhang Heng

A second passed.

No matter how long it takes to return to the world before, the time that passes in the main god space is always only one second. So when everyone from the Zhongzhou Team met Cheng Xiao again, although the man still had that smiling expression on his face, there was more determination and less confusion in his eyes.

However, no one on the Zhongzhou team asked Cheng Xiao what happened in reality, because everyone has secrets that they don’t want to tell others, and they all need to keep their own privacy, just like this time they wanted to Just like Zhan Lan, who returned to reality to delete browser records and dispose of all the information on that computer, but was unable to make the trip... The moment Cheng Xiao returned to the main god space, she used her mental power to link the other person's mind. Cheng Xiao had no choice but to let go of his memories of this period with a wry smile, and Ren Zhanlan confirmed whether his privacy had been exposed.

"Have the tasks been completed?"

After Zhan Lan confirmed, Chu Xuan asked. He put down the microcomputer in his hand and looked at Cheng Xiao with his eyes behind the lenses: "Tell me about your experience during this time."

"Well, let me tell you..."

Cheng Xiao spoke very seriously, and everyone in the Zhongzhou team also listened very seriously. When Cheng Xiao told him that he had met Zheng Zha's parents, but the other party regarded him as a spy who came to seek life from the underworld and refused to reveal any information about his son, Zheng Zha showed a mixture of laughter and tears mixed with emotion; When Zhan Lan heard that no one had come to her room once and that the room was covered with dust, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to complain that she had disappeared for a long time but no one cared about her. She even stopped updating the novel. It’s also sad that no one urged me to update.

Overlord's eyes turned red after learning that all members of his mercenary group died together with the enemy in that base, but then he cheered up and said something like "no regrets"; Zero Point had no worries in reality, but When he heard that the villa where he took revenge was empty, and that his mother had started a new life with his brother, this cold-faced killer who usually had no other emotions still stood there for a long time, looking at Looking in the direction of his room, he showed an extremely complicated expression.

The tomb-robbing gang that Qi Tengyi belonged to before was vulnerable to the powerful power of the state, and the intricate dark forces behind them were also eradicated. It even involved some secret antique theft groups and international forces, allowing this young man who had always had a thorn in his side to finally let go of the heavy burden in his heart; at the same time, although the restaurant was not gentle to Luo Gandao, it at least gave him shelter. En's orphanage also received generous assistance from Cheng Xiao. This made the seventeen-year-old boy who could not bear the abuse and poverty in the orphanage, who had escaped with his best friend in his childhood and struggled to survive on the edge of society, finally could only quietly look up at the sky of the Lord God's space, and his heart was filled with unspeakable sorrow. emotion.

In addition, Cheng Xiao also investigated Li Xiaoyi's life experience and made corresponding compensation for his parents who were indifferent to their son being bullied on campus and even disappeared, ensuring that they would have no food and clothing for the rest of their lives. Worry can be regarded as settling a regret that Zheng Zha failed to complete when he returned to the real world last time.

"I quietly visited Wang Renjia...Wang Xia's home, and secretly took the life potion you prepared for his elderly mother. This can extend her life for at least fifty years. It is a small selfish move on my part. "

After finishing speaking, Cheng Xiao looked at Yang Yundao again: "As for the mental patient named Xiao Honglu and the mental hospital that was destroyed by the fire, I did find relevant information. There is indeed a genius child named Xiao Honglu in that orphanage. But long before we entered the main god’s space, the unusual features of that child attracted the attention of others, and he was eventually adopted as an adopted son by a rich man and brought to a small country in Europe.”

"That's it. I hope Xiao Honglu can live an ordinary life..."

Yang Yun sighed. He actually had some complicated emotions in his heart about Xiao Honglu, a little boy who failed to enter the Zhongzhou team because of his butterfly effect. On the one hand, he knew that in the original world line, Xiao Honglu was completely suppressed externally by the clone Chu Xuan in Resident Evil 2, and was completely replaced by Chu Xuan in the Zhongzhou team in terms of layout and scientific research. Now Yang Yun's Zhongzhou team has no place for him... On the other hand, maybe Xiao Honglu is adopted by others and does not have to be studied like a monkey in a certain research institution, which is a good thing for him.

"How is the situation on Hong Kong Island?" Chu Xuan glanced at Yang Yun's reaction, and then asked Cheng Xiao: "In addition, regarding the traces of the Immortal Thieves Group, are there any traces of them internationally now?"

"Basically nothing, Colonel Chu Xuan."

Cheng Xiao sighed and explained: "I used the power of the state to conduct a second search in that area. Although some people related to Adam were found, they all admitted that they seemed to have vaguely seen that person in their sleep. Man, but no one can tell the truth... And it has been a long time since the Immortal Thieves Group made their last attack."

"Well, it seems that Haotian has also entered the main god space." Chu Xuan said calmly: "Adam will not leave this flaw and let this 'companion' who has a close relationship with him stay in the real world for me to capture His doesn't matter, it's just a casual move. Even if Haotian enters the main god space and successfully merges with Adam, what we need to do will not change."

"Team Tianshen has never been worthy of truly participating in this chess game."

——Indeed, in the battle for the protagonist, no one wants to see Adam truly become the protagonist of the main god space, whether he is a positive or a negative...

Yang Yun thought silently in his heart that the God Team was never a good place to be in and out of the play, and Adam, who followed lies closely, was by no means a good leader.

"So, did you come to a conclusion about the last thing I asked you to investigate?"

Not mentioning Yang Yun who was thinking about the Tianshen Team, Chu Xuan asked again: "With our country's household registration detection system, this question should be very simple."

Hearing the last question asked by Chu Xuan, Cheng Xiao's expression became obviously more serious. He took out a piece of paper and handed it to Chu Xuan, and then solemnly said: "Yes, Colonel Chu Xuan, just as you said Just like that, I easily found Zhang Heng’s household registration address, which is Wanglongmen, Shancheng City. However, in the household registration database of more than one billion people, there is only one result when searching for his name. In other words, in our In the real world…

"There is only one Zhang Heng." (End of Chapter)

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