This endless world

Chapter 542 Returning Home

In a heavily guarded room, Cheng Xiao's figure suddenly appeared from the void.

The Lord God's stern warning still echoed in his ears. It was an iron law that prohibited him from revealing the secrets of the Lord God's space. Any disobedience would lead to the terrible outcome of being completely obliterated. The moment Cheng Xiao opened his eyes, he immediately felt that countless cameras in the room that had been silent for a long time were suddenly awakened.

Quick response, he thought.

The computer next to me is still running, with the familiar interface of blue sky and white clouds, but the dialog box that says "Do you want to understand the meaning of life, do you want to truly live" is missing. Other than that, everything was the same as when he left.

It was in this ordinary room that Cheng Xiao, under hypnosis, was able to enter the mysterious main god space through the relevant plans brought back by Chu Xuan. Although the time for executing the plan was not long, he experienced colorful, intense and unusual adventures and battles in the main god's space, and felt unprecedented experiences and emotions... which even included a death experience.

So, facing the men in military uniforms who pushed the door open and looked at him with incredulous eyes, Cheng Xiao just smiled and saluted them with a military salute.

"Belongs to Special Countermeasures Team No. 36, Cheng Xiao."

"Apply to temporarily return to the team."

The name Chu Xuan seemed to have incredible power, allowing Cheng Xiao, who was supposed to go through layers of scrutiny and questioning, to get the green light all the way. He was quickly directed to a room with the highest security level and most suitable for confidentiality, where he met directly with the decision-making figures. There, Cheng Xiao completed an important mission of his return - handing over the items that Chu Xuan entrusted him to bring back to the real world to the right person.

"Secret Code of Cultivation?"

The hands of the man in the white coat who took over several tattered thread-bound books from Cheng Xiao were trembling. Even this well-informed middle-aged man, after hearing Cheng Xiao's explanation of these cultivation techniques, his whole body was shaking. His worldview seemed to have been subverted: "If you perform this set of boxing techniques every morning and evening, you can extend your life by at least twenty years... How can such a thing happen?"

"It's nothing incredible. This is cultivation. And when I first heard it, I was even more surprised than you."

Cheng Xiao sighed and patted the man in front of him on the shoulder. Before leaving, Chu Xuan specifically told him that the person in charge of matters related to the Lord God Space after returning to reality would most likely be his deputy researcher Zhu Jue when he was at Longyin Base. Looking at it now, Chu Xuan has achieved it again. He expressed his prediction of the future: "A summer insect cannot speak of ice. Perhaps we will never be able to understand the world of cultivators. We don't know what kind of knowledge they have mastered..."

Cheng Xiao's words were full of sincerity and emotion, even a little bit sad, just like the reaction of a traveler on the road of exploration when he learned that there is still an unknown road ahead. He still can't understand how Qi Tengyi can deduce precise spatial coordinates from those mind-blowing numbers, symbols and formulas. He also finds that his application of knowledge seems to be far from the level of a cultivator. Far.

"When something happens, don't question it, just accept it."

After finishing his explanation in a mysterious tone, Cheng Xiao took out ten small bottles filled with liquids from his arms and placed them on the table: "And this, the ten bottles of alchemy prepared by Colonel Chu Xuan. Body spirit liquid.”

"Body refining liquid?"

These four words brought Zhu Jue back to his senses in an instant, and just feeling his clear mind, there was a kind of awe in his eyes: "It's the kind of body-refining spirit in the legend of cultivation." Is it liquid? It can cleanse the marrow of Yi Jing and improve people’s physical quality..."

"It's what you think." Cheng Xiao nodded and said, "The effect may not be as strong as you think, but the effect should be about the same."

——That bullshit body refining spirit liquid is completely the life energy that Yang Yun condensed casually.

But what Cheng Xiao was thinking was completely different from what he said. Because no matter who has witnessed the whole process of Yang Yun making the so-called "body refining spirit liquid", they will need to be extremely thick-skinned to blow it into the "Book of Changes Cleansing Marrow" body refining spirit liquid... Yang Yun just Simply drop three drops of life energy into a small bottle of water, shake it slightly and you're done. There is almost no additional cost or complicated procedures.

Although the preparation process is so straightforward, the effects of this potion are extremely significant. For an ordinary person, taking this bottle of magical body-refining liquid may easily increase cell activity by dozens of points, which is almost unimaginable in the real world.

By the way, Yang Yun's other approach was to abandon the use of portable jade slips of cultivation and instead choose a worn thread-bound book to record the exercises. He also cleverly asked Qi Tengyi to use ancient characters to write this book The uncomplicated basic cultivation techniques have been artificially aged to make them look more ancient and precious... After all, people tend to attach more importance to items that appear rare and ancient, and this is what he wants to achieve. Effect.

"Well, the basic situation is almost like this." Cheng Xiao thought for a while and then said: "This is what Colonel Chu Xuan wants me to bring back this time."

"oh oh……"

Zhu Jue originally thought that pie would never fall from the sky, but today he was unexpectedly hit by a series of good things. He was almost at a loss and could only passively accept the surprises in front of him. However, even though he was full of curiosity and thoughts about the things on the table, as soon as he thought that these things were made by Chu Xuan, Zhu Jue felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and he instantly remained sober.

"On behalf of all the members of the Longyin Base, I would like to thank Colonel Chu Xuan for his efforts," Zhu Jue said, his tone full of awe. "I wonder if the Colonel has any instructions for the next step. If there is, we can help. place……"

"Thank you, but no, I can handle it myself."

Cheng Xiao smiled and replied: "With the technology of the fifth generation of Quake, it doesn't take too long to crack the firewall and find what I need to find. In fact, I plan to leave now."

", please wait!"

Hearing Cheng Xiao's words, Zhu Jue jumped up in surprise. He knelt down and crawled around from the other side of the table to the other party, and hugged Cheng Xiao's thigh: "We have just informed Those few are on their way here now, and they especially want to see you!"

"It's a pity that I can't stay here for too long." Cheng Xiao slowly said in a regretful tone: "The situation is just like the last time our captain returned to the real world. My return is only temporary. Once time runs out, No matter what, I still have to go back to where I came from.”

With that said, Cheng Xiao tried to push the door and leave, but when he turned around, he saw that the other party was still holding his thigh tightly, so he had no choice but to say: "I still have my own things to do. At the last moment of leaving, I will Leave the last gift that Colonel Chu Xuan gave me. But if you don’t let me go..."

Hearing the threat in Cheng Xiao's tone, Zhu Jue calmly let go of Cheng Xiao's thigh and stood up: "Uh, I don't know what your plan is?"

"Go and complete the task assigned to me by Colonel Chu Xuan, and then..."

Cheng Xiao paused for half a second and said in a complicated tone: "I plan to go home." (End of Chapter)

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