This endless world

Chapter 541 Life and Death

"Wow, he's so handsome."

Under Yang Yun's deliberate control, the range of Shujie's birth was limited to the area behind him, so the members of the Zhongzhou team were not affected in any way. Zheng Zha looked at the majestic sea of ​​trees that spread for several kilometers, and couldn't help but feel a little emotion in his heart. He said with a little thought: "But Yang Yun, although the visual effect of creating a sea of ​​trees in an instant is very shocking, but If there are only simple trees, it seems that they can only play a restrictive role on the enemy... In actual combat, can this ability be of any use?"

"On the one hand, it's for cleaning purposes, and on the other hand, Zheng Zha, you don't know much about the functions of these trees."

Yang Yun smiled slightly, and his eyes swept over the dense sea of ​​trees. There was a hint of confidence in his voice, as if he had foreseen that the sea of ​​trees created by him would play a key role in the next battle. Role, and infinite possibilities: "Although trees are just restraints, when used correctly, they can become a powerful barrier or even a deadly weapon."

"Moreover, trees and vines can quickly absorb the life energy of bound enemies, causing them to quickly lose their ability to fight." Yang Yun briefly explained that when Zheng Zha entered the main god space, the plot of Naruto had not yet developed to the level of Uchi. Haubara and Senju Hashirama were reincarnated by the dirty earth, so he didn't know the true power of wood escape, and thought it was normal that the expressive power only stayed at the Chunin exam level in the first part: "At the same time, plants can also compete with people for air. Make it difficult for the enemy to breathe."

Competing air with plants? It was hard for Zheng Zha to imagine that kind of scene, but given the past history, he still chose to believe Yang Yun's words and asked curiously: "So you exchanged for something, Naruto's Hashirama cells?"

Yang Yun shook his head and answered Zheng Zha's question in a negative tone: "No, although I do have the ability to redeem the fruit of the sacred tree in Naruto, doing so will probably cause me to grow the Samsara Eye. After all, the chakra of the sacred tree The fruit may have the most direct connection with bloodline... so I finally decided not to use it."

There was a hint of caution in his tone, as well as a choice among the many options provided by the Autonomous God: "Although there are several redemptions to choose from, the one I chose in the end was the spiritual tree fruit from Dragon Ball."

——Sacred tree chakra fruit, from "Naruto", the sacred tree fruit sown and collected by the Otsutsuki clan. It was originally grown by the "Ten-Tails", a collection of chakras, that swallowed individuals of the Otsutsuki clan and then absorbed the natural energy of the entire planet... It requires an A-level branch plot and a reward of 8,000 points.

——Golden tree seeds. In the world view of "Elden's Ring", the seeds of the sacred tree thrown into the junction by the supreme will can grow into a real golden tree after being planted. The Golden Tree can distribute its power to other living beings, allowing them to receive blessings, and can recycle their souls after their death for further growth.

——Helheim Golden Fruit, from "Kamen Rider Armor"...

In addition to various fruits, the main god's exchange system also includes a series of consumables such as elixirs and potions. Although there are many items to choose from, after careful consideration, Yang Yun finally decided to choose those items that can enhance spiritual power and life energy. The final decision was the spiritual tree fruit... After all, in the face of these, they all seem extremely useful. But when you don’t know the exchange for their expressiveness in their respective works, it is always safer to choose the ones you are familiar with and understand.

"Dragon Ball...oh, it turns out to be the fruit of the spirit tree in the theatrical version."

Zheng Zha heard Yang Yun's explanation. Although he didn't know exactly what the fruit of the sacred tree was, he still knew something about the Dragon Ball work. After thinking about it for a moment, he remembered the plot in the theater version.

But one question was answered, and the second question was randomly generated. Zheng Zha had no idea what the similarities between the spiritual tree fruit in Dragon Ball and the wood escape ability in Naruto were. After all, on the surface, the spiritual tree fruit of Dragon Ball and the wood escape in Naruto seem to have only plants in common: "Then how do you use the wood escape ability? Could it be that the world of Naruto and the world of Dragon Ball are actually in the same universe, mutually exclusive Is there any intersection between them?"

"Don't ask, asking is just a matter of analogy."

Yang Yun first made a small joke and tried to answer Zheng Zha's question with humor. However, facing Zheng Zha's "Do you believe it or not" look, he finally chose to confess the truth: "Spiritual tree fruits and sacred tree fruits are actually fruits produced after absorbing the life energy of the planet. To put it bluntly, the spiritual tree On the contrary, the fruit can be regarded as one of the prototypes of the fruit of the sacred tree, and it is not surprising that it has similar effects."

"You told me earlier, which means that this 'Birth of the Tree Realm' is actually a self-created skill that you developed by combining the life energy in your body and the fourth-level gene lock. It is something that is similar to the original version, and is not chakra driven. that right?"

In Zheng Zha's view, Yang Yun's "Wood Release - Tree Realm Birth" did not come directly from Naruto's Wood Release, but created special skills with similar effects through the main god's exchange system and his own ability transformation. Although this ability simulates the effect of Wood Release, it does not mean that there is a direct connection between the two different worlds. Except they are all related to plants.

Yang Yun nodded and confirmed Zheng Zha's understanding: "Yes, although I borrowed the concept of Wood Release, the principles and driving forces behind it are completely different. To put it simply, I obtained it through the fruit of the Spirit Tree. The life energy and my gene lock ability work together to form such a new technology... But this is not too difficult. Planting trees can be done as long as you have hands, right?"

"That's easy to say. I haven't studied how the vampires can use the magic of turning into a bat until now." Listening to Yang Yun's speech at Versailles, Zheng Zha couldn't help complaining: "Obviously I have unlocked the fourth Even though they have advanced gene locks, they are still unable to do anything about this kind of thing. In the novel, this kind of thing should be the innate skill of the vampires...or is it that the Lord God discriminates against mutated vampire bloodlines?"

"It is indeed easy to say, but it is not easy to achieve. Mastering and improving abilities is not something that can be achieved overnight."

Chu Xuan took up Zheng Zha's words and said: "The advanced vampire enhancements that can change from human form to bat or even multiple forms are the innate abilities of their bloodline, and the mechanism behind it is far more complicated than imagined. This This transformation may be through gene regulation in cells and unique energy manipulation in the body. When deformation is required, a certain energy field or material conversion mechanism is carried out to transform the bones, muscles, internal organs and other tissues of the vampire, and even further change the body. density."

"Perhaps there is some deeper reason behind this simple thing, which is the racial difference between the two. Therefore, it cannot be explained simply by scientific principles. But it can be explained from biology, physics, chemistry and medicine. Make some scientific assumptions and discussions in other aspects..."

"Why did I just raise a question, but you seemed to be doing a research proposal?" Zheng Zha looked at Chu Xuan with strange eyes. He had already seen the words "Research Desire" that seemed to flash on the young man's glasses. "The light: "Actually, I just expressed my doubts, and I didn't say that I must research this skill..."

"Maybe it's because you just practice hard without practicing magic, so your physical strength is too high."

Yang Yun made a joke: "The higher the strength of the body, the greater the density of the muscles. The harder it is to turn your body into mist or split into bats... What is this explanation? Is it very scientific?"

"You see, in some settings of magic and supernatural abilities, the strength of the body and the ability to use magic are sometimes set to be opposites to some extent, and the vampires are usually thinner, so those Harry Potters It is quite reasonable for the vampires in the special world to be attracted to you, a new type of vampire who often exercises muscles...Pfft."

"...That's almost it."

Compared with Chu Xuan's long speech, it is obvious that Yang Yun, a discerning person who can see the reason for the nonsense, is more acceptable and more in line with Zheng Zha's usual characteristics. Hearing the snickers led by Cheng Xiao coming from behind, and the overlord's unabashed laughter, Zheng Zha didn't say anything, but showed his sandbag-sized fists with a dark face.

"Just kidding, just kidding."

Seeing Zheng Zha looking like he wanted to show his muscles with his fists after being exposed, Yang Yun coughed quickly, and at the same time quickly suppressed the smile that was about to overflow, and said instead: "Okay, let's start with the joke. Let it go... I'll take care of what's in front of me first. After all, we can't let these trees occupy the main square for a long time. This is not a Konoha ninja village, nor is it a place where you can use your abilities at will."

As he spoke, Yang Yun waved his hand gently, and in an instant, countless green light spots flickered from the depths of the forest, like fireflies flowing in the night sky, and merged into Yang Yun's body. With the return of these green lights, the huge sea of ​​trees began to wither quickly, as if time was speeding up at this moment, turning into dead branches and leaves in just tens of seconds. The main square of the Central Continent team once again revealed its original appearance, as if the natural wonder just now was just an illusion.

"You take back the life energy in these trees."

Chu Xuan's arm was as good as ever under the comprehensive repair effect of the Lord God. He watched intently as the trees gradually withered away, leaving only dead leaves and branches scattered on the ground. After the last green leaf withered and shattered, Chu Xuan said in a positive tone: "What you did was borrowing the 'generation' and 'evolutionary variation' of existing things, rather than creating something from scratch. of creation.”

Listening to Chu Xuan's words, Qi Tengyi on the other side also suddenly realized. His tone was filled with curiosity and recognition of this skill: "So...these trees are not actually constructed purely by chakra, but by Yang. It is catalyzed by the life energy that you control. Once those energies are withdrawn, they will naturally return to their original state."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it."

Yang Yun snapped his fingers, and a ray of life energy wrapped around Qi Tengyi's body and took root on his forehead: "So theoretically, I can help you solve this problem..."

The next moment, under the influence of life energy, Qi Tengyi's hair began to grow wildly, and the thick black hair soon covered the top of his head, but the problem was——

"...The effect seems to be a bit too good."

Seeing that not only Qi Tengyi's hair, but also his eyebrows and beard were starting to grow longer, Yang Yun coughed slightly and suppressed the smile in his words: "It seems that I still need to practice more."

"Theoretically, then, you should be able to do the opposite process as well."

Chu Xuan withdrew his gaze from Qi Teng, who had turned into a savage in just a few seconds. His words contained his unique sharp analysis, like a sharp knife cutting directly into the core of the problem, which made Yang Yun and other Zhongzhou The team members couldn't help but ponder: "Life and death are two inseparable aspects of the world. Since you can use powerful life energy to stimulate mutations in external biological tissues, and can effortlessly recycle the vitality you give to trees, you can go even further in reverse." Operation, do you also have the ability to take away the life force of others?"

"...This is indeed a novel point of view."

Yang Yun had to admit that Chu Xuan's question touched his thinking. This was a direction he had never thought of before: "Let me experiment."

Saying that, Yang Yun glanced at Qi Teng again, and regretfully gave up the plan to experiment on his forehead.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yun closed his eyes. At this moment, his temperament changed drastically.

If the previous Yang Yun could be compared to a bright sun, exuding endless vitality, like a big sun hanging high in the sky, its brilliance could melt glaciers and dispel severe cold; then now he is like a white dwarf star after the sun has exhausted its light. , no longer radiates light and heat, but begins to absorb the surrounding energy and life essence, bringing a cold winter, making the earth covered with the silver color of frost... And Luo Gandao, who was standing not far away from him, felt it almost instinctively At this transition, I unconsciously took a few steps back.

Zheng Zha was also aware of the changes that had taken place in Yang Yun. He moved cautiously and stood in front of everyone in the Zhongzhou team again to prevent the situation from happening again. But this time, the change in Yang Yun did not last long. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes again with a slightly helpless expression.

"How should I put may not be possible right now."

A few seconds later, Yang Yun opened his eyes. His eyes were locked on Chu Xuan again, and then he shrugged, expressing a sense of helplessness and recognition: "Your theory is very reasonable. Life and death are indeed inseparable. But the transformation between life and death is more than just a simple reverse movement."

"Based on my current level of control over power, the depth of my subtleties, and the in-depth exploration of bloodline power, it seems that it will take a long time to reach that state...but, after all, it is a path of progress."

"Well, I remember that in the martial arts novel called "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", there is the 'Immortal Seal' of the cycle of life and death. You can try to refer to this aspect."

Chu Xuan nodded, and with his usual calmness and analysis, he provided a research direction for Yang Yun: "For you now, it doesn't make much sense to exchange for equipment or skills below A level, so you You can postpone your redemption to accumulate resources, or redeem some targeted items for the next team battle."

"On this issue, we can wait until the return to exercise is over and the results of my research are available before discussing. Next..."

Chu Xuan's eyes turned to look at Cheng Xiao, who was still covering his mouth and snickering just now, making the young man with colorful hair tremble all over.

"Cheng Xiao, I need you to return to reality for a while." (End of Chapter)

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