This endless world

Chapter 540 When the moonlight shines on my face

"Fuck! Why is there such a big movement in strengthening a bloodline!"

The moment the light burst out, Zheng Zha cursed loudly, took up the "Glory of the Dragon" that he had just redeemed, and stood in front of everyone in the Zhongzhou team. The blood-colored protective shield also blocked the direct green light.

This is not real light, but the embodiment of life energy. Zheng Zha watched helplessly as the apple core that Chu Xuan dropped casually when he was thinking before took root and sprouted in the blink of an eye under the green light, and then grew tenfold or a hundredfold like a quick shot in a movie. In just a few seconds, a giant tree took root on the ground and expanded to a height of more than ten meters. The thick vines and roots even squeezed open the bluestone on the ground of the Main God Square.

From Zheng Zha's point of view, with each breath, the life energy in Yang Yun's body suddenly surged in magnitude at this moment, completely transcending the category of "regular life". It is not so much a powerful human being as it is a condensation of pure life force, radiating surging light of life outwards.

This extremely powerful life force contains the power of "life". Just the overflowing energy can instantly give birth to a giant plant. And this energy source just exists here, and it will passively affect everything around it. . That green light is just fine if it shines on Zheng Zha. If it shines on the bodies of Overlord and Luo Gandao, it may cause the body to be extremely activated and the cells in the body to be distorted under the strong vitality... After all, cancer Cells are actually special cells with extremely strong vitality that can proliferate and divide out of control indefinitely.

"Very strong."

Chu Xuan poked his head out from behind Zheng Zha, and the Nether core above his head illuminated a light curtain composed of numbers 0 and 1, firmly protecting him within it. The young man stared at Yang Yun, who was still in the pillar of light illuminated by the Lord God, and said thoughtfully: "The fourth-level vitality itself is extremely powerful. Whether it is high-speed self-healing or rebirth of a broken limb, it is not a problem for them." It's just an extremely small thing. But with the vitality Yang Yun has shown now, he may even be close to the state of 'rebirth with a drop of blood'."

"Really or not... Hey, wait, Chu Xuan, be careful!"

Zheng Zha originally wanted to chat with Chu Xuan on this topic, but he never thought that Chu Xuan took the initiative to reach out his hand and openly exposed his arm to the green light. In just a few seconds, the muscles on that arm began to squirm crazily, which was really disgusting and terrifying.

"It doesn't matter."

Chu Xuan retracted his arm and stared at the squirming muscle for a few seconds before shaking his head, taking out the knife and cutting off half of his arm without hesitation.

In the gushing blood, Chu Xuan lightly snapped his fingers, and half of his arm suddenly froze, and then turned into fly ash. After doing all this, he said: "It is an effect similar to radiation. If just irradiation can produce this kind of mutation, then Yang Yun can try to put life energy into the enemy's body in the future, so that the opponent's The cells mutated out of control and went berserk...Lord God, repair my whole body."

"Using life energy to hold others up to death?" Zheng Zha saw that the main god's repairing light beam fell on Chu Xuan's body immediately, and the lost hand began to grow slowly, so he relaxed and joked: " Or can we put it another way and milk the enemy to death?"

"The title is not important." Chu Xuan refused to continue the topic as if he didn't understand Zheng Zha's joke: "I remember that the existence of zombies is also related to vitality. This kind of tyrannical vitality is worth it. The value of research…”

"I'm not interested in your research."

Zheng Zha rolled his eyes and moved his gaze in the direction of Yang Yun again, where the bright light had not stopped: "The question I am concerned about is, how long does he need to strengthen?"

——It doesn’t actually take long.

Yang Yun withdrew his gaze from the twenty-meter-high apple tree beside him. Normally, this kind of tree would not grow so tall, nor would it evolve barbs on its trunk. An apple as big as half a watermelon... But under the light of Yang Yun's life, everything became possible.

Through the light beams that were no longer dense, Yang Yun could clearly see what was happening in the outside world, and could also clearly hear the conversation between Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan. He clearly felt that his heart was injecting energy into every cell in his body, flowing through every meridian and deep into every bone.

The power of life makes this body cheer and play a chorus. This energy goes deep into the body and into the soul, combining the two more closely and intimately.

- Very good, but not enough.

Feeling the more solid energy in his body, Yang Yun understood that his use of energy had become stronger, and the connection between body and soul had become closer. However, when he looked at the "building wood" in his inner world, he realized that he still needed to keep his spirit moving forward in order to achieve the greatest improvement. so……

——Lord God, redeem the spirit tree fruit... I originally wanted to exchange it for the etheric immortal body, but since I have unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, I can still develop this kind of skill exchange by myself later.

"The fruit of the Spiritual Tree comes from "Dragon Ball Z". The fruit is condensed from the essence of the planet's life energy. It can greatly increase the spiritual power and life energy, and has endless magical uses... It requires an A-level branch plot, and the reward points are 10,000 points."

As the reward points and side plots were deducted, a red fruit appeared directly in Yang Yun's hands, flowing with a strong breath of life and even forming red ripples visible to the naked eye.

Yang Yun grinned and swallowed it in one gulp without hesitation.

The fruit melts in your mouth, and time seems to slow down as a sweetness fills your throat. Most of the energy contained was integrated into the brain, and the other half was injected into the heart, and the giant tree deep in the heart began to surge!


As soon as Yang Yun clenched his fist, the light around his body turned into boiling flames, exuding terrifying energy fluctuations. This is a technique he used in the Pacific Rim world. It is similar to the "explosion" in fighting games... But now, for him, this green aura has turned into a pure energy shield!

——It goes hand in hand, and I think I can also cosplay characters in anime.

Just do it. As the main god's strengthened beam of light gradually dissipated, Yang Yun also stamped his right foot down hard, clapped his hands, and imitated a certain vegetative person in Naruto to mobilize all his energy——

"Wooden Release - The birth of the tree world!"

The next moment, within a few kilometers behind Yang Yun, countless vines and trees twisted and spun up from the ground, turning into towering giant trees, turning Zhongzhou Team's main square into a sea of ​​trees and forest! (End of chapter)

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