This endless world

Chapter 509 Attribute Transformation

The second battle, or in other words, the battle of revenge.

Yang Yun did lose to Zheng Zha in the world of Death Comes Four. Even though he was stronger at the time in terms of subtle skills, energy control, and even self-created skills, he was still defeated by the opponent's sudden outburst in the end. One punch.

Although Yang Yun's failure has become a foregone conclusion, it does not mean that he can accept his failure willingly... After all, Yang Yun has the experience of learning thinking patterns and layouts from Chu Xuan. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, he naturally learned that The strongest wise men have some "vindictive" temperament.

——Yang Yun has never been very big-hearted. Any grudges are usually avenged overnight. Even if he and the dominant Zhao Yingkong took the opportunity to "help the new captain of the Zhongzhou team familiarize themselves with the fourth-level gene lock in advance" and jointly beat Zheng Zha dozens of times, generally speaking, a man's "revenge" cannot be given with false hands. other's.

This is a battle for revenge and a battle to prove yourself. Yang Yun urgently needs an opponent of the same level to verify his progress, and at the same time to prove that he has reached a new level after seeing through the mental fog of the past.

Zheng Zha, who is also a fourth-level junior and also suppresses his inner demons, is Yang Yun's best opponent; and this planet full of flesh and blood and full of life and death is the best battlefield between the two! There is no need to worry about friendly forces or others, all the fighting spirit can be released to the fullest, and all the power can be swayed to the fullest!

The bright purple light was enveloped in a sea of ​​green, and the unimaginable confrontation made the air between the two groan in pain. When the fists and feet collide, the rhythm of the drums stimulates the sparks of the notes. The speed of the fists is like the rhythm of the music, and the strength is the volume of the notes. Their footsteps tear the earth, as if it is a song full of power. Heavy metal music.

When two men who fought without scruples and wholeheartedly expelled even the air from the battlefield, this incomparably magnificent symphony played together could only be truly felt by the two fourth-level powerhouses present. Every breath and every roar was integrated into this evenly matched battle.

In just a short moment, Zheng Zha and Yang Yun exchanged hands countless times. Even with subtle control, the energy fluctuations in the two people could not stop raging. The terrifying energy produced a shrill roar, and the two real humanoid natural disasters condensed everything between their fists and feet, venting it unreservedly on each other within a small distance!

The energy rushes like a violent wave and impacts like a tornado, causing the battlefield to roar with wind and thunder, and thunder to shake the sky. Just part of the aftermath of the fight between the two was like invisible arrows, shooting out in all directions, scattering the dark clouds on the horizon, flying an unknown distance before they exploded into a ball like a knife and blown away by the strong wind. Come. Countless collisions echoed in the air, shaking the eardrums and blurring the vision. The mid-air was filled with two-color light and shadow, turning into a blue-purple glow, illuminating the entire sky.

"What's wrong, where is your purple thunder knife?"

Yang Yun, who has used "super-sense", is far beyond ordinary in terms of nerve reaction speed and energy manipulation. His excessive exaggerated muscles will not bring any burden to the battle. On the contrary, his strength will increase sharply. He was once spliced ​​together for various reasons. Strengthened, it suddenly became a powerful combination of offense and defense under the integration of the fourth-level gene lock.

The strong vitality caused Yang Yun's muscles to expand rapidly. He punched out, and the cold fist pierced the sky, hitting Zheng Zha's defensive arms like a cannonball, knocking the strong man back hundreds of meters: " If you keep hiding it and not taking it out, you will be at a disadvantage!"

The next moment, the muscles on Yang Yun's body shrank suddenly again, and his entire body became streamlined, cutting through the air like an extremely sharp knife. His figure suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and accelerated suddenly. He unexpectedly came from behind and caught up with Zheng Zha's flying figure. His legs swung alternately and moved like the wind. I don't know how many feet hit Zheng Zha's defense again. !

Amidst the roaring sound, Zheng Zha was blasted directly from mid-air into the ground, while Yang Yun's body muscles changed for a while and returned to their usual appearance, as if the muscle condition and speed specialization just now were all illusions... But the huge crater Zheng Zha smashed into the ground clearly proved that all this was not an illusion.

"That's not a weapon that should be pointed at your comrades."

Among the ruins, Zheng Zha walked out of the smoke. As he fell, he destroyed dozens of houses along the way. The materials used by the pioneers to build houses scratched his body, but they couldn't leave even a white mark: "It's very powerful, Yang Yun... I didn't expect that just now It only takes such a short time to unlock the fourth-level gene lock, and you can develop this new ability to transform attributes in an ultra-short time and maximize your own strength."

"It's just a little trick. I have had similar expectations for a long time, but I just couldn't do it before."

Yang Yun smiled calmly: "The second level of muscle control, coupled with the third level of powerful computing power, and the fourth level of subtle power and genetic manipulation, the final result is this 'attribute transformation'... nothing extraordinary."

Muscle control is originally the ability of the second level gene lock, but after Yang Yun unlocked the fourth level, his powerful power of subtlety and precise control of energy brought this ability to a new level. . He can change his body like constantly changing water, push his strength to new limits when attacking, and increase his speed to a new level when dodging...and all of this is the fourth level gene lock. Attack methods that could only be accomplished in imagination before have been turned into reality!

"No, I can't do it. After all, my brain is not as good as yours, and I'm not as good at energy manipulation and subtlety... Not to mention, because of the high-speed reaction ability brought to you by 'super-sense', Only then did this kind of attribute transformation in a short period of time become possible.”

Zheng Zha shook his head. At this time, he had already activated the "explosion" and had the upper hand in terms of strength and speed alone. But Yang Yun, who has "super-sense", smoothed this gap through the high-speed reaction of his nerves and the newly developed "attribute transformation". Everything seems to be an upgraded version of the original battle with the God of Death, but as the fourth-level gene lock is open longer, Yang Yun's evolution becomes more and more obvious.

"The battle isn't over yet, and you're starting to blow now?"

Yang Yun had a funny look on his face, and he moved his wrist: "Or are you planning to surrender now that you don't need the Purple Thunder Sword?"

"Your mouth is still so poisonous, but I didn't say I wanted to surrender."

Listening to the familiar taunt coming from mid-air, Zheng Zha shrugged his shoulders. Now that he has no pressure and is no longer as impatient as when the god of death came four seasons, he will not be easily affected by trash talk: "Besides, there is no knife in the hand, but there is a knife in the heart. Using both hands to use the Purple Thunder Sword Technique, isn't it right?" What did you tell me?”

Making a confident declaration, Zheng Zha put his five fingers together and formed a knife with his palms. Destructive thunder gathered crazily on his palms... With a flash of lightning, Zheng Zha held five highly condensed thunder balls and moved towards Yang Yun. Come on!

Thunder explodes in the five mountains!

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