This endless world

Chapter 508 No need to suppress

"Damn, the Lord God is really stingy..."

Among the corpses, Yang Yun casually shot out a green beam of light, blowing the head of the last level four monster on the battlefield. When he realized that the God's notification sound in his ears no longer sounded, he cursed.

Although this place has become a Shura battlefield, with a forest of organs and dirty blood scattered all over the ground, the terrifying monsters that people talk about are dying like weeds lying under a harvester, and even the air is filled with a huge amount of The blood contains highly toxic substances, but Yang Yun's body is still spotless, and even the clothes he wears are as clean as new.

The green aura burned blazingly, as if an invisible barrier was covering his body. Whether it was dirty blood or something else, it was turned into nothingness in an instant, and there was no way it could be contaminated at all on his body.

At the beginning, Yang Yun could still get reward points and side plots normally by killing these monsters, but as he started killing monsters, the main god prompts that originally sounded like a series of sounds began to become sparse.

The more you kill, the fewer reward points and side plots Yang Yun can get. From the very beginning, a level 4 monster has a D-level side plot and a thousand reward points, to a level 5 monster, a C-level side plot and 2,000 reward points; to a level 5 monster, there is only a D-level side plot, and a level 4 monster only has Hundreds of reward points; then hundreds of reward points for level 5 monsters, and only pitiful single digits for level 4 monsters... Until now, after Yang Yun killed this level 4 monster, the Lord God didn't even make a move.

This is not the first time that the Lord God has done something similar, temporarily changing the rules for obtaining reward points and side plots. As early as Yang Yun killed Kayako once in the Grudge, the Lord God made a temporary emergency patch, reminding him that if he kills the subject again before the end of the horror movie, he will not receive any reward... and that time Compared with the main god's relentless efforts, this time only the kill rewards dropped off a cliff. It is probably due to the fact that the Central Continent team triggered the main plot of the second part of Pacific Rim in advance, and tripled the rewards and increased the difficulty to the maximum.

However, Yang Yun himself understands that scolding comes with scolding. Although the Lord God is just a response machine without a self, he will not react in any way to Zheng Zha's constant curses of "I'm going to fuck you, Lord God." He is a big ball of light without any emotions. But it must have its own set of evaluation criteria and extremely strict mechanism judgments for reincarnations to obtain reward points and side plots.

Perhaps it is not very intelligent, turning a blind eye to the existence of the breeding team, and has no response to Chu Xuan and Adam's many attempts. However, this does not mean that the reincarnations under its command can find unlimited resources. Score-boosting loopholes. It does not mean that the wise men can achieve certain special conditions through layout in a relatively simple horror film, and then periodically obtain a steady stream of side plots and reward points.

No matter how much the reincarnator talks about how to increase points, pure kill rewards always have corresponding limits, and it is impossible to increase them infinitely... Otherwise, those who have extremely strong strength in the real world are the first Aren’t the new people who enter the main god space for the first time able to do whatever they want?

Apart from anything else, if Zhao Yingkong, who had retained all her strength as a protagonist, had joined the Zhongzhou team in Resident Evil, then this assassin girl could have launched an unparalleled battle in the "Hive", killing seven in and seven out. If she wanted to, even if she destroyed the entire Resident Evil 1 world, it would be possible to collect enough 50,000 reward points to return to reality in the first game.

At that time, how will the Lord God respond? Separate her from the Central Continent team, throw her into a special horror movie to adventure alone, and then let her leave the single-player copy and return to the main god space after an unknown amount of time?

Yang Yun doesn't know if something like this will happen, but this situation is undoubtedly out of the essence of the "Reincarnation Team". After all, even the first-generation reincarnations from 18,000 years ago, who were the worst and had fourth-level combat power, They also formed a team to complete the mission...

"It seems like you haven't lost yourself in the constant killing."

The divergent thoughts ended here because a voice sounded.

Zheng Zha, holding a Feng Shui compass, fell from mid-air, looked at the mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood around Yang Yun, and said with emotion: "Should I say yes or not..."

"You seem to be disappointed?" Yang Yun glanced sideways at Zheng Zha and said angrily: "Or have you been looking forward to this day for a long time? I thought that Chu Xuan's purpose of letting you in was to destroy the 'rift' Besides, I also regard you as my safety T."

"Your statement is too ugly. At least you should use the words 'last insurance'..."

Listening to Yang Yun's statement, Zheng Zha couldn't help but complain: "And the way you talk doesn't seem very friendly. It seems that the consciousness of killing still has a certain influence on you?"

"On the one hand, I don't feel the need to be friendly to Chu Xuan, the guy who kept me in the dark the whole time and even tried to 'force me into danger' in the end."

Yang Yun pinched his knuckles, and the threat was palpable: "On the other hand, I just figured it out and no longer suppressed my nature... After all, whether it is the id, ego, or superego, it is actually me. Part of the character, nothing more.”

——Why should we suppress our own nature?

Happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are human nature, and all kinds of desires are innate. Morality and modesty are rules that restrain oneself from becoming unbalanced. However, if one regards them as chains that bind oneself, then it is putting the cart before the horse.

Where can anyone be truly heartless? Even the human emperor Fuxi, who devoted his whole life to the human race, would be angry because of the death of an insignificant catwoman; even the supremely pure and moral God Lao Tzu would leave the negative universe because he couldn't stand the ancient human race; Even Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, who hates foreign races deeply, will be unhappy with what the human race did in the later period...

Laugh until you go crazy, cry until you want to cry, be good until you do your best, and be evil until you kill all the injustices you see. You no longer have to make difficult choices, and you no longer have to suffer from your choices. No more crying about your lack of strength.

Isn't this a kind of freedom?

Isn't this the goal and realm that Yang Yun should pursue most?

Isn't this the best reason for Yang Yun to become stronger?

"You did figure it out."

Looking at the expression on Yang Yun's face, Zheng Zha, who found that except for his rude words and much higher fighting spirit, was no different from usual in terms of thinking or other aspects, he smacked his lips regretfully: "That's really it. It’s a pity, I thought I could beat you up when you were unconscious, and avenge the previous joint double attack between you and Zhao Yingkong on me.”

"You can come now. There are still nearly two hours left, which is enough for us to have a fight."

Yang Yun laughed loudly, and the green arrogance on his body suddenly surged, showing a provocative and fanatical expression: "Come on, Zheng Zha... let's start the blood sacrifice with you!"

"Ha." Zheng Zha stuffed the Feng Shui compass into the space bag, and also showed a fighting smile: "If you can do it, then come and give it a try!"

So in the next moment, fists intersected again.

The second round of battle between the two strongest players in the Central Continent team begins.

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