This endless world

Chapter 505 What’s in front of you is the enemy

The feeling of crossing the "gap" is not that comfortable.

If the Lord God's teleportation is a space travel that ignores the process, and the Holy Spear Armor Avalon is a fixed-point space jump under the clear space coordinates, then the wormhole used by the "Pioneers" is a teleportation technology with obvious flaws, regardless of Neither the time spent nor the experience of delivery can be compared with the first two.

Yang Yun closed his eyes and let himself float in the weightless space channel, letting the gravity of the planet on the other side of the wormhole capture him. The ever-changing space curtain is swaying beside you, and countless strange-shaped objects similar to biological gene chains are surrounding the passage. They are constantly squirming every moment, emitting dark blue light, infecting this space with all kinds of strange things. ...Rather than saying that this is a passage through space, it is better to say that it is the body of a giant beast.

Fortunately, there is only one way. You only need to pass through here to reach the other side of the wormhole, the planet where the pioneers are located.

Although it was his first time to control and modify the genes in his body to make his own genes consistent with the simulation of the monster he had just killed, this was something that seemed unimaginable to others, but it was now easy for Yang Yun to do it. Yang Yun entered the passage in an instant, and the force field that could even withstand nuclear bombs did not hinder him in the slightest.

...Even, there is a comfortable feeling like returning to your hometown.

——The power of the fourth-level gene lock, the power to freely control your own genes, is also the power to change the basic factors in your body.

He can make himself grow wings, make himself have three more heads and eight arms, make himself grow claws and tail, and he can also evolve all the organs suitable for fighting.

He can be a human, an animal, an insect, or a plant.

He can make his cells resistant to fire and high temperatures, building a body that can still survive in an environment of thousands of degrees Celsius; he can also cover the surface of his body with a layer of fine scales and evolve gills to breathe freely in the water. Withstand the heavy underwater pressure of hundreds or even thousands of meters; even cover part of your cell membrane with a layer of cell wall, or completely eliminate reproductive isolation between yourself and other organisms... This kind of thing is also completely possible Do it.

This is the fourth-level gene lock, one of the most basic abilities that allowed humans to compete with all races during the prehistoric era. It is the transition of the essence of life, the evolution of the genetic essence, the basis for transcendence and sainthood, and the beginning of the road to immortality.

The most essential path to transcendence for human beings is also the only path to transcendence that we had in the beginning.

"...I'm still a little affected by the feeling of opening the fourth-level gene lock for the first time."

Genes are the carrier of information, and there are countless untapped treasures in the gene locks. The fighting consciousness of the first-level gene locks is a corresponding manifestation. In the original work, more than one person has learned something of their own from ancient genes... The clones Zheng Zha, Zheng Zha, Song Tian, ​​and Zhao Zukong have all made corresponding conjectures.

The same goes for Yang Yun. When he first unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, it was okay, but as he modified his genes to enter the rift, his understanding of this ability became deeper, and countless things appeared from the depths of the genes. The complicated information came... Although this information had little impact on him for the time being, it made it difficult for him to maintain his usual calm thinking.

"However, there is no need to think calmly now."

Yang Yun, who said this, knew one thing very clearly in his heart, that is, from the moment he entered this space channel, he was walking on the path that Chu Xuan wanted him to take... and all he needed to do was Go and complete your own mission, destroy all the enemies in front of you, close the rift, and let all the members of the Zhongzhou Team return to the main god space safely.

This journey did not last long. Soon, the space at the other end of the passage seemed to sense the presence of Yang Yun and that he was "one of their own". The layers of space opened to both sides like worms, revealing the rear. , the planet of the pioneers——

That is, a world that is about to be destroyed.

Yang Yun rushed out of the "crack" in the sky and hung in the sky like a green star. There were countless blood-colored clouds around his body. He didn't know whether it was pollution or some other weird biological tissue. The cities on the ground are completely different from the buildings built by humans from reinforced concrete. They are purely made of flesh, bones and organs. Exoskeleton buildings and carapace houses contain organs that are constantly wriggling.

The smell of blood filled the atmosphere, which contained extremely low oxygen and was accompanied by a large amount of toxic gases. If ordinary people are exposed to this kind of space without wearing protective clothing, they may not survive for ten seconds. This place is not suitable for human survival at all... Looking around, you can see endless bone bridges and bone roads. and rivers and lakes that looked like they were made of monster blood.

A city built on the basis of biological science, it is also a city of flesh and blood built from various body tissues of monsters.

Above this city of flesh and blood, an aging sun hangs in the foggy sky, emitting dim light. It is no longer enough to provide the energy needed by this planet. The signal of the sun going out will also represent the end of civilization on this planet.

While Yang Yun was still observing the city built by the pioneers, suddenly a blue light representing spiritual energy lit up thousands of meters away from him. This light was so conspicuous in the dark red city that the young people who were attracted immediately cast their eyes over it.

Then, he saw three strange-looking "pioneers" that walked upright and had a similar appearance to the Zerg. They had obviously discovered intruders that were incompatible with this world and were calling for reinforcements.

With the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, countless densely packed monsters appeared from the city, flying in the sky, crawling on the ground, swimming in the water... all kinds of strange shapes, and a rough estimate was that there were at least hundreds of them.

This is indeed the base camp of the pioneers. Over the years, they have prepared countless biological reserves, and in the constant battle with the people on earth, they have updated and iterated their biotechnology again and again... Finally, they are ready, It is such an army of monsters and the main force they use to destroy humans.

——But to Yang Yun at this time, these amazingly powerful monsters were nothing more than chickens and dogs.

"Two hours and fifteen minutes left."

Looking at the monsters and pioneers in front of him, Yang Yun, who was covered in green aura, grinned.

I'm too lazy to care whether that bastard Chu Xuan didn't expect the previous situation, or whether he had any other plans...

I only care about one thing.

What is in front of you is the enemy.

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