This endless world

Chapter 504 Greetings

Xie Luyin ran in the corridor, turned the corner, opened the door, and rushed down into a secret underground passage.

Opening the wormhole is not without cost. It would be better if it were the initial crack deep in the Pacific Ocean. After several years of continuous expansion, it has become a stable channel, and the pioneers on the other end can continue to flow. Send an army of monsters to the earth. But for the temporary No. 2 rift above the Broken Dome base, the space here is far from stable. Every time a monster is sent in, an extremely large amount of energy will be consumed.

Xie Luyin watched as the pioneer who took Dr. Newton's body took out a crystal similar to an energy stone again and again to guide the monster at the other end of the channel to the earth. But as the monsters fell one after another, "Dr. Newton's" expression changed from calm at the beginning, to disbelief, and then to panic... And when the pioneer exhausted all his psychic energy, When the last level five monster sent to the earth collapsed under the siege of seven mechas, Xie Luyin knew that his plan had completely failed.

So she ran away subconsciously... Even Xie Luyin himself didn't know where to escape and where was safe.

Having betrayed everyone, betrayed the Lord God's Space, and led the Pioneers to the Earth, no matter where he hides in this world, he cannot escape the search of the Central Continent Team. No one knows the horror of the state machine better than Xie Luyin. In this Hong Kong Island, which is very similar to the previous time and space, but completely different, she may not be able to survive even three days...

"No, it's three hours."

Suddenly, the trash can beside her spoke, and it was Chu Xuan's voice: "As long as the Lord God watch on your hand does not disappear, no matter where you hide in the end of the world, you will return to the Lord God space within three hours."

"Come out!"

Xie Luyin instantly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at the trash can that made the noise: "Don't hide your head and tail there!"

But even so, a doubt arose in her heart involuntarily, why was Chu Xuan hiding in the trash can? It was obvious that he was running all the way towards the hidden passage inside the base. That was the information Xie Luyin got from the drunk Mecha Hunter trainee. It was a smuggling route that had been preserved inside the Broken Dome for a long time. There should not have been any problems. right……

"Release it, Zhan Lan."

Suddenly, the scenery in front of Xie Luyin changed. Is there any underground passage for smuggling? She was clearly in a laboratory full of pungent smells...and in front of her were a large number of monster organs that she had bought from Hannibal Zhou.

"Spiritual illusion, a little trick of a mental power controller. Although before unlocking the fourth-level gene lock, it can only roughly interfere with opponents of the same level, but for you, whose mental power is only higher than that of ordinary people, , it can achieve an absolutely hypnotic effect.”

Where are the trash cans? There was only Chu Xuan with his back facing this way. Looking at this figure who met again not long after, Xie Luyin instantly realized that she was able to escape from Chu Xuan before because this cold young man had done it deliberately. She held the pistol with trembling hands and yelled at Chu Xuan. Said: "You did it on purpose! You were fishing... just to lure me into the bait!"

"Psychic controllers close to the third level can already monitor everything in this broken dome."

Chu Xuan seemed to be conducting some anatomy experiment on the experimental table. Even though he was pointed at by a pistol, he still did not look back: "Every move, word and deed you make is under the surveillance of the Dharma Eye, and we can see it clearly. Pioneer Those methods of playing with the spirit are at best a primary school student’s game in front of Zhan Lan.”

"When did you start to doubt me?" Xie Luyin gritted his teeth and asked, "I shouldn't have exposed any flaws..."

"From the beginning, the way you looked at me was wrong."

Chu Xuan said bluntly: "That is not a look at a stranger, but a look with a trace of hatred... Of course, I am not dissatisfied with you just because of a look, it is just related to the influence of the countercurrent of time and space. It made me skeptical about everything. And after your conversation with Luo Gandao, I confirmed my guess."

Chu Xuan's plain and watery voice floated from the air, and the pungent smell of monster blood in this laboratory added to the feeling of terror: "The application you made to me later asked me to identify you. There is a 70% chance that the side plot will be triggered in advance, and this side plot will be concealed, hoping to develop things to the disadvantage of the Central Continent Team... But this happens to be what I want."

"What?" Xie Luyin could hardly believe her ears: "You said this is what you want?"

"With the strength of the Central Continent Team, they can completely absorb all the side plots in this world."

Chu Xuan replied calmly: "If the punishment subplot was not caused by me, I will not be punished by the Lord God for it. Instead, I can get huge rewards. Taking this opportunity, I can force the confused people in the team to Let them overcome the obstacles in their hearts; attract the pioneers into this world and verify some of my conjectures..."

"Killing three birds with one stone, you completed your task perfectly and guided everything to the ending I wanted."

As he spoke, Chu Xuan turned sideways, revealing the blood stains on his body. At the same time, he also let Xie Luyin see what he had been cutting on the experimental table.

——It was a strange humanoid creature with three pairs of eyes. It was also the original body of the pioneer who passed through the rift and came to this world.

——And Chu Xuan is dissecting its brain.


Such a horrifying scene had as much impact on Xie Luyin as if it had come to reality in a horror movie. The woman could no longer bear the fear in her heart. The white light in her eyes lit up and she pulled the trigger on Chu Xuan... with her spirit. Before the powerful bullet could get close to Chu Xuan's body, it froze in mid-air and could not make any progress.

"That's it for now. There's already a flaw in your mind." Chu Xuan said calmly.

Then he snapped his fingers.

The ability to materialize fantasy was activated, and an invisible energy covered Xie Luyin's body.

In normal times, it may take a lot of effort to face off against the A-level exchange of "dream materialization" and the S-level exchange of "guiding true lies". But Xie Luyin's body was just the residue that Adam had done casually, so it couldn't withstand Chu Xuan's power——

Thus, hypnosis was unlocked.

Xie Luyin's eyes were confused for a moment, but Adam's ability had nothing to do with brainwashing. It just changed people's subconscious. When she recalled everything she had done, a look of panic appeared on her face. .

"Chu...Colonel Chu Xuan!"

Xie Luyin's knees softened and she knelt down straight towards Chu Xuan. As a woman who has been in gangs for a long time, she naturally knows what she has done, but since she doesn't want to die from the bottom of her heart, she can only beg for mercy: "I didn't do any of this! I was just hypnotized by Adam. ! It’s not my intention...don’t kill me!”

"Give me a reason not to kill you." Chu Xuan slowly wiped his bloody hands, and a pistol appeared in his hands: "And a reason that can convince everyone in the Zhongzhou Team."

"I have reward points and side plots! If I survive this horror movie, I can get an A-level side plot and fifteen thousand reward points. I am willing to give all of these to you, as long as I can play I have a way out..."


A gunshot was heard, and Xie Luyin's heart was pierced by a bullet. She looked at Chu Xuan in disbelief, her eyes full of confusion... An A-level subplot and fifteen thousand reward points should be a lot. A big sum of money?

Why can't I buy my own life?

"There is no overly complicated reason. The moment the 'guiding true lie' is revealed, your end is destined. Adam will not allow a living intelligence source to be exposed to my sight... and I also need to avoid it. Are there any other means left by Adam inside your body?"

Listening to the reminder from the Lord God in his ears, Chu Xuan placed the pistol on the experimental table next to him and gently said to Xie Luyin, who was still staring at death: "This is a greeting, and at the same time..."

"Also a greeting to Adam."

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