This endless world

Chapter 51 You must never not come!

It is difficult for a ghost spirit of all calamities to become a saint...

The so-called ghosts, resentful spirits, and evil spirits are actually species that rely on negative energy to exist. If we want to use the system of the prehistoric period to classify them, this type of species belongs to a subordinate branch of the undead. One of the distinctive features of the undead is that there are many low-level soldiers but low quality. Whether it is in some novels or games, This is true both in description and in reality.

Their weaknesses are also obvious. First of all, these species are composed of negative energy, and it is difficult for creatures with positive energy to coexist peacefully. Ancient ghost novels often say that ghosts do not dare to get close to the bodies of living people with strong blood. The generals who killed enemies on the battlefield can easily kill the ghosts with a rush of blood and evil energy, and they only dare to attack the weak and sick scholars... After all, vitality is standard positive energy.

But this does not mean that positive energy restrains negative energy. Just like water can extinguish fire, but when the fire is strong, water can also evaporate. There is no absolute restraint relationship between the two. The common weakness of negative energy creatures is actually thunder and lightning. If we use the metaphysical theory to explain it, it is that thunder and lightning are the most powerful things, and are the natural enemies of negative energy creatures; but if we use the scientific side to explain it, we have to talk about the Yang Yun exchanged. A piece of super electromagnetic soul armor.

Although the main god did not specify the origin of this super electromagnetic soul armor, Yang Yun, who had seen the beginning of death, knew that this armor was actually made by the technology of the three-eyed clan, the protagonist race of the negative universe. In the heyday of the Three-Eyed Clan, it was a super powerful force that could compete head-on with the prehistoric heaven led by the Three Human Emperors, the Three Pure Ones, the Two Buddhas of the West, Jehovah and others. Its internal strength could really be said to be at the saint level. There are so many of them, such as this super electromagnetic soul armor, in fact, they are at most low-level equipment produced by other people's assembly line factories.

Different from the two orthodox human systems of Gene Lock and Cultivation in the positive universe, the Three-Eyed Clan practices an obsessive soul system that focuses on the soul. They are the strongest in the study of the soul, no one else. From the demon level, the true demon level, to the demon king level equivalent to the fourth-level gene lock, and then to the three paths of great warlock, great prophet, and great scientist that rival saints and cultivators, it can be said that the Three-Eyed Clan has studied the soul. A transparent one.

In the research of the three-eyed tribe, a person's soul is actually composed of two parts. One is one's own obsession, and the other is negative energy. However, since the multiverse where the Three-Eyed Tribe is located is a negative universe, this energy is called standard energy. Among them, self-obsession is the belief in life, that is, belief in one's own existence. The more you believe, the stronger your soul becomes. These obsessions firmly lock the standard energy to form the soul body, which is the so-called 's soul.

This theory is obviously much more scientific than the statement that the soul is composed of pure negative energy. In the research of the Three-Eyed Clan, the best way to kill the soul is super electromagnetic weapons. This kind of weapon seems to belong to the technological category, but it is actually made from the obsession extracted from the soul body, a new energy called spiritual energy, combined with the technology of the Three-Eyed Clan. It is not simply a high-tech weapon. Technological weapons.

The attack of a super electromagnetic weapon added with spirit energy can directly disperse the obsession in the soul, making the ghost unable to maintain its shape and can only be beaten to ashes. It is more efficient than using positive energy and negative energy such as life energy or holy light. The energies cancel each other out and are even higher.

Since you know in advance that the next world will be a curse, you can prepare various one-time props or weapons and equipment for special attacks against spirits. And among the dazzling array of exchanges in the Main God Space, there are even more exchanges that say "special effects on spiritual bodies" - among other things, spiritual bullets have special attacks on spiritual bodies, Na Rings can hurt the soul, and Hell Fire The fang has a special attack on the soul, and the red flame is also described as "particularly effective against spiritual creatures." But without actual testing, who would know what the range of this special attack is?

So, this is the importance of intelligence. Yang Yun directly contacted the Lord God when he was in the Lord God Space and asked to exchange for super electromagnetic weapons and equipment. After that, he selected this exchange... After all, in terms of soul, the Three-Eyed Clan is the one. expert.

To use the words of a movie, three-eyed people are experts in killing ghosts.

——The super electromagnetic soul armor is originally the nemesis of the soul. After the invasion of hundreds of tribes in Death Beginning, even an ordinary high school student who has never received training can fight against the demon-level orcs, and the orcs are still extraordinary people who can use fighting spirit. Now that I have life energy and internal strength, coupled with the super electromagnetic soul armor, as long as Kayako doesn't become a real demon, I can kill ten of them!

Yang Yun clenched his fists and felt the power filling his body. He was more confident than ever at this moment. This time he was able to redeem this kind of special attack equipment against ghosts, thanks to the idea from the Sunflower Book, which made Yang Yun understand one thing... Since the settings of the running group can also be queried in the main god, There's no reason why things that appeared in the prequel Death Beginning of Infinite Horror can't be searched!

So after a series of inquiries, Yang Yun redeemed this super electromagnetic soul armor. After two horror movies, I finally don’t have to be forcibly bound to Zheng Zha in a narrow space. I don’t have to worry about the gazes of the positive and negative people all the time. I can have the opportunity to move freely without Zheng Zha’s sight... …

This time, give it a try.

Having learned the lesson of paying too much attention to Chu Xuan and the others in the last Alien game, Yang Yun did not observe carefully this time. He just watched quietly as Zhan Lan began to explain the rules of the Lord God Space to the newcomers who had all woken up. . However, the quality of the newcomers this time was obviously even worse than in Alien. After listening to Zhan Lan's explanation, a big man with a red face started yelling that this was a scam, and most of the people suddenly started to chatter and make noise. , the big man took the lead and walked downstairs, followed by seven people behind him.

Because they had experienced what happened to Li Shuaixi in the last horror movie, Zheng Zha and others did not stop these people who were dying, but looked at the six people who were left behind. Three of them look very ordinary in their clothes. They can be ignored at first glance because they look like stupid young people. The other one is a fifteen or sixteen year old boy who is reading a book, and the other is a tall man who is carefully studying the decorative door and tatami next to him. A strong man, and a beautiful woman... Different from the original, she didn't seem to be wearing some sexy pajamas, but changed into ordinary casual clothes.

Zhao Yingkong, Qi Tengyi, and Ming Yanwei.

Yang Yun's eyes swept over the three of them in turn. Zhao Yingkong was a member of the Assassin family, and later the main combat power of the Zhongzhou team. Even in his current sub-personality state, he had unlocked the first-level gene lock. Zheng Zha was in a life-and-death struggle. It may not be his opponent; Qi Tengyi, as a tomb robbing expert, actually plays the role of a professional archaeologist. In the future, any ancient characters that the Zhongzhou team does not recognize will be handed over to him for translation. The person with the lowest sense of presence in the Central-Continent team never complained, and in the final battle, he was willing to sacrifice for his teammates.

As for Ming Yanwei... Yang Yun can only say that it is basically a situation of "if it is of some use, it will not be of no use at all".

Ming Yanwei is a woman with a very tragic life experience. When a group of thugs robbed her of her money and sex, her boyfriend ran away first. In desperation, she was raped, and then she gave up on herself. It can be said that she is a character who has experienced it firsthand and can be painted as she is. But if readers read her background story, apart from pitying Ming Yanwei's tragic experience and scolding her boyfriend Zhang Heng, they will only feel that the meaning of this woman's existence is completely dependent on her boyfriend Zhang Heng who abandoned her... And this Why can women be copied and join the Demon Team? Did Ming Yanwei show any potential in the original plot?

(Could it be that Ming Yanwei’s entry was just for the negative to disgust the positive, otherwise there is no way to explain why she joined the Demon Team...)

Just when Yang Yun was thinking about the meaning behind Ming Yanwei's entry, a woman's shout suddenly came from downstairs. At the same time, the protective cover of the Lord God also suddenly disappeared... The curse began!

The first second the protective shield disappeared, a coldness suddenly hit everyone present. Zheng Zha immediately started to tremble violently. He took out the submachine gun from the ring without thinking. At this moment, the bullets in the gun happened to be He raised his gun and fired diagonally toward the attic on the second floor.

As the gunshots rang out, the attic door was immediately smashed into pieces. Everyone looked at Zheng Zha inexplicably, watching him stare at the attic with a wary look on his face. On the side, Yang Yun silently refused the prompt from the built-in computer of the armor to purify the negative energy erosion. After feeling the cold aura lingering around him, he secretly revealed a smile that would be scary if others saw it.

——Come on, the sooner you come, the better...Gaya Coconut, you must not fail to come!


Regarding a series of settings such as the soul system, please see the beginning of death for details. I wrote a version before and found that I couldn’t finish the introduction in three or four thousand words. But these settings must be written. It can be said that many subsequent plot developments of this book, including the main plot and the world that the Zhongzhou team will experience in the future, will have a certain relationship with it.

BUG redemption is only half of it, and there are more. This time, in order to deal with Gaya Coco, Yang Yun even specially hacked Chu Xuan's reward points and branches, just for this grudge.

The remaining relevant settings will be explained slowly in the following text. Otherwise, if you really have to write a few chapters of settings, it will become an explanatory text like the prehistoric calendar. If you still don’t understand something or have questions, please leave it in the book review area or post, and I will try my best to answer it.

I don’t want to be scolded for my word count, so I’m going to double update today.

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