This endless world

Chapter 50 Super electromagnetic soul armor!

"Enter the light pillar within thirty seconds, the transfer target is locked, and the curse begins to be transmitted..."

Six people from the Zhongzhou team, no, six people plus the newly created bodyguards around Chu Xuan, stood together in the circle of light illuminated by the main god.

Compared with the two-meter-four-five-meter-tall, hunky-backed real man Arnold created by Chu Xuan in the original plot, the bodyguard created by Chu Xuan this time after talking to Yang Yunye is about 1.7 meters tall. A young man with a pale face and a faint air of femininity. Except for the expression on his face, which is the same as Chu Xuan's facial paralysis, the rest has nothing in common with Arnold, who is based on the governor.

When they first met this new young man, Zheng Zha and others could not help but look at him sideways even though they were not on good terms with Chu Xuan. In the end, it was Chu Xuan who took the initiative to explain: "This is the bodyguard I created. , Eunuch Xiaoxue.”

Eunuch Xiaoxue, a very strange name.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, completely confused as to why Chu Xuan would create such a bodyguard who didn't look very powerful, and then give him such a strange name. In the end, it was Yang Yun who took the lead and asked: "Chu Xuan, I remember you were talking about how creating humans affects combat effectiveness before, and you despised Zheng Zha, Zhang Jie and the others? Now you have created someone who doesn't look very strong. My bodyguards don’t have twice the physical fitness of ordinary you have corresponding needs in certain aspects?"

These words made Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie secretly laugh. They felt that Yang Yun was such a brother. Not only did they mock him, but he also secretly poked at Chu Xuan's sexual orientation. But Chu Xuan didn't know whether he didn't understand or didn't care about this little thing at all. He just pushed up his glasses and said: "It's just an experiment... don't worry about it."

As for what kind of experiment it is? Yang Yun did not continue to ask questions, and Chu Xuan did not continue to speak.

In addition, in the past ten days, because everyone did not get many side plots and reward points in the last game, Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan, who realized the effectiveness of the protective jade pendant, exchanged another piece and zero points. Gauss ion sniper rifle. Not to mention the remaining military backpacks, basic firearms, hemostatic agents, bandages, antidotes, compressed food, drinking water, etc., at Zheng Zha's request, everyone also prepared an efficient cold-proof jacket, which can be said to be Prepared in all aspects.

As for the rest, it was a communication device that Chu Xuan took out on the ninth day that looked like a mobile phone.

"Each person has one. They can communicate with each other and will not be interfered by satellite signals. The call range is 50 kilometers. I think this should be very useful for teamwork."

Since Chu Xuan explained the matter of creating humans last time, he has barely said a word to the others. Apart from making large quantities of firearms and bullets, he has been immersed in making this communication device. But what's strange is that he exchanged a lot of spiritual bullets, a kind of bullet that looks almost exactly the same as ordinary bullets, but has some strange runes engraved on the shell.

Under the influence of Chu Xuan, everyone exchanged a large number of spiritual bullets. This is the cheapest type of props that can harm ghosts and monsters, and can be used with any firearm. Zheng Zana's ring contained almost one cubic meter of spiritual bullets. In contrast, he only took a small part of the armor-piercing bullets.

Only Yang Yun...

"Yang, Yang Yun, what did you exchange for?"

As Yang Yun pressed a button between his eyebrows before entering the beam of light, a layer of black metal immediately covered his whole body. Not only did it cover every vital part of his body, but he was also significantly taller by more than ten centimeters. , and at the same time, the black metal also forms a very cool-looking black helmet, which is really handsome and cool.

This series of operations was really exciting, attracting the attention of everyone present, and Zheng Zha's eyes turned red with envy. If he hadn't been about to enter, he would have wanted to rush over and try out this equipment.

"Of course it's an exoskeleton armor. It has a C-level side plot and three thousand reward points. It comes with visual enhancement, strength enhancement, speed enhancement, physical healing, energy absorption... and the self-healing function of the armor. It is also equipped with corresponding intelligence. The tactical analysis system can handle battles in various situations."

Yang Yunwu proudly introduced the corresponding functions of this armor to Zheng Zha, but he was deliberately vague about the place where energy is absorbed. Zheng Zha, who was so excited, did not pay attention to this trivial matter, but howled: : "Damn it, I'm going to change into an exoskeleton armor when I come back from this horror movie! When I'm developed, I'll eat one bowl and pour another..."

The next second, following a period of half-dream and half-awake, when everyone came back to their senses, they were already standing in a very ordinary room. There is a layer of tatami on the ground, and the rooms are separated by paper doors. Judging from the decoration around the room, it should be a Japanese-style house.

"Damn it, Yang Yun, you are so unreasonable, you actually secretly changed into such good equipment without telling everyone..."

As soon as Zheng Zha woke up, he started shouting at Yang Yun with envy and hatred. It was just a C-level subplot! If he hadn't spent a D-level subplot in a horror movie to return to the real world, he would have been able to redeem this cool and handsome exoskeleton armor by saving up another D-level subplot. Thinking of this, Zheng Zha suddenly felt My C-level internal strength and C-level vampires are no longer good... How good is the exoskeleton armor!

"Look at the number of newcomers."

Zhang Jie interrupted Zheng Zha's shouting, and said with a trembling voice: "The more people there are, the more difficult the horror movie will be. Fourteen newcomers, plus us, it's the difficulty of twenty people, but it's still Grudge This kind of supernatural horror movie... Oh my God, the last alien that changed the plot was only fifteen people in difficulty. This horror movie is actually much more difficult than the last one. Is the Lord God playing tricks on us? Bar?"

Don’t you have any idea why the Lord God would do this to us?

Yang Yun secretly despised Zhang Jie, whose acting skills were enough to win the leading role in Hollywood, and stretched out his hand to look at the mission displayed on the Lord God's watch.

"Survive for seven days. After completing the mission, return to the main god space."

"Kill the subject of the curse, Yao Coconut, once, and you will get a B-level side plot, and the reward points will be... five thousand!"

——Entering the world has not changed, the tasks have not changed, the rewards have not changed, and there is not even a limit to lower the rewards by killing Gay Coco multiple times... Very good!

Yang Yun secretly clenched his fist in his heart, and then patted Zheng Zha, who was also watching the main god's mission next to him: "Now the main god has fulfilled your wish. After this job, brothers want to eat dry food. I want to Drinking watery drinks is not a matter of eating one bowl after another. You can even change into three exoskeleton armors, one for daytime, one for nighttime, and one for Lolita to wear..."

Everyone burst out laughing after hearing this, and the depressing atmosphere just now was diluted a lot. Zheng Zha laughed and scolded: "Do you really think it will be that simple? Think about how terrifying the queen is. If she kills her, I will only have you and me. , Chu Xuan each got a D-level subplot, and the queen is only worth a C-level subplot. The subject of the curse, the shackles and coconuts, must be much more terrifying than the alien queen..."

For a moment, the cheerful atmosphere fell silent again, but what Zheng Zha said was indeed the truth. The dangers in the main god space are never directly proportional to the increase in rewards. It does not mean that the Queen is worth a C-level branch plot, and the main body of Kayako is worth a B-level side plot. The strength of Kayako is three times that of the Queen... five times, ten times , and even more are possible!

Zheng Zha looked around, walked to a nearby window and looked out. This was a courtyard-style residential bungalow, and everyone was currently on the second floor of the residence. If they were standing on the residence If you look here from outside the courtyard, you will find that this mansion is exactly the same as the haunted house in The Grudge.

"The main god of Dogri actually threw us into this cursed room at the beginning... Doesn't this mean that we are actually cursed now? As long as we wait until the horror movie starts, Kayako may attack at any time?" Zheng Zha cursed and punched the edge of the window.

At this time, the newcomers who had just entered were beginning to wake up one after another. Zheng Zha had to put down his thoughts for the time being and observe everyone's situation, trying to find those with outstanding qualities.

It's just that I don't know if it was Zheng Zha's illusion or something else. After hearing the news of being cursed, everyone was more or less panicked. Only Yang Yun...he actually felt eager to try?

(Does that exoskeleton armor give Yang Yun so much confidence? Damn it, I must change into three pieces after I go back this time, one for daytime, one for nighttime, and one... um, this is still the case never mind.)

If Yang Yun heard Zheng Zha's thoughts, he would definitely smile and pat Zheng Zha on the shoulder, saying that if he didn't know how to choose the type of exoskeleton armor, even if he picked ten pieces, he wouldn't be able to pose a threat to Kayako... Because the armor currently worn by Yang Yun is a nemesis that specializes in killing ghosts and ghosts like Kayako——

Super electromagnetic soul armor!

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