This endless world

Chapter 5 Failed Plan

As soon as Yang Yun and the others finished their discussion, Zhang Jie came back with another mercenary. When he walked past Zhan Lan, he deliberately slapped the girl hard on the butt. Unable to take precautions, Zhan Lan only had time to scream, and Zhang Jie was already walking towards Matthew Addison laughing.

"Sir, we found another way, but it will probably take a little longer to walk there. Let's go back here first, then go through Restaurant B and go straight to the destination from here." The mercenary next to Zhang Jie pointed at the map and said.

At this time, the other two pathfinders had also returned. The long-haired female mercenary named Renn said: "Sir, it's completely impossible to walk over there."

Matthew Addison nodded and said: "Okay, let's go that way. There is not much time left. Everyone, hurry up."

In desperation, everyone had no choice but to follow the large army and walk back to the return road. Fortunately, the mercenaries stopped running this time, and they walked no matter how far they walked. Finally, they stopped outside an iron gate. One of the mercenaries used a computer to open the iron gate, followed by several people in the front row. He walked in carefully with a gun.

This is a vast hall with countless freezers. I believe that anyone who has watched Resident Evil 1 will still remember the frozen crawlers in the freezers. Once the main computer is shut down, these crawlers will become the most terrifying killing weapons and can tear everyone present to pieces in an instant.

At this time, Zhan Lan suddenly walked up to Zhang Jie and whispered: "I want to know one thing here. Can we change the plot in the movie?"

Zhang Jie nodded and said, "Go on, what else do you want to ask?"

Zhan Lan smiled and said: "So can we use plastic bombs here? As long as we kill all the crawlers in this room, wouldn't we get thousands of reward points?"

After hearing this, Zhang Jie immediately laughed, but there was an indescribable weirdness in his smile: "That's right, you will get a lot of reward points by blowing up this place, but I have two questions I want to ask. Let me ask you, first, will they give us time to place plastic bombs?"

As he spoke, Zhang Jie pointed to the mercenaries: "They don't know what these are, and they don't know what the consequences will be if the main computer is shut down. If they see us doing something they can't understand, they are most likely to do it." He will shoot us first, and as a result, the crawlers are likely to be released in advance. The Lord God will not let you change the plot so successfully. Even if it changes, it will probably increase the difficulty and surprises, do you understand?"

"Second, what do you think is the biggest basis for our survival in horror movies?"

Zhan Lan thought for a moment and said, "You should be familiar with the plot, right?"

Zhang Jie said with a smile: "Yes, knowing the plot is our greatest strength, so I will not change the plot before I am absolutely sure. And if someone tries to forcefully change the plot to get reward points, I don't mind giving it to him." Go to hell.”

——Is this a warning? Or is it the intimidation of Zhan Lan's outrageous behavior in wanting to obtain side plots and reward points? From Zhang Jie's point of view, it is best not to change the plot and not allow the Zhongzhou team's rating to increase rapidly. It is best to let newcomers die naturally with steadily increasing difficulty. However, if there are really potential newcomers to change the plot, because of Zhang Jie's existence , will also be destroyed in a horror movie that abnormally increases the difficulty...

——If Zheng Zha hadn't been the protagonist, I'm afraid no one would have been able to pass the level where death is coming.

Yang Yun stared at Zhang Jie's back. It is true that familiarity with the plot is indeed the greatest strength for the members of the Samsara Team, but if they want to get side plots and reward points, thereby improving their chances of survival in the next world, they must change the plot. And from another point of view, the main god is not a rigid NPC. It is impossible to follow the plot safely. It will definitely change the plot abruptly in some places and create danger... You know, The main god likes to trick those who think they understand the plot.

Yang Yun just walked forward while thinking, and passed several steel gates on the way. Then everyone came to a central computer control room. Under the control of the mercenary Kaplan, the gate was quickly opened. Behind the gate is a passage more than ten meters long, with glass walls on both sides of the passage, completely different from the steel walls outside the gate.

——Are you here? Laser channel.

Yang Yun did not look at Kaplan, who was pressing the computer at high speed to try to crack the password, but quietly looked at Zheng Zha. Sure enough, after listening to the conversation between Zhan Lan and Zhang Jie just now, Zheng Zha seemed hesitant to speak... Maybe it was because of Zheng Zha's own kind nature, or maybe it was because of the positive factor. In short, this meant that in the next interview Coming down the death laser tunnel, he will definitely do something!

——The luck of the protagonist, the fate of the protagonist, he can create mountains when encountering mountains, boil water when encountering water, survive disasters, and turn disasters into good fortune...that is, Zheng Zha.

Yang Yun couldn't help but sigh secretly. I'm afraid only Zheng Zha could come out of the next laser channel unscathed. He even broke through the so-called "mental threshold". This is the so-called protagonist... The thin line between life and death. Not only will Ji not die unexpectedly, but he can also break through in battle, which is simply unreasonable.

Now Yang Yun can only survive in this crisis-ridden world by holding on to Zheng Zha's thigh.

Use your foresight, daily words and analysis to gradually increase your importance in the heart of the protagonist Zheng Zha, thereby gaining the luck of a supporting role, so that you will not become an unknown cannon fodder at the critical moment... ...This is what Yang Yun is currently doing, and it is also his first goal.

At this time, the mercenary holding the electromagnetic interference device was about to walk into the passage. At this moment, Zheng Zha finally said loudly as Yang Yun expected: "Wait, wait, don't you think it's a little weird? Isn’t this smart computer too useless just for you to restart it? I don’t think things are that simple, there may be something strange in this passage.”

For a moment, the mercenaries stopped, and everyone looked at him strangely. Matthew Addison also walked over from the passage and looked at Zheng Zha silently. After a long time, he finally said: "Okay, you, you, and you will come in with us."

As he spoke, he pointed his hand at the three of them, Zheng Zha, Mou Gang, and... Yang Yun!

And when Matthew Addison said three "you"s, Yang Yun was already mentally prepared... As expected, the person he was referring to at the end was indeed him!

——Made, this damn bad luck, damn positive person!

——With so many people entering the laser tunnel, can it really be squeezed in? This kind of malicious intention to sacrifice cannon fodder is completely undisguised!

No matter how angry Yang Yun was, he stood up obediently under Matthew Addison's fingers. He must not resist at this time, otherwise...

"No, I don't want it, I don't want to go in!"

The middle-aged man Mou Gang suddenly held his head and shouted, turned around and ran back the way he came. In Yang Yun's complicated eyes, the mercenaries who had been prepared opened fire at the same time, instantly turning Mou Gang into a corpse covered with bullet holes!


Zheng Zha and Li Xiaoyi vomited out violently. Even though Yang Yun was prepared, his stomach was still churning. A living being was beaten into a corpse in front of them. The impact was completely incomparable to the two previous explosions and the corpse in the water tank...

Matthew Addison looked at Zheng Zha and Yang Yun coldly and said, "I suspected you from the beginning. Although your identities are registered in the company's information, you don't look like company security guards at all. Now you are still..." Are you planning to stop us from restarting the Flame Queen? And what were you secretly plotting just now?"

Matthew Addison pointed at Yang Yun: "My ears are pretty good. Headed by this person, you are discussing some things about us. Although I didn't hear the first part clearly, I also heard 'weapons' later. and the word 'trust'! Tell me, who are you?"

--grass! How come this guy’s ears are so sharp!

Yang Yun finally knew what the problem was, because he told several people about his plan, and Matthew Addison overheard some words. At this time, Zheng Zha spoke out to prevent entering the laser channel. Matthew Addison mistakenly believed that Yang Yun and others would be detrimental to the team, so he brought him, the mastermind, into the laser channel...

I underestimated the IQ of the characters in the plot, and overestimated my own IQ.

In fact, Yang Yun had already made his own plans when he revealed his plan. What they were talking about to Zheng Zha was only the first level, and the second level could only come into play after Zheng Zha saved Matthew Addison in the laser channel. After all, the plan of "taking advantage of the situation" is actually just an expectation. When the mercenaries are not trusted, it is not easy to successfully rescue them when they encounter danger.

Because this plan seems impeccable at first glance, but when it is implemented, you will find the difficulty. You must know that in this crisis-ridden environment, if a few untrustworthy people suddenly push you, who knows whether you are here to rescue or harm others? Maybe these mercenaries will shoot you in the head...

This is the first level. As for the second level... the basis of the plan is to rescue the mercenaries when they are "not trusted" and gain their trust. However, what if the trust of the mercenaries has been gained?

Yang Yun knew that with Zheng Zha's character, he would definitely not sit back and watch Matthew Addison die in the laser tunnel. He would definitely give a warning. After Zheng Zha succeeded, he naturally gained the trust of the mercenaries. Yang Yun's original plan was to rely on the mercenaries' trust in a few people and secretly save a few mercenaries who would be bitten in the original work to earn rewards.

Use the opportunity plan to gain the trust of Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan, pretend to be a wise man to improve your status and gain luck. You don't have to go through the terrifying laser channel. You only need a few words or a rescue at a critical moment to get the reward... The whole plan is It was formulated by Yang Yun based on the infinitely terrifying plot.

But maybe the more scheming you work, the more you will encounter failure. Because he misjudged Matthew Addison's alertness, Yang Yun's plan was aborted from the very first step, and now he had to go through a terrifying laser tunnel...

"We were also poisoned by nerve gas and lost our memories. How can we remember..."

Faced with Matthew Addison's question, Zheng Zha was quick to think and said quickly.

But Matthew Addison obviously didn't believe Zheng Zha's words and pointed the gun directly at him and said: "Go in first, you two go ahead."

Zheng Zha had no choice but to walk in front with Yang Yun, who was silent. Behind them were several mercenaries who were eyeing them with guns aimed at them. As long as the two of them behave abnormally, Mou Gang will be their fate.

"What should I do?" Zheng Zha asked through his teeth.

At this time, it should be me asking you what to do.

Yang Yun was dumbfounded. With the protagonist's luck protecting his body, even if everyone present died, Zheng Zha could still escape and successfully return to the main god space. But myself...

"Focus on self-protection and save one or two people if possible..."

To be honest, Yang Yun himself thinks this is a fantasy. The laser is an automatic defense system. Since Matthew Addison can eavesdrop and bring Yang Yun into the laser channel, who can say that the laser is coming? Directions that don't react based on the actions of people present?

And when everyone walked into the passage, just like what happened in the movie plot, the doors on both sides closed at the same time, locking several people firmly in this death room...

Heaven and hell are separated by one door!

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