This endless world

Chapter 4 The Theory of Luck

Positive ones...

Yang Yun knew this word because in "Infinite Future", the sequel to the book "Infinite Horror", there is a character named Zhang Heng in it. According to the book, this character named Zhang Heng wrote He wrote the entire "Infinite Horror", but this character is not the real sixth-level author. At best, it is just a projection of the real author in the book, a larger chess piece arranged by others... The evidence lies in that this "author" is not only Unable to control all the plots in his own writing, he even jumped into the world of his own writing in the end under planning and calculation, and was severely tricked by his opposite "villain".

But those are too far away. At least for Yang Yun and others now, what the so-called "fake author" can do is amazing. For example, what happened just now, now that Yang Yun thinks about it carefully, everyone's words start with "I am"... Does this mean that everyone's self-introductions are all "lines" set by the positive ones in advance?

——No, calm down for a moment, the authority of the positive person cannot be unlimited. His authority is based on two points. First, the more people read the book he wrote, the faster the plot will develop on its own; second, once the plot has developed, it is irreversible to go back and rewrite another branch, otherwise the plot will develop on its own. The spontaneous development will stop.

——From the perspective of the infinite future, he does not have the authority to pry into what everyone is thinking, nor does he have the energy to write in detail what everyone has done. What he is writing is a novel, not an animation, no. Maybe it’s all-encompassing!

——In fact, when I just thought of the three words "positive person", he didn't die unexpectedly for some inexplicable reason on the spot, which means that he didn't know that I was aware of his existence, and that he was the one who asked me to say it. These words!

Yang Yun tried hard to recall the situation in Infinite Future when Positive People were "writing" infinite horror. He also remembered a very important setting, that is, some characters would appear on their own in Positive People's books. Of course, these characters are generally positioned as supporting roles. Except for the characters carefully designed by the positive actors themselves, there will not be any important characters, such as the middle-aged woman and the fat man just now. These are typical supporting characters, and there are not even two characters. There is no name. The meaning of existence is that as the protagonist, he realizes that this world is not a game... Like this, it may be a character derived from the so-called plot.

—— Regardless of why I can realize after speaking that this is not my own idea, just think that this is the special fate that I came from time to time... Since I can think about these things here, then there is Ninety percent of the time, it was probably not arranged by a positive person. With his IQ, knowledge, and familiarity with his own abilities, he would only treat me as a supporting character derived from the plot, so he arranged that line for me.

——As for the remaining 10% possibility, my current thoughts are all based on the predictions of the positive people... Then it is like an infinite matryoshka doll. It is useless to think about it, so I will not consider it for the time being.

——So, is this my current situation? As a "little player" who is not in the positive person's script, his luck is naturally zero.

This is really...a hell of a start.

Thinking of his current situation, Yang Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

After all, in this world, the term "luck" really exists!

Luck actually refers to very simply, it refers to the luck a person has. For example, the protagonist in the novel, even if he is poisoned, his relatives and friends sacrifice to heaven, and he becomes a useless person, not only will he not die, but he can even fall off a cliff to pick up secret books and embark on the road to invincibility... This is the so-called luck, all kinds of luck By chance, not only the strength will be improved, but also the magic weapon, beauty, younger brother, power, etc., as long as you have great luck, you can hold them all in your hands.

Naturally, there are three levels of luck. The protagonist's luck is of course the strongest, followed by the villain's luck, the protagonist's old enemy. This kind of enemy will only be defeated by the protagonist in the final battle at the end of the novel. The rest are At times, he is basically no different from the protagonist.

In addition, there are also the heroine's luck, the supporting character's luck, etc., especially the supporting characters related to the protagonist's luck, such as his relatives, brothers, partners, etc., their luck is also very long. Generally speaking, as long as such supporting characters are not sacrificed to the gods and become the motivation for the protagonist to move forward, they will live better. In the finale, the protagonist becomes the strongest. These supporting characters are often upgraded without hesitation, easily reaching levels that are unimaginable to ordinary people. The height highlights the idea that "one person attains enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven."

However, as a time traveler, Yang Yun is not an aboriginal in this universe, nor is he a character set up by a positive person, so he naturally has zero luck. In this period of infinite terror, all characters who are not created by positive people are just secondary characters, because that means they have no luck, and maybe even a small accident can kill them...

Thinking of this, Yang Yun couldn't help but feel cold in his heart. He couldn't help but look at Li Xiaoyi, who still had hatred in his eyes. The background setting he was forcibly put on sounded quite similar to the young man who eventually became the prey of the alien. There are similarities. But the difference is that Li Xiaoyi at least has some luck that is enough for him to survive the biological crisis. If he doesn't do something, the corpse in the water tank may suddenly burst out and bite Yang Yun to death on the spot. possible!

This is something that can really happen. If he is among a group of people who have no luck, it will be fine. But if he is in a dangerous situation with people who are lucky, then the danger will only befall Yang Yun.

Because everyone present has good luck, but Yang Yun does not! That's the difference!

——No, I have to find a way to save myself! Before Zhang Jie comes back!

"Actually, regarding this horror movie, I watched the Resident Evil movie last week, and I have some ideas that may improve our chances of survival."

Zhan Lan was still counting the commonalities among everyone. Yang Yun suddenly spoke up and interrupted her. He knew that no matter what extraordinary behavior he did at this time, it would attract the attention of Lao Yinbi, Zhang Jie and the positive ones, but I can’t take care of this much anymore.

Compared with how to enter the main god's space, everyone is obviously more concerned about how to survive in this horror movie. Zheng Zha quickly asked: "Really? I watched the Resident Evil movie a long time ago, and now I can only recall some fragments. Since you have seen it, Yang Yun, that's great. Tell me about it!"

"First of all, as newcomers, our physical strength is at the level of normal people, and is completely incomparable with mercenaries. Secondly, we do not have any weapons or firearms, have not experienced corresponding training, and our mental endurance is also very poor. It is easy to When encountering zombies, because of panic or fear, we were bitten or scratched by zombies... Therefore, we must follow the group of mercenaries and Zhang Jie closely, so as to ensure our safety under certain circumstances."

Yang Yun first analyzed the current situation of several people, and then changed the subject: "But this is our biggest problem at the moment. Those mercenaries do not trust us."

"Why, aren't our identities the security guards of the Umbrella Company? They should have no reason to doubt us?" Zheng Zha asked strangely. When the heroine Alice asked everyone about their identities, it was Matthew Addison who helped them. Their identities were explained, and at the same time, there was actually a registration of their identities within the Umbrella Company... For this kind of thing, we can only say that everything was arranged by the Lord God.

"Generally speaking, without considering the relationship, security guards are all strong young men. Have you ever seen a company that recruits a middle-aged woman and a fat guy who looks seriously overweight as a security guard? ?" Yang Yun asked.

This sentence was logically impeccable, and even in a humane society, people should pay attention to the same thing. Zheng Zha was immediately speechless. At this time, Zheng Zha couldn't help but recall the looks in the eyes of those mercenaries. Although the identity registration within the umbrella company could prove it, if he thought about it in the role of a mercenary, he would definitely have corresponding questions.

"And our performance after running up the stairs confirmed the captain's guess. Even if the security guards of a large company like Umbrella come in through connections, they will definitely have gone through the most basic training... At least, they will not be in ten After a few minutes of running, he collapsed on the ground from exhaustion." Yang Yun pointed at the appearance of several of his people who were covered in sweat.

"In other words, the security identity arranged by the Lord God for us has now become an obstacle to us..." Zhan Lan slapped his forehead.

"No, if the Lord God had not arranged this identity for us, we would most likely have been killed by the mercenaries at the beginning." Yang Yun shook his head and said, "It is impossible for unrelated people to enter this kind of mission. They But mercenaries have a lot of lives on their hands, so they are not good men and women."

"According to what you said, I suddenly feel that our situation is very bad, so we have to follow Zhang Jie closely. He can survive three horror movies, so this one should be no problem." Zhan Lan said: "His hand There is also a Desert Eagle with unlimited bullets, which is enough to protect us."

"The question is, does Zhang Jie have the obligation to protect us?" Yang Yun asked a sharp question. Zhan Lan considered the problem too simply and did not consider the factor of "human nature" at all.

Seeing that Zhan Lan was speechless for a moment, Yang Yun continued: "It's true that Zhang Jie is the only capable person in our team. The Desert Eagle in his hand is more than enough to take down zombies, but judging from the performance of the creeper in the movie , the firepower of a Desert Eagle is obviously unable to protect all of us."

"In this case, can we really place our hopes on Zhang Jie, who may not be able to protect himself? In that kind of life-and-death situation, who dares to say that Zhang Jie will not use one of us as a bait for himself Create an opportunity to kill the crawlers?"

Yang Yun's tone was a bit cold, which made Zheng Zha and others feel a chill in their bodies. The reason is very simple. When two people encounter a bear at the same time, they don’t need to run faster than the bear. They just need to run faster than the other person... In this world where death may occur at any time, this kind of thing It really happens!

"Then what should we do? Yang Yun, you should have something to do, right?" After hearing Yang Yun's words, Zheng Zha couldn't help but panic, and several other people also looked at Yang Yun expectantly.

"I do have a way." Yang Yun tried his best to imitate the feeling of strategizing, and said calmly, "Now, we need to take advantage of the situation."

"Taking advantage of the situation? Do you mean using the power of the mercenaries? But it's not that simple to make them believe in us, right?" Zheng Zha understood what Yang Yun meant.

"That's right, but what if we save their lives? We have watched the movie and have the advantage of being familiar with the plot and know what dangers we will encounter in the future. Zombies will appear soon. If we watch the mercenaries when they are about to be If you remind them not to be scratched by zombies before they are scratched, or simply save them at a critical moment, will you still worry about losing their trust?"

"At that time, we who have gained trust will definitely be protected, and the mercenaries may even give us a weapon... With these, we no longer need to be afraid of zombies or crawlers, but can rely on the firepower of the mercenaries. With the configuration, a small number of crawlers can be completely dealt with!”

Yang Yun analyzed that he didn't know that these analyzes were only the most ideal situation. If Zheng Zha hadn't gone to the laser channel and simply reminded the mercenaries, it would have had little effect... But there would be no need to say this.

How could those who had just entered reincarnation expect to get this level? Their eyes lit up when they heard this. Zheng Zha smiled and said: "Yes, isn't this our advantage? I really have you, Yang Yun, in a short time. I can imagine so much.”

"It's easy to say. I hope we can all survive successfully and return to the main god space that Zhang Jie mentioned..." Yang Yun smiled and seemed to be joking: "My physical strength is not outstanding. I was just barely able to go down the stairs. I'm following everyone, if I encounter any danger later, Zheng Zha, you have to protect me."

"Haha, of course!" Zheng Zha laughed and patted Yang Yun on the shoulder.

——Very good, I’m just waiting for your words!

Yang Yun touched his shoulder and couldn't help but straighten his waist a little. Although Zheng Zha did not use too much force, Yang Yun seemed to see a little luck being transferred from the protagonist Zheng Zha to his body... This bit of luck was just a drop in the bucket for Zheng Zha, the current protagonist, but For Yang Yun, it was a life-saving straw!

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