This endless world

Chapter 42 Chu Xuan...Chu Xuan! (superior)

"You look very surprised. I don't think the question I just asked can make your emotions fluctuate so intensely. Did you find something from the Lord God?"

Chu Xuan's words rang out again, and Yang Yun came back to his senses. He quickly suppressed the ten thousand galloping grass and mud horses in his heart and replied: "Nothing, just something beyond my expectation."

——Well, it was indeed unexpected, so unexpected that it was shocking.

When Chu Xuan heard this, he looked at Yang Yun's expression carefully. When Yang Yun almost felt a little hairy, the man pushed up his glasses and said, "Just in time, everyone else has returned to their respective rooms. Generally speaking, they have experienced life and death." Behind the scenes, everyone needs to get enough sleep or engage in a great harmonious movement of life to relieve their stress. According to my analysis, there is a 99% chance that there will only be two of us in the Main God's Square tonight."

"What about the rest?" Yang Yun felt something was wrong, but he still forced a move to give himself more time to adjust his mentality and expression. Because he knew that this was just Chu Xuan’s introduction.

"The rest is to go to the toilet... But it seems that there is no toilet in the Main God's Square." Chu Xuan said expressionlessly. He actually looked around for a week, as if he was really looking for a toilet.

"Ha, haha... That's a good joke." Yang Yun felt cold all over. He didn't know whether it was Chu Xuan's joke that was too cold, or the fact that Chu Xuan could actually tell a "joke" made him even colder.

"Is this a joke? I'm serious..." Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses: "But let's talk about business first, about the secrets about you."

"What secrets could I have?"

Yang Yun was shocked. Although he didn't know where he had exposed any flaws, he had adjusted his mentality with the interruption just now and controlled his expression immediately without showing any obvious emotions.

——This guy Chu Xuan must be deceiving me. I shouldn’t have revealed any tricks... right?

Faced with Yang Yun's denial, Chu Xuan did not refute, but just said: "If you need corresponding evidence, then naturally I can't provide it, so everything I say next is based on reasonable speculation. Tonight is It’s a perfect time and you don’t have to worry about being heard.”

"Based on what I saw in the alien, my judgment on the main god's mission, and some things I found from the main god when Zheng Zha was repairing it, this space is by no means a place where people are pulled in to die meaninglessly, nor is it the so-called powerful one. The game...this mode is more like doing a sociological investigation into who can survive various dangers, that's all."

"It can be seen from many places that those who were eliminated just did not meet the standards required by the Lord God. It wants to let those who have abilities survive. It's just that the standard of survival is too high, so high that the vast majority No one can reach the standard.”

As he spoke, Chu Xuan raised a finger, and he continued: "Since the Lord God does not pull people in to die in vain, then there should be some corresponding mechanisms to ensure that people who have just entered the Lord God's space will not be in the Lord God's space. He died in the first mission. Only in this way can we better meet the definition of sociological surveys, otherwise those who have good minds, possess some special skills, but have rather average physical fitness will be the first to be eliminated."

"Although I don't know the average difficulty of the mission, judging from the biochemical crisis you have experienced and the alien I have experienced, if there is no physical fitness, sufficient brains and strong luck of the special forces in reality, there is a 100% chance There is a ninety-five chance of dying in the first horror movie...and compared to the first two points, luck is the most critical factor."

Chu Xuan's last sentence seemed to be a sigh of relief, but it didn't seem to be true. Yang Yun didn't know whether he meant that some of his own people had survived the biohazard crisis despite their lack of physical fitness, or whether he was expressing emotion that even if he had all three, he wanted to survive in Alien. Surviving is an almost impossible task.

"It's a little off topic, so let's continue with my speculation..."

Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses again and continued: "To sum up, unlike you veterans who have experienced a horror movie, I think there should be someone similar to a guide or guide in the team. He We will explain to newcomers some of the basic functions of the Lord God's Office, bloodline redemption, mission world information, etc., to help newcomers adapt to this Lord God's space as quickly as possible, instead of throwing newcomers with dark eyes into the cruelest colosseum, or even Not even a weapon is given to them. Otherwise, it is difficult for me to imagine how the first batch of newcomers who entered the main god space survived. Unless by luck, a super powerful newcomer with no shortcomings in all aspects appears, otherwise the newcomers will only The group will be wiped out again and again in a meaningless manner.”

——Then you are really mistaken. The original members of the Samsara Team were at the fourth level per person... Well, but what Chu Xuan said seems to make sense. After all, their leader is the Human Emperor Fuxi himself?

Yang Yun was completely relieved after hearing this. He also roughly understood what Chu Xuan meant, and even had the intention to complain secretly. What Chu Xuan wanted to express was very simple, that is, he felt that there should be a guide in the main god space, and according to his speculation, this person was probably Yang Yun.

It cannot be said that Chu Xuan made a mistake. It was just the asymmetry of information that caused no problem in the analysis process, but the conclusion reached went astray. Yang Yun was not a leader. The real leader was Zhang Jie. From this point of view, Chu Xuan is nothing more than this...

"So you think I am a guide just because I just answered one of your questions? I'm sorry, Chu Xuan, I am not a guide. Your assumption is wrong."

Yang Yun laughed twice, which relieved his pressure a little. At the same time, it also had a hint that Chu Xuan would make mistakes... But it seems that Chu Xuan made mistakes more than once in Alien?

"Yes, you are not a guide, but you have not denied that in the main god's space, the existence of a guide is necessary and reasonable."

Unexpectedly, Chu Xuan nodded and agreed with Yang Yun's words, but the next second he immediately threw out an analysis that made Yang Yun a little unable to resist: "Actually, I don't think you are a leader. If there is really one among us, If you are a guide, then the suspects will not be you and Zheng Zha, the two people who obtained the side plot in Resident Evil. Although there are cases where the guide personally changes the plot to let newcomers see the benefits, but I don’t think so. I think the Lord God would remind me to this extent.”

"So from God's perspective, the first object of suspicion is actually myself. Because I have just entered, have both strength and wisdom, and have even unlocked the first-level gene lock. If this person is not me, then it is indeed He is the subject of the highest suspicion."

Chu Xuan said something that seemed to be self-promotion, but everyone knew that it was just him simply stating the facts: "So I turned my attention to the second suspected target, Zhang Jie. There are two reasons. The first is Zhang Jie As the oldest member of this team, he has been in the team before you entered Resident Evil. None of you know his details. You can only understand this person through his own introduction... In other words, What you know is what he lets you know, or wants you to know."

"Secondly, Zhang Jie's strength does not match his experience at all. He had survived three horror movies before Resident Evil. And when I was redeeming the days of ordinary life at the Lord God just now, I discovered a recording function. There are worlds that the Central Continent team has experienced. A Nightmare on Elm Street 1, Scream 2, Death Comes 1, Resident Evil 1, Alien 1..."

"Except for the fact that A Nightmare on Elm Street has just entered the main god space as a newcomer, if Zhang Jie really did not complete the side plot and only completed the most basic main tasks as he said, then with his redemption and strengthening, as well as this Judging from the difficulty of Alien, he would have died long ago in the world of horror movies!”

Chu Xuan revealed Zhang Jie's details without mercy: "These two reasons are enough for me to raise my suspicion that Zhang Jie is the leader to 80%!"

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