This endless world

Chapter 41 Sunflower Book and...Eighteen Dunjia?

"...Really? Li Xiaoyi didn't survive."

The body repair of the six people lasted for more than two hours. In fact, the rest of the people had finished their body repair after 20 minutes. Only the light beam shining on Zheng Zha changed from white to green at the beginning. This was the restoration by the Lord God. The genetic chain that collapsed after he turned on the genetic lock was also the reason why it took him so long to repair it.

When Zheng Zha completed the repairs, he looked at the five people with heavy faces and sighed: "If I can be faster in the end, Li Xiaoyi might..."

At this point, Zheng Zha could no longer say anything. He picked up Loli, who was about to pounce on her, but was a little overwhelmed by the expression on her face, and then said: "Everyone is very tired... Let’s take a rest for the night and discuss it again tomorrow morning.”

With that said, Zheng Zha hugged Loli and walked back to his room, while Zhang Jie and the other three also returned with heavy faces. In just a few minutes, only the same unhappy people were left in the Main God Square again. Yang Yun... Oh, there is also Chu Xuan, who has a weak sense of existence and is contacting the main god with his eyes closed.

——Even if you try so hard, you still didn’t unlock the gene lock in the end?

Yang Yun bit his lip and was stunned for a long time. Finally, he sighed tiredly. It seemed that he had no fighting talent. Compared with Zheng Zha, who successfully opened the lock in his first close combat with an alien, he was still inferior. Too far.

The regret of not being able to open the gene lock was put aside for the time being. Yang Yun thought of the last time Li Xiaoyi shot the queen, and felt sour in his heart again.

——Unexpectedly, it was Li Xiaoyi who stood up in the end. If he hadn't attracted the queen's attention, Zheng Zha would not have exploded and killed the queen at the last moment. Li Xiaoyi and Li Shuaixi, both of whom have the same surname of Li, have very different performances. One is in the first grade of junior high school and the other is in the fifteenth grade. They can drag other teammates to die together because their own lives are threatened; He seems to have little courage, but he can stand up and fire on the Queen at the critical moment...

——The differences between people are really indescribable.

Li Xiaoyi, who seemed almost useless in the original work, was able to take the initiative to walk out of the safe weapons warehouse this time. Not only did he find the fusion gun that he had lost in the alien sneak attack, but he also stepped into the queen's lair and actively participated in the battle... This made Yang Yun couldn't help but feel that he was in a real world, and the teammates around him were all flesh-and-blood people.

——Am I too underestimating the "partners" in the original work? As long as they are given a chance, they might also...

Yang Yun sighed, put aside the chaotic thoughts in his heart for the time being, and contacted the Lord God to inquire about his reward points and side plots.

——Fixed one thousand bonus points for each horror movie.

——Five hundred reward points for killing an alien independently.

——A hundred reward points for assisting Zheng Zha in killing the alien.

——A D-level side plot and 500 reward points for killing the cat alien... It’s really stupid, in that kind of terrain, the cat alien is so much stronger than ordinary aliens, and there is only one more D-level side plot.

——A D-level side plot and 3,000 bonus points for killing the Alien Queen.

——Team mission, kill all aliens to get 1,000 reward points and a D-level side plot.

——Finally, there are 433 bonus points deducted from the total body repair.

——Including the little bit left over from before, my current reward points include a C-level subplot and about 5,900 reward points. The reward points are quite sufficient, but the side plots are a bit lacking. The next horror movie is The Grudge, so I have to plan carefully...

"It took one hundred and seven points to repair the body. Do you usually consume this much?"

Just as Yang Yun was thinking about what to exchange to deal with Kayako, Chu Xuan's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Yang Yun couldn't help but be slightly startled by Chu Xuan's conversation, but seeing that the others had returned to their respective rooms, he had no choice but to reply: "Absolutely, it's just repairing broken limbs and the like, mainly some body parts." Internal injuries and the like. And what we are using this time is full-body repair. We will scan your entire body first. If there are any hidden injuries or congenital diseases inside your body, they will also be cured by full-body repair, so here In this case, the reward points used will be much more.”

Speaking of this, Yang Yun suddenly thought of an exchange he had seen when discussing the plot on the Tieba forum. As we all know, the novel "Infinite Horror" is very famous, and many types of entertainment methods have been derived from this novel, such as discussing the plot, and incorporating the skills, weapons and items from other novels and animations into the main god space to discuss their value. How much does it cost? The so-called text running group is one of them, and even the author has participated.

In these discussions, many fantastic ideas have been adopted by the authors into novels or group games. This is the so-called transformation of the second setting into a regular one. For example, opening the Eighteen Gates of Dunjia in Naruto to the eighteenth gate is equivalent to Zheng Zha's epoch-making... Although Yang Yun doesn't know where the eighteen gates came from, this does not prevent the author from turning it into one of them. set up.

In addition, there is an almost parody setting, and I don’t know who came up with it. The main god space can be exchanged for the Sunflower Book, which is a martial art that requires cutting to practice. According to the author's settings, this kind of martial arts can not only be achieved quickly, but also allow the body's internal energy to self-generate, with ghost-like speed. At the same time, it does not even require a side plot, and can be redeemed with only reward points... But this Sunflower Book can be used all over the body. When repairing, you need to specifically tell the Lord "Don't repair my dio". Otherwise, once you repair that place, your body will immediately be full of true energy, and you will go crazy and die. Even if you cut it again immediately, it will be useless.

Thinking of this prank exchange at this moment, Yang Yun also looked up the Sunflower Book at the Lord God with a joking attitude, and then...

"The Sunflower Book, which comes with mind skills, light skills, sword skills, and acupuncture skills. It requires one thousand reward points to cultivate the true energy of the sunflower. If you want to practice magical skills, you must first go to the palace. When you practice to a high level, you can understand the transformation of gods and humans. The principle..."

"It conflicts with any other bloodline enhancements and other energy system enhancements, and when repairing the whole body after redemption, it must be specially stated that there is no need to repair the roots, otherwise the true energy of the whole body will be reversed, and the person will go crazy and die."

——I am stupid? Really?

Yang Yun was stunned to see that the Lord God actually gave a reply, and the content, including the price, was exactly the same as what he remembered, and he couldn't help but shudder...

——This, what the hell can you have? What about the Eight Gates Dunjia and the Eighteen Gates? Lord God! Check it out for me!

"Eight Gate Dunjia, by unlocking the eight chakra-binding channels in the human body: the Door of Opening, the Gate of Rest, the Gate of Life, the Gate of Injury, the Gate of Du, the Gate of Scenery, the Gate of Shock, and the Gate of Death, one can temporarily gain powerful power. This skill Chakra can be forced to exceed this limit, thereby eliciting one's own strength that is dozens of times stronger, but while gaining strength, the caster himself will be damaged."

"When the eight gates are fully opened, it is also called the Eight Gate Armor Formation. It requires chakra energy front-end, an A-level branch plot, and 10,000 reward points..."

"Twelve Gates of Dunjia..."

"Eighteen Gates of Dunjia..."

——What a fool! Is the Lord God crazy, or am I crazy?

Yang Yun looked at the two exchanges that could actually be found, his mouth opened wide, and he was stunned...

Sunflower comes from z’s spoilers before the book was published in Dawn, and Eighteen Gates of Dunjia comes from z’s YY running group. The old entertainment from more than ten years ago has been redeemed. I would like to thank Xi Sa for this.

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