This endless world

Chapter 377 Love you, kill you

——The intersection of two swords and daggers.

During the period after waking up, Zhao Yingkong could be said to have regained her familiar feelings from the past, and the newly learned avatars added countless more ways to kill people in her full arsenal. At this moment, the little girl who had been hiding around for a long time took the initiative to come out of her hiding place and adopted a brand new attack method.

It was also an attack method that Zhao Zukong had never seen before.

One clone after another was layered on top of each other, attacking Zhao Zukong from all directions. In Zhao Zukong's induction, each clone contained the strong aura of its own little apple. These clones seemed to be both illusions and entities. But without exception, they all held two swords and aimed at the vital points of their bodies, delivering deadly blades.

Like the sweeping wind, there is no flaw.

It also seemed like the continuous waves on that small island that had accompanied them throughout their childhood.

Understanding the principle of "inch step" does not mean that there is a way to deal with it. Even though his future was spoiled by Yang Yun, when he saw the light of Zhao Zukong's soul with his own eyes, Zhao Yingkong still needed a certain amount of time to collect information and test what Zhao Zukong could do. The attack range, his movement speed... because gathering intelligence is itself a part of the assassination.

Even though his body's all-round attributes are at a disadvantage, Zhao Yingkong still has his own advantage, that is, Zhao Yingkong learned from Yang Yun in advance that his opponent was Zhao Zukong.

Therefore, she can spend enough time to train herself, to consciously change her fighting style, to re-hone her assassination skills, and use them in the main god space...or to use the new power she obtained from Yang Yun to fight with herself. brother fights.

Zhao Zukong is proud and aloof. In the original world line, except for a mirror skill with no offensive power, and the combined earrings and vampire touch that he exchanged at the end of the battle, he did not even exchange a bloodline for himself. .

Perhaps the fourth-level gene lock itself can achieve genetic optimization. Perhaps Zhao Zukong is used to working in the Demon team and not contributing enough, and the reward points he received are not enough to deduct points for killing teammates. Perhaps it is because Zhao Zukong feels that His own quality and spiritual light can cope with all difficulties.

The assassination techniques of the Assassin family should not be suitable for fourth-level battles, because the creators who developed them may not have reached the fourth level, but Zhao Zukong still insists on using this set of techniques, and even he himself has forgotten it Okay, why should I insist on something that is completely unnecessary?

But that doesn't matter because he's strong. The fourth-level gene lock is enough for him to settle most things, and in the Demon Team, a qualified strong person will not question the path of another strong person, and anyone else who dares to question his skills will He made it into a "work of art" that was worse than death.

However, this kind of fighting method is difficult for others to cope with, but for Zhao Yingkong, who knows him best in the world, every habit he has developed since childhood in battle, every angle at which the dagger is extended, every little move with force Techniques will become her tips, her guiding light.

When one side has been preparing for a long time and has spent half a year preparing for this battle; while the other side is obsessed with inner demons and rushes into the battle, it is only natural that the former will have the upper hand.

——But that’s all.

Just like the wind cannot catch up with the speed of thunder, the waves cannot hinder the swimming fish passing through the water, and it is certainly impossible to hinder those boys and girls from the Assassin family who have been catching swimming fish for food since they were children.

Even in such a high-intensity battle, the two fighting people still did not show even a little bit of murderous intent. Even though it was clearly a fatal duel in which the opponent would die if he made the slightest mistake, both parties were as eager and intoxicated as lovers reunited after a long separation.

Because they both love each other, they spent their entire childhood together, experienced life and death together, and experienced countless bonds. Those are the memories that belong exclusively to the protagonist Zhao Yingkong, and are the most precious treasure in her heart; at the same time, they are also a copy When Zhao Zukong, who is physically weak, occasionally wakes up from his inner demons, he finds the source of courage that drives him to persevere.

But it is precisely because of love that I want to kill.

The clone Zhao Zukong knew what he was doing and what he should do. He knew his physical condition, knew that his thinking had sunk too deep and slipped too deep, and knew that his feelings were still distorted... I also know that now is not the time.

——Originally, I thought what I saw would be the green little apple. While it's great to see my little apple come to life, you're not ready yet...and neither am I.

The eyes can be deceived. As long as the speed of a creature exceeds a certain limit, it cannot be caught by the naked eye.

Perception can be deceived, and the control of murderous intent is only the most basic requirement to become a qualified assassin. However, the shadow of my dear sister has no flaws. Not only the five senses, but also the energy can be faked... She is obviously I have already mastered my habits, so in order to maintain my "brother's dignity", I have to come up with something real.

"As expected of you, you were able to see through the true face of the light of my soul in such a short period of time... It seems that my little apple has also made a lot of preparations for our reunion."

As Zhao Zukong said this, the bloodshot eyes gradually rose.

So he began to evolve again.

Gene lock is the power of evolution, a source of power that can be drawn by will. So through the veins of space, Zhao Zukong began to use the light of his soul, rather than the five senses or conventional perception, to capture his sister's figure.

His will has become the most delicate net, filtering out clones one after another. His "inch step" can not only be used for movement, but also the sharpest knife when used as an attack method.

At the next moment, Zhao Yingkong's clones attacked him from all directions again. He just casually rotated the dagger 360 degrees in his hand, and the space around him shattered inch by inch like glass. And at the same time that all the shadows turned into bubbles and dissipated, the young man's seemingly random move erupted into a streak of blood in the empty air.

——Now is not the time, not yet the end of our destiny... I have not yet found a solution to the problem of the light of our souls.

The drop of bright red blood on the tip of the dagger was taken into the mouth, and Zhao Zukong's evil eyes filled with blood locked on Zhao Yingkong, who was injured for the first time since the beginning of the battle.

"I found you, my dear little Apple... don't even think about escaping from now on."

——I love you, and one day, I will willingly dedicate my life to you to atone for your sins...

——But because I love you, I must kill you today.

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