This endless world

Chapter 376 Troublesome Commission

"Haha, it seems that Zheng Zha and the others have started to get angry..."

On the other side of the battlefield, Zhao Zukong walked in the street holding a dagger, listening to the voice of the Lord God in his ears.

The pace of this handsome young man was as comfortable as if he were strolling through his own back garden, while the surroundings of him were ruins. Within a thousand meters with Zhao Zhukong as the center, no house, building, or soil or masonry was intact.

"Although three more losers died, it seems that one of your teammates also died."

Zhao Zukong's voice was not loud, but he knew that his dearest sister could hear what he was saying: "My little apple, what kind of experience did you have when I didn't know it? We have been together since birth, and as time goes by, we finally have our own secret. This is really fascinating, haha..."

"Brother, you have been swallowed up by the inner demon after all, and you can't turn back..."

Zhao Zukong's answer was three daggers thrown from the darkness. Under the cover of the moonlight, the daggers not only flew extremely fast, but also made no sound of breaking through the air. Most people would not be aware of this kind of sneak attack. In the previous sparring session with the Zhongzhou team, Zheng Zha, who was in a state of inner demons, had been hit more than once.

"Inner demon? No, maybe this is the real me, my original appearance..."

But Zhao Zukong just slashed away without looking back. The blood-red dagger suddenly exploded with a meter-long bloody blade light. A ten-meter-long building was cut into two pieces.

not only that.

The solid steel and concrete collapsed and turned into sand, gravel and dust, as if the solid connection between materials was completely severed. After cutting off the building, the bloody sword light was extremely restrained in an instant, and then It exploded violently, turning everything within dozens of square meters around into fine dust.

"Brother, is the light of your soul really an external manifestation of telekinesis?"

Zhao Yingkong's voice kept coming from all directions, and the position of the voice was changing all the time, making it impossible for people to feel the specific location of her location. There were several figures constantly shuttled among the ruins, disturbing Zhao Sui. Sora's sight and perception: "There was also a telekinesis user in my previous team whose strength was equivalent to the fourth-level gene lock, but even his telekinesis would not be as destructive as yours..."

"The strength of a skill is related to its user and the way it is used. Even if it is just the most common way of expressing the light of the soul, it can be used like this..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Zhukong had already flashed his figure and appeared hundreds of meters away in an instant. All he had to do was wave his dagger on the spot, and the surrounding houses collapsed and collapsed like wheat. of dust.

Zhao Zukong's eyes turned away, and then he discovered to his disappointment that the blow, which covered a hundred meters in radius, only broke through an empty shadow of Zhao Ying who could not dodge.

With the avatar of the clone, coupled with the secret method of the assassin family that condensed the aura to the limit, even Zhao Zukong was unable to find specific traces of Zhao Yingkong.

Then his mood became unstable.

"So, how long are you going to play this hide-and-seek game with me, my little apple?"

Bright red bloodshot eyes began to gather in his eyes, making his eyes seem to be dripping with blood. Even the smile that was quite decent before now seemed to reveal an evil nature.

The supposedly handsome young man was filled with a cold murderous intent at this moment, which complemented the madness and excitement he gradually revealed: "Zheng Zha, he may not need long to kill your teammates. If I haven't ended my date with you by then, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Zhao Yingkong, who seemed to be affected by Zhao Zukong's words and whose trace was hard to distinguish, also chuckled secretly: "Since it's a date, then don't say these embarrassing words, brother..."

The moment he threw the dagger, Zhao Yingkong, who had shifted his position, perfectly restrained all his aura, and secretly made an assessment of Zhao Zukong's strength in his heart. She has not yet fully recovered, but in terms of physical strength, she is no match for Zhao Zukong, who has been training with the Devils for a long time. Perhaps Zhao Yingkong had left her brother far behind on that small island of her childhood, but now that she had been sleeping for a long time, a young man named Zhao Zukong had already caught up.

Whether it was strength, speed, reaction ability, or other aspects, Zhao Zukong undoubtedly had the advantage at this time. The knife mark left before was just the opponent's carelessness at best.

But Zhao Yingkong is not without any chance of winning. For example, now, she has mastered the information-Zhao Zukong's spiritual light is not actually the telekinesis he mentioned, but the "inch step" of space type.

In ancient times, there was the so-called ten-step one-kill, which means that any position within ten steps is within its attack range. The so-called inch step, as the light of the soul with spatial attributes, has been developed by Zhao Zukong to the point where it can be condensed. The level of attack above the dagger... It can be said that every seemingly ordinary swing of the knife by Zhao Zukong now contains a cutting attack in space.

This kind of attack cannot be resisted by even the strongest body. This is why Zhao Zukong is confident that he can fatally wound two Zheng Zha even in the final battle. Because Cunbu itself combines attack and speed, it is not inferior to the spiritual light of Violent Flame and Qianlong Transformation, which directly points to the four elements of the universe.

——What a troublesome commission.

Zhao Yingkong couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of what he said a moment ago. If victory in this battle is the goal, then Zhao Yingkong, who was spoiled by Yang Yun in advance, has many ways to decide the outcome with her brother. But if you want to use Zhao Zukong's spiritual light to help Yang Yun in the void, then it will be much more difficult.

"But you are right. The information that should be collected has been collected. Next..."

But Zhao Yingkong had the confidence to do it. She emerged from the ruins with an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile. Her eyes were as cold as autumn frost, and then her red lips opened slightly——

"I can't destroy the Assassin family's signature that has been around for thousands of years."

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