This endless world

Chapter 362 Shackles of War!

"...Yang Yun raided the Demon Team alone, but lost contact."

When the Lord God's reminder sounded in the ears of every member of the Zhongzhou team, Zheng Zha knew that it must be Yang Yun who had come into contact with the Demon team. After a brief moment of surprise, he immediately took out the communicator from his waist and began to contact Yang Yunlai.

Taking into account the relationship between mental shielding, Yang Yun had already handed Zheng Zha a communicator to each of the four people in front of the detachment. This communicator was quite similar in appearance to the one he used in The Grudge, except that Zheng Zha Zha didn't take it to heart...but when the communicator was connected, it was Setsuna on the other end. He also found out what happened from Setsuna and Zhan Lan.

"Yes, but this situation has long been expected by Yang Yun. Before he carried out the raid, he had considered the situation that he could not return immediately... Since the Lord God did not send a point deduction reminder, it means that Yang Yun He was only temporarily trapped and his life was not in danger."

He explained the general situation of Yang Yun to Zheng Zha, and said to the communicator without changing his expression: "The current situation is not out of Yang Yun's control. From now on, we just need to execute it step by step according to the plan."

"That's right. Now that things have happened, it's useless to say anything... What we can do now is to believe in Yang Yun, believe in the plan he has prepared long ago, and believe that he will be able to return safe and sound."

The number of one point will not lie. Zheng Zha exhaled and whispered: "Just like what he has always done, predict the future."

Compared with Zhang Heng and Cheng Xiao who looked at Zheng Zha with slightly doubtful looks, the other end of the communicator was not surprised. Instant reply was as calm as water: "Yes, trust is our greatest weapon. With that, With this power, the Devils will not be our opponent...On this stage, we are the protagonists.”

"Whether we are the protagonist or not will be discussed later. The question is now how we should take the next step."

Zheng Zha glanced at Angela, who was being held by Cheng Xiao, and said to the communicator: "We have now completed the first step of the main mission and found Angela Ashford... So what's next? Do you want to take a broomstick and rush to the checkpoint as quickly as possible to complete the main mission?"

At this moment, Zheng Zha has unlocked the third-level gene lock and simulated Yang Yun's thinking: "Since Yang Yun successfully killed one of the opponent's mental controllers, Zhan Lan and another mental controller will suffer both losses. , then using a flying broomstick that will not show up on the radar is the best way. As long as we fly at low altitude and maintain concealment, the Demons who have lost their eyes will not be able to stop us from leaving directly..."

"We wait."

But the answer in the moment was beyond Zheng Zha's expectation. The cold woman just said: "Yang Yun said that most of the time in a wise man's game, you take one step and I take one step. Since we have successfully obtained the upper hand, then the enemy will naturally They will also counterattack accordingly. If you act rashly without thinking, you will completely lose the advantage of being the first mover."

"Soldiers have no fixed position, and water has no shape. The best way is to take advantage of each move, especially when the wise man on the opposite side has been confirmed to be a copy of Chu Xuan."

"...But how long do we have to wait?" Although Zheng Zha felt that Setsuna's words made sense, he still couldn't help but ask: "If the Devils don't make a move, then don't we have to wait forever?"

"It won't take long, because under the established fact that Yang Yun is destined to escape, the Devils are more anxious than us."

Instant's eyes moved to the monitor screen, where several huge shadows were slowly rising from the building.

Nine shadows emerged from the top of the building.

They wore distinctive clothing and ancient Egyptian-style hoods, and the sacred aura that hit their faces made their identities obvious.

It was the shadow of the gods.

That is the Nine Pillars God in Egyptian mythology,

Ra, the sun god, Shu, the wind god, Tefnut, the rain god, Nut, the sky god, Geb, the earth god, Osiris, the god of Hades, Isis, the god of life, and Nephthys, the patron saint of the dead.

and Seth, the last of the gods, with a crown of serpents on his head.

"It's a miracle, it's a miracle!"

When the nine gods, who were extremely majestic, vast, and full of sacred aura, and could not be praised with any adjectives, appeared in the sky of Raccoon City, there were survivors who recognized the nine pillar gods and knelt down. land. During this period of time, the people, who were already frightened by the cannibal zombies and on the verge of mental collapse, could only lower their heads and worship devoutly when they saw the miracle appearing before their eyes.

When the god's eyes looked down at the ground, more people knelt down on the ground.

This is the suppression of the essence of life, the difference between humans and gods. Although it is just the shadow of gods, it also makes countless people breathless, because when faced with powerful beings, the weak cannot look directly at them, just like Sodo The residents of the City of Ma faced the world-destroying sky fire, just like the residents living on the earth faced the world-destroying flood. Apart from confusion and fear, kneeling down and praying was the only thing they could do.

But the eyes of the god are not fixed on ordinary people. In other words, with a snake crown on his head, holding the Black Book of the Dead in one hand, and holding a scepter high in the other hand, Zheng Zha is just like a copy of the real pharaoh. His goal has always been Not an ordinary citizen - he is just manipulating the phantom of the gods, looking for the person he is looking for, and the person he must find.

It was not difficult to find, because he knew that the person he was looking for was in the elementary school that had been mentally shielded before.

——He found it. Through countless walls and across the barrier called distance, the god's eyes fell on Zheng Zha.

The clone Zheng Zha smiled. It was a strange expression mixed with violence, hatred, nostalgia and complexity. But at the next moment, these countless emotions turned into pure murderous intent.

"Found you," he said.

Then the clone Zheng Zha slammed down the scepter in his hand without hesitation.

The moment he made this move, among the shadows of the nine gods, Set with the snake crown on his head took a step forward, and the snake crown on his head turned into thousands of golden chains, locking the entire sky!

The wind stained with hot sand rises in Raccoon City, affecting the visibility of the field of vision and also blocking the bright light of the stars in the sky.

And the reminder from the Lord God also sounded in the ears of every member of the Samsara Team——

"The divine spell 'War Shackles' has taken effect, and the current return conditions have changed..."

"When more than half of the total number of people in the two teams is dead, the members of the reincarnation team can continue the main mission and return to the main god space."

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