This endless world

Chapter 361 One kind and one time

Destroy the Zhongzhou team in two hours?

It sounds like an impossible task, and no one knows how this time was obtained, but the clone Zheng Zha did not show any doubts, and the rest of the Demon Team members also looked as if it was taken for granted. This is not only due to their confidence in winning consecutive team battles, but also their trust in the power of the clone Zheng Zha... and their trust in the layout of the clone Chu Xuan.

Everyone knows that in the Demon Team, the clone Zheng Zha has the strongest force, and the clone Chu Xuan has the strongest intelligence. When the strongest force is combined with the strongest intelligence, they will be invincible!

"...Very good, Chu Xuan, this is what I want to hear."

The clone Zheng Zha showed a cold smile. He finally found the familiar feeling. Even if he was frustrated for a moment, the final result would not change: "Although we lost the first move and lost a move, the Zhongzhou team took the advantage. , but the one who wins in the end will only be our Devils team.”

"To be precise, it's not one move, but half a move."

The clone Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses and corrected the clone Zheng Zha's statement. Even though there was no emotion in his tone, he still seemed to be dissatisfied with the half-move: "And now both of us have lost our mental strength at the same time. Controller, the current situation is at a disadvantage for us. Compared with Tom, who has completely lost his combat effectiveness, the injury of the mental controller of the Central Continent team is still unknown... If this mental controller can regain his combat effectiveness, then regardless of Whether it’s war or peace, the initiative in the situation lies entirely in the hands of the Zhongzhou Team.”

"But you have a way." The clone Zheng Zha said in a determined tone: "How to achieve the final result within these two hours is your concern, not mine."

"I do have a way, but first we need to re-evaluate the Central Continent team's combat effectiveness and analyze the current situation."

Despite the bold statement that he would destroy the Zhongzhou team within two hours, the clone Chu Xuan's tone was still unhurried, as if he was not on the battlefield where the main god team was at stake, and he was not talking about the next battle. Plan, but a short talk after dinner: "Based on Yang Yun's intelligence and combat plan, I can determine that the Zhongzhou team may have people who have prophecies or specialized intelligence collection, so that they can He has a deep understanding of our intelligence.”

"If Tom hadn't used a B-level mental amplification potion, which also prevented the Zhongzhou team's mental controller from using mental scanning, we would have been at a huge disadvantage at the beginning of the team battle."

"What Yang Yun did was a surprise attack, or it can be described as an assassination. The main focus was surprise, and their attitude was extremely determined. They wanted to destroy our mental controller at all costs. I have a 70% chance of thinking that , except for Zhao Zukong’s sister, even if Yang Yun and your body combined, it will be difficult to compete with you head-on."

"In the opinion of the opponent's wise man... this wise man is most likely Yang Yun himself, the Zhongzhou team's hard power cannot compete head-on with the Demon team, so they use this dangerous assassination method. The purpose is to make us I can’t grasp their reality.”

"In other words, they will escape with the plot characters next?" the clone Zheng Zha asked.

"It is possible, but I prefer that the Central Continent team has not mastered the means of high-speed movement. At least they cannot compare with us who have the Green Goblin skateboard in terms of mobility. Otherwise, in the beginning, they will do whatever it takes. We must flee toward the checkpoint, cut off our tails to survive, and leave a certain number of members to snipe us midway. This is the method with the highest survival rate."

The clone Chu Xuan analyzed the enemy's methods: "We don't know the specific time when they arrived early, and what kind of arrangements they made in Raccoon City... But judging from the fact that they were able to launch a hundred armed Judging from the use of helicopters as bait, I can conclude that they have completely taken over Umbrella's armed forces in Raccoon City, which is equivalent to this city and is already their complete home."

"Now that we have lost our spiritual controller, we cannot grasp the specific movements of the members of the Central Continent Team. Even if they deceive our eyes by some means and quietly send the plot characters out of the city to complete the main plot and return directly to the main god space, we There is nothing we can do.”

"The right time and place are not here, but we can still grasp the people and the people."

Having said this, the clone Chu Xuan paused and looked up at the sky: "Besides, the starlight today is too bright."


Following the gaze of the clone Chu Xuan, the clone Zheng Zha also looked at the sky. Having gone to college, he knew that most of the planets in the sky did not emit light themselves, but reflected the sun's light. Even if the weather in Raccoon City is cloudless tonight, the stars above are a little too shining: "You are saying that the Central Continent Team may have taken some measures and done something to the stars?"

"It's possible, so I have to guard against it."

He turned to the clone Zheng Zha with emotionless eyes: "Zheng Zha, the snake crown on his head when he killed Seth last time is now time to use it."


A cruel smile flashed across the corner of the clone Zheng Zha's mouth. He already understood what the clone Chu Xuan meant: "No problem, I originally planned to use it on the Xihai team I don't know when I will encounter it, but if If you decide to use it here, I have no problem with it."

Seth, one of the nine pillar gods in ancient Egyptian mythology, the god of war, strength, desert and storm, and the legend that he used a trick to kill Osiris, one of the nine pillar gods, he was also Some call him the God of Conspiracy.

And in the "Pilgrimage Road" where the clone Zheng Zha killed the Nine Pillar Gods, he was not the strongest one, nor the most heroic and fearless one, but he was the one who hid the deepest. This dark guy has been rooted in the dark depths of Egypt despite the loss of faith in other nine-pillar gods and a significant decline in power. He has barely maintained his body and strength by devouring human souls that were once ignored by them. , and even after the clone Zheng Zha continuously fought against Geb, Nut and Osiris' family of three, they wanted to solve this formidable enemy through a sneak attack.

But he failed - no one's thinking is darker than that of the clone Chu Xuan, not even God. This wise man with deeper calculations has already prepared a series of back-up moves of his own. The God of Conspiracy will undoubtedly fall. Under his help, the evaluation in exchange was just "the wisdom of a mortal"...perhaps it should be called "the wisdom of a mortal god", which is more appropriate.

And his crown, which can swallow mortal souls and cast powerful black magic, unexpectedly fell into the hands of the clone Zheng Zha.

The snake crown, the Black Book of the Dead, and the pharaoh's staff found in the tomb of Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh, are three special props obtained from the legend of gods and ghosts. Driven by fragments of divinity, a powerful divine spell can be used.

Perhaps in the heyday of the Nine Pillars, they all had their own artifacts, and they could use as many as nine kinds of magic. But when the other artifacts of the Eight Pillar Gods have been lost in the dust of history, and Seth's snake crown is also full of cracks, the Devils have only this one choice left.

...and the only chance.

Now, the Devils decided to use this power that could only be used once on the Central Continent team.

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