This endless world

Chapter 347 The devil appears!

On top of a building in Raccoon City, eight men and two women, a total of ten members, appeared on the top of the building out of thin air.

Compared with the Central Continent team, which does not place many requirements on the clothing of its players and even has Cheng Xiao in the team who is not very serious most of the time, the Demon team seems to be more of a "reincarnation team"... …This group of guys who look like they crawled out of a pile of dead people are not only wearing black uniforms, even the shoes are the same style, but there is a vague and dangerous aura surrounding their bodies.

Cold, yet deadly, even the blood seems to have not been cleansed yet. The man standing at the front of the Demon Team, who had exactly the same face as Zheng Zha, was surrounded by overwhelming evil aura and murderous intent.

There seems to be a wail of soul beside him, there are fragments belonging to a powerful enemy, and there is an aura that makes people feel despair and fear. He is synonymous with danger, he can easily make the weak retreat and the strong fear, and his body is surrounded by dark fire.

That is the source of his power. In the previous return mission, he just used this newly acquired power to swallow the enemy in one bite and light up the sky lantern for the opponent who was not a gene lock system but still had fourth-level strength. .

The enemy's corpses are still burned by the eternal black flames in the desert.

This is the clone Zheng Zha, the strongest person in the Demon Team and the strongest person in the main god space today.

The team with the strongest player is naturally the strongest team. They are the Devil Team, one of the two most special reincarnation teams in the Lord God Space. They follow the law of the jungle and the naked law of the jungle... There is no need for waste here, nor is there no potential, so they cannot survive the cruel missions in the Lord God Space. a member of.

"I have deployed the mental shield as soon as possible."

The first one to speak was Tom. He was the oldest member of the Demon Team, even earlier than Zhao Zukong was copied. And this man who is a mental controller is closing his eyes at this moment and saying: "I didn't detect any signs of mental scanning... Did the mental controllers of the Central Continent Team not react immediately? Or did they not react too much? You have more experience fighting other reincarnation teams, but you don’t know the importance of gathering intelligence?”

"Probably the latter."

Beside him, Amiya, who also had her eyes closed, said: "Captain, I have just launched a mental scan to roughly detect the situation in Raccoon City. The Lord God seems to have deliberately changed the plot and changed the situation in this city. The range has expanded to dozens of times than before, and my mental strength is not as strong as Tom's, so I can't completely scan the entire city for the time being... But I have found the mental shielding area of ​​the Zhongzhou team. From the topographic map, , that should be the location of the school in the movie, the straight-line distance from us is about 150 kilometers."

"One hundred and fifty kilometers? The normal speed of the Green Goblin skateboard takes about ten minutes..."

Zheng Zha, the clone at the front of the team, spoke. He had a scar that looked like a centipede on his face, and the man's voice was even hoarse, like a demon crawling out of hell: "Team Zhongzhou, there are only This level? Without even the most basic sense of vigilance, we easily obtained the first-hand information. My stupid body is really a flower in the greenhouse."

"Captain, are we going to raid the location of the Central Continent team now? The mission issued by the Lord God this time is to protect Jill, Angie, Alice, Jason, and Carlos from leaving the city. Although we don't know this horror The movie has restricted all space transfer props and skills redeemed from the Lord God, but with the speed of the Green Goblin skateboard, we can completely block the Central Continent team before they escape."

Tom opened his eyes and said to the clone Zheng Zha: "Captain, you have always wanted to kill your own body with your own hands, right? You..."

"You talk too much, Tom."

The clone Zheng Zha's voice suddenly dropped an octave, and it was filled with cold murderous intent, which frightened Tom so much that he dared not speak. Zhao Zukong, who was standing next to Tom, patted the Germanic man on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Tom, don't talk so much nonsense. The captain is angry about the weakness of the Central Continent team. Only A grand funeral is worthy of a reunion with the true body... And if the apples are not ripe enough, the wine produced will have no taste."

"Besides, although the captain can already use his own spiritual light, his realm has not yet reached the true fourth-level intermediate level. He is still at the stage of suppressing his inner demons. He can..."

There was an explosion, and a ball of black flames passed directly through the head of the man who was always smiling, blasting the ground behind everyone to pieces. The terrifying high temperature sent waves of heat, and the clothes of everyone in the Demon Team were blown away. They all blew loudly.

But everyone in the Demon Team knew that Zhao Zukong, who had also unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, would never die that simply, and the clone Zheng Zha's eyes were also focused in another direction.

"...It's really terrifying, Captain."

Zhao Zukong's figure slowly emerged from the air in the direction Zheng Zha was targeting. It was only then that his pierced figure slowly disappeared from the place, but it was a mirror image: "Keeping observation, your reaction speed has improved... Although you have not overcome your inner demons yet... , but I have successfully personalized the light of my soul."

"With this, even if you face a real fourth-level intermediate, I'm afraid you won't be left behind, right?"

"If you say nonsense again next time..."

The clone Zheng Zha didn't care what Zhao Zukong was saying at all. The murderous aura in his body surged at this moment, making Tom next to him somewhat breathless. The surging murderous intent locked Zhao Zukong firmly: " I have respect for the strong, and this is the reason why I can allow you to move freely within a certain range in the Demon Team... However, my patience also has limits."

Realizing that there was no joking in Zheng Zha's words, Zhao Zukong couldn't help but soften the smile on his face. The man raised his right hand and pulled on his mouth, indicating that he would not talk nonsense anymore... However, when Zhao Zukong did this action, it felt like he was cutting his throat instead of shutting up.

The clone Zheng Zha glanced at Zhao Zukong coldly. His fingers trembled for a moment, but the devil-like man did not make a move in the end. He closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "Ai Mia, connect the image to everyone's consciousness. Then Chu Xuan..."

“Analyze the current situation, as you have always done.”

I still owe 6 chapters. I am too busy with work at the end of the month and the beginning of the month. Today I was busy from 8 am to nearly 6 pm. I will probably have to ask for leave tomorrow and the next two days... I will try my best to update the 6 chapters I owe.

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