This endless world

Chapter 346 Soul Network

"Zhan Lan, Qi Tengyi, are you ready? The time is almost up."

When Yang Yun returned from the top of the building, the room that the Central Continent Team members had requisitioned from Umbrella Company executives had completely changed its appearance.

Except for one wall covered with surveillance screens, Setsuna standing in front is monitoring every move in Raccoon City. The rest of the space is painted with strange lines and complicated runes, adding a bit of mystery. ...And the shining gem that is located in the center of the room, shining with the light of stars, proves that the array pattern spread throughout the room is not a fake.

After hearing Yang Yun's question, Qi Teng, who was still carefully checking the rune array, raised his head. His eyes were bloodshot, which showed that he had exhausted too much energy: "There is no problem, it is better to say it is unexpected." It went smoothly. I had completed all the work two hours in advance and checked it twice. I didn’t find any mistakes. It can even be said to be an extraordinary performance.”

At this point, even Qi Tengyi himself felt a little unbelievable: "Perhaps what you said, Yang Yun, is true... the name 'Leon Scott Kennedy' has indeed brought me unexpected good luck. "

"That's good." Yang Yun smiled: "Then do you need to take a rest?"

Qi Teng shook his head and said stubbornly: "No, I feel that I can do better."

"...It seems you won't listen to anything I say."

Looking at Qi Tengyi's tired but determined eyes, Yang Yun patted the latter's shoulder helplessly and sent a stream of true energy mixed with life energy: "I can help you recover your physical strength and injuries, but the mental drain will be But for careful."

"I won't let my hair down at a time like this."

As soon as Qi Teng thanked him vaguely, he immersed himself in the intense calculations again. Seeing his red face and thinning hair, Yang Yun had no choice but to sigh and look at the rune array. Zhan Lan in the center said: "Zhan Lan, where is your side?"

"The construction of the soul network has been basically completed."

Hearing Yang Yun's question, Zhan Lan withdrew his hands from the gem, raised his hands to smooth away his sweat-wet hair, and exhaled a long breath: "Thanks to this 'Star Principle' and Qi With the help of Teng Yi and Miss Setsuna... Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult even with my current mental strength to collect so many zombies into the soul network and drive them to the designated location. .”

The Principle of the Stars, a legendary magic prop that Qi Tengyi and Zhao Yingkong exchanged for two B-level side plots and 10,000 reward points when they were in the main god space. According to the Lord God's description, this magnificent gem can be said to be an extremely precious man-made object. After the destruction of the stars, the powerful ones used some means to create an energy core from those fragments, which contains endless power. .

In essence, it is the reverberation left after the destruction of a star.

The "Chart of Changes in the Constellation of Stars" practiced by Zhan Lan happens to correspond to the properties of the principles of this star. With this gem, which is not actually a crystal or naturally formed, Zhan Lan can greatly enhance his mental power and display all the results of his previous training in Lungominiad... But now with the help of The soul network built by Qi Tengyi's rune array was her perfect answer.

The soul network is actually one of the fruits of human city's cultivation. As the name suggests, its function is to use one's own soul as the core of the network, extend it with spiritual power, and integrate the surrounding weak souls, spiritual power, and even the light of other people's souls into the network, building a network between souls, and thus transforming the network. Be your own strength.

Data that cannot be processed by one computer can be calculated by several computers in parallel and the data can be sent back to the local computer. This is the principle of the soul network. Although this method is quite restrictive and can only draw individuals who are far weaker than yourself into the soul network, but...

In today's Raccoon City, aren't there countless zombies?

Zombies are the walking dead, but even if they are weak, they are still humans when they are alive. Even though their consciousness has passed away, the remaining spirit and the little bit of spiritual light are still in their bodies... and what Zhan Lan is doing now is to gather this little bit of power, bit by bit. , gathering sand to form a tower.

"With the power brought to you by the Soul Network, the devil's mental controller will not be your opponent."

Yang Yun looked at Zhan Lan, with unexplainable emotions in his eyes: "But Zhan Lan, you must defeat the enemy with one strike, otherwise something may happen."

"I see."

Zhan Lan nodded: "I will complete my own task."

The battle between mental controllers is invisible but dangerous. If one party loses in the battle, the best outcome is just a coma with vomiting blood. Unless one has been practicing for a long time or has the corresponding panacea, it is a high probability to simply withdraw from the battlefield... In fact, Turning into a vegetative state, brain-dead, or having consciousness completely erased and souls disintegrating layer by layer, are the most likely endings for losers.

But Zhan Lan is not afraid, she is not afraid of anything, because she has made up her mind and found the meaning of her fight.

Yang Yun nodded and closed his eyes gently. Zheng Zha and others had already entered the school. It wouldn't take long before they could search the entire school and find Angela-A who was hiding somewhere. Shford.

At that time, it was also when the Demons entered Resident Evil 2.

"There's no need for you to be upset about this."

Setsuna's voice sounded in the space, and she finally looked away from the surveillance screen: "What needs to be done has been done, and you just need to wait for the grand opening of the drama."

"In a drama, the party who appears first always has a certain amount of advantage. Especially when one party has read part of the script and the other party has not."

"Of course I understand the truth. Although some people have changed the script, it is still generally under control."

Yang Yun watched every move of Zheng Zha and Zhang Heng during the mental scan: "Especially, the editor has realized that his script has been changed."

The stage has not changed, and the repertoire has basically remained the same, but the actors who came on stage are completely different.

And as Zheng Zha followed Alice, he discovered Angela Ashford who took the initiative to come out of hiding——

The actors on the other side finally stepped onto the stage that they had been preparing for a long time.

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