This endless world

Chapter 338 Fate is approaching

It was said that he was training the fourth-level gene lock, but Zheng Zha's training during this period was only extremely intense. In fact, it didn't take much time. It only took two days until the end.

It's not that Zheng Zha doesn't want to continue practicing, it's just that firstly, the reward points have bottomed out, and secondly, he deeply feels his bottleneck. Continuing to make breakthroughs will only increase his proficiency in subtlety and genetic optimization, and if he wants to shape the so-called He couldn't even think about finding a "perfect body", or truly overcoming or suppressing his inner demons.

Everyone has bottlenecks, and Zheng Zha is no exception. In fact, he was secretly relieved. Because even Zheng Zha himself understood that his speed of becoming stronger was too terrifying. This speed was unprecedented even in "Basic Martial Arts".

Even though Zheng Zha had shown extraordinary talent in martial arts a long time ago, he was just an ordinary white-collar worker before entering the Lord God Space. He didn't think he could continue to become stronger...even if he was a Saiyan. You need to be close to death to become stronger, and if you move too fast, it may lead to a weak foundation.

Zheng Zha deliberately slowed down his speed of becoming stronger. With the 5,000 reward points kindly sponsored by Yang Yun, he returned to the Harry Potter world again. After training with everyone, he no longer made great progress as before, but instead focused on consolidating his own strength.

——He began to cautiously touch the power of the fourth-level gene lock after being fully prepared and confirming that he could do it.

Because he has experienced the terror of inner demons, Zheng Zha is fully prepared every time he tries to come into contact with the fourth-level power. He is like a climber climbing a high mountain. He only attempts to climb a little bit after confirming the foothold every time, and never lets himself climb too fast and slip and fall.

Even if he thinks he can overcome the murderous intention in his heart, when Zheng Zha touches this door, he will ask Yang Yun, Zhan Lan and Zhao Yingkong to watch his every move, just in case he really falls into the heart. If he loses control among the demons, it would be nice for someone to stop him.

Power beyond one's own control is not real power. Zheng Zha has always believed in this... Although it is slow to unlock the fourth-level gene lock bit by bit, it is better than safety. Although there were several times when murderous intent surged in his heart, Zheng Zha, after previous training in the Lord God Space, and the Arhat Fist and Yi Jin Jing, was finally able to control it and did not let the murderous intent devour his body and mind.

The results are also gratifying. The fourth-level gene lock is an inexhaustible treasure house. Even if he slows down, Zheng Zha can already draw a steady stream of power from it... The most obvious manifestation is that he is The cultivation of this technique has made rapid progress, and his own strength has once again jumped to a new level.

But Zheng Zha was not without worries.

Because as time went by, Zheng Zha felt more and more Yang Yun's disobedience. Although he almost punched Yang Yun to death in the last horror movie and suspected Zhang Jie, Zheng Zha had secretly made up his mind not to doubt anyone in the Zhongzhou team, but whenever he tossed and turned late at night, Yang Yun Doubts surfaced again.

——He shouldn't be so strong.

——If it can be explained by the fact that "super-sense" plays a greater role in combat than "explosion" before, and that his power of subtlety is stronger than mine, then he has unlocked the fourth-level genetic lock and experienced more than one genetic attack. The optimized me should be superior to Yang Yun in all aspects. But in the actual battle, I could only fight him at a 70-30 draw.

——Furthermore, there is also the sentence about the Kamui Sharingan that he seemed to have accidentally let slip before...

Zheng Zha considers himself the person in the team who knows Yang Yun best. Whether it was receiving treatment from Yang Yun when he was injured, or fighting with Yang Yun on weekdays, mutually confirming the experience of energy use, self-created skills and fourth-level gene locks, or the impact of his Creation Moment on the team. Help, Zheng Zha thought from the bottom of his heart that it was great to have Yang Yun in the Zhongzhou team.

The existence of Yang Yun allows Zheng Zha to focus on becoming stronger without having to deal with the internal problems of the Zhongzhou team, and he does not need to be confused about finding the direction to become stronger. It is like putting food in his mouth... At least if he lets When Zheng Zha thought about it for himself, he determined that he could not think of a way to use the Lord God's full-body repair to restore a person in a killing state to normal, nor could he think of a way to exercise the fourth-level gene lock.

If Zheng Zha was allowed to do it by himself, he would have no choice but to break through himself in constant battles, as before, to seek a breakthrough at the limit... And this method of breakthrough is obviously much more dangerous.

But for some reason, the more Zheng Zha came into contact with Yang Yun, the more he could feel what Yang Yun seemed to be hiding from him, as well as the worries and haze hidden deep in his heart. Just like an iceberg on the sea, only a portion of it rises to the surface. No one knows how much volume there is under the sea...

Zheng Zha also asked Zhan Lan, who had the best relationship with him in the team, about this issue, but Zhan Lan just said that it was because of the upcoming team battle and told him not to worry.

"Yang Yun is under a lot of pressure. Look, didn't he create a woman just to relieve the pressure?"

This was Zhan Lan's answer to Zheng Zha's question, and Zheng Zha couldn't help but touched his head and said: "I know this, but I have never seen an overly close relationship between Yang Yun and Shu Na. They respect each other as guests. The way they get along is more like a pure companionship, even when Zhao Yingkong talks to Yang Yun, it looks more like..."

As he spoke, Zheng Zha lowered his voice: "Wait a minute, I remember that they would leave the sight of the army every day and spend some time alone. Although the superficial argument is that if they use the three thousand times sensitive drug, Practice, but will you..."

"Oh? Sister Luoli is not with you this time, can't you help it?" Zhan Lan answered Zheng Zha's question with a smile: "If you really have time to gossip about these things, care about Yang Yun and the others Regarding the relationship route, you can also come to me, I will be happy to help you solve your problems..."

Such conversations have happened several times, but every time Zhan Lan throws out this decisive sentence, Zheng Zha can only run away, and he can only keep this question until he returns to the main god space. But until the day when he was about to enter a horror film, Zheng Zha was unable to ask this question.

Because during this period of time, he could hardly see Yang Yun. It was not until the moment when the main god entered the horror movie that the light beam fell that Zheng Zha saw Yang Yun hurriedly leaving his room with Setsuna. came out, and then stood in the two light pillars...

"Transfer target locked, Resident Evil 2, start teleportation..."

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