This endless world

Chapter 337 Captain

After all, it was poverty that limited Zheng Zha.

Although he made a lot of money in Death Comes, after redeeming the dragon blood mixture and the flame windbreaker, Zheng Zha still had a large number of remaining reward points to exchange for time to return to the Harry Potter world, so he The remaining reward points were stretched thin... In the end, Zheng Zha even learned how to save money without any teacher. Whenever the Lord God's repair beam restored his consciousness, he would immediately shout out the words "stop repairing". , let Yang Yun recover from the remaining injuries so as to save his few reward points.

And the effect is remarkable - since Zheng Zha was able to develop the self-created skill of "Tang Kai" to turn himself into armor in order to save money, then this time, under the original driving force, he forcefully transformed himself Forced to achieve a result... until Zheng Zha's reward points were about to be exhausted, he had managed to barely maintain his consciousness when entering the fourth-level gene lock state, and prevent himself from being overwhelmed by the surging killing intent. Devouring the body and mind.

"……I did it."

Zheng Zha gasped for breath and withdrew from the fourth-level gene lock state: "Although I can't freely control my own genes, and I can't figure out the so-called 'perfect body', I can finally... After unlocking the fourth-level gene lock, I can clearly distinguish who is my comrade and who is the enemy...I finally did it."

"Well done, Zheng Zha."

Yang Yun, who was half-kneeling on the ground, let out a long breath. In the battle just now, half of his arm was completely broken. At this moment, only a little flesh was still hanging in place. It looked really terrifying.

But this injury is no longer a concern for Yang Yun. He only needs to reattach the broken arm to the wound, and the powerful healing ability can reattach the broken limb without leaving any sequelae: "Look Now you can already use a series of skills including Luohan Fist and Taming Armor when entering the fourth level, which is much better and much stronger than when you just started using instinctive combat."

"Yes, martial arts itself is a technique of defeating the strong by the weak, and whether you can use your own wisdom is the biggest difference between humans and beasts. I have deeply realized this."

After finally suppressing the violent consciousness in his heart back to the depths of his consciousness, Zheng Zha sat down on the ground. This time he did not use the Lord God's full-body repair function: "But I'm still far away... My family said Regarding my own affairs, I can feel that I am fine in my current normal state, but let alone 'destruction', just by using 'explosion', I will immediately lose control and return to the state where we can't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."

As Zheng Zha's mastery of the fourth-level gene lock continues to deepen, he can also control his power and consciousness more freely. The further back he goes, the less likely Zheng Zha is to use his own skills of explosion and destruction. He relies solely on the power of the fourth-level gene lock to fight Yang Yun and Zhao Yingkong... Moreover, even if he wants to use it, the money is not enough to repair the entire body. .

"The road to becoming stronger is a long and arduous one. The road must be walked step by step and the food must be eaten one bite at a time."

Yang Yun moved his restored arm, feeling the crisp sound of the new bones, and nodded with satisfaction: "If you have such an idea, it will prove that your practice during this period has not been in vain. The fourth-level gene Locks are not invincible and can still be defeated in the hands of others..."

After listening to Yang Yun's words, before Zheng Zha could say anything, Zhao Yingkong, who stabbed the dagger into his captain's body for the thirty-eighth time, snorted, turned around and left, returning straight to his room. And her abnormal behavior also made Zheng Zha ask strangely: "What's wrong with her?"

"Don't worry about her. Maybe she saw you getting stronger again and got into trouble." Yang Yun knew the reason why Zhao Yingkong was angry, but he couldn't tell the truth to Zheng Zha, so he had to say casually: "Anyway, you also know her character. , always very strong."

"But Zhao Yingkong has obviously become stronger. At least even now, I can't avoid her secret attacks... and I always feel that her dagger is getting more and more painful." Zheng Zha scratched his hair: "Obviously I have already unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, but I still got stabbed by her."

"It's normal. After all, I am attracting your attention from the front, and you who have lost your mind will naturally not notice Zhao Yingkong's every move. It is normal for you to be attacked and defeated due to mental calculations and unintentional attacks. "Yang Yun has already thought of an explanation: "Besides, haven't the injuries you suffered in recent times become much lighter? You were a hemiplegia before, but now I see that you are speaking with great energy, and it is obviously nothing serious. "

——But the location where I was injured recently doesn’t seem right.

——Or Yang Yun, are you using your "no big deal" to ask me?

Zheng Zha rolled his eyes, touched the wound on his waist, let out a cold hiss, and then carefully lay on his side in an awkward posture. He wisely did not say some of his guesses. After all, he I can't afford to offend the doctor in front of me.

Seeing that Zheng Zha didn't speak, Yang Yun continued the topic: "Getting back to the topic, clearly recognizing one's own shortcomings and understanding what level one's combat power is is also an extremely valuable quality. After all, you can't see There is never a shortage of guys in the main god space who know how much they weigh, and shout arrogantly, 'My fate is up to me,' and feel that they can solve everything by themselves without teammates."

"Although I understand that you are probably talking about the guy from the Indian team who was punched to death by me after killing his teammate, but there is always a feeling that you are hinting at something... That guy's name is Alot. ?”

Zheng Zha glanced at Yang Yun and complained with his eyes closed: "To tell the truth, are you mocking me for overestimating my abilities and challenging Zhang Jie in my last horror film?"

"How is that possible? It's your illusion."

Although Yang Yun is indeed hinting at something, what he hints at is not the "past" that has happened, but the "future" that is about to happen: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, Zheng Zha, since you have chosen this path. , choose to use your faith to control power, then never forget...don't forget that when we first entered the biological crisis, you were able to help me even when you were still in extremely dangerous situations."

"Don't lose this relationship, don't forget your original intention, and always remember your creed. Only in this way can you truly overcome the difficulties of your inner demons."

"Of course I won't forget it, but when will it be your turn to lecture me like a senior?"

Although Zheng Zha's smile had already hung on his lips, this guy still said stiffly: "Obviously we are newcomers who entered the main god space at the same time. Besides, I am older than you. Even in the team, I am also the captain. You should be more Show me some respect."

"Okay, then I will show some sincerity today... Lord God, repair Zheng Zha's whole body, and the reward points will be deducted from me!"

Following Yang Yun's shout, a beam of light suddenly enveloped Zheng Zha. Looking at the green beam of light, Yang Yun silently recited a few words in his heart...

——There's only so much I can do... Don't die in the next horror movie.

--team leader.

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