This endless world

Chapter 335 Creed of Self

"...The Lord God deducted nearly one hundred reward points from me."

When the main god's healing light beam completely disappeared, Zheng Zha, who was rubbing his neck, asked the main god for his reward points while looking at Yang Yun sadly: "Can't you and Zhao Yingkong be gentler?"

"How dare you say it? Aren't you the one who lost his mind and wanted to kill us like a mad dog?"

Yang Yun rolled his eyes: "You said you could control part of your murderous intention before, but now you can't brag about it? If I hadn't told others to stay far away, I'm afraid not only the whole body needs to be healed now, It's just you alone...Besides, my hand should be considered a work-related injury, right? I haven't asked you to reimburse the medical expenses yet."

"You've already healed, haven't you?"

After hearing this, Zheng Zha, who knew he was in the wrong, could not refute, but looked at Yang Yun, whose right fist had recovered completely at this time, this poor man who had just been beaten and was completely at a disadvantage in the quarrel. I could only mutter: "And that punch was clearly your own on my chin. What about work injuries and reimbursement?"

"It's my fault that I didn't reimburse you, but the injury to this hand occurred during the battle with you. This is a matter of principle." Yang Yun said plausibly: "That means I have strong healing ability and saved a fortune. What about the cost of treatment? What if someone else is injured? Besides, I haven’t settled this bill with you yet since I stopped you from losing control..."

"Okay, okay, okay, I owe you this once, okay?"

Zheng Zha, who was troubled and helpless, had no choice but to say: "I was wrong this time. I believed too much in my own strength and underestimated the inner demons of the fourth-level gene lock. I owe you a favor." ,OK?"

"A favor? It seems a bit small. How about we settle the accounts? You won't just unlock the fourth-level gene lock this time, right? The subsequent wages and labor expenses should be settled in advance. After all, you will definitely need my treatment next... There are not many reward points, right?"

"That's it! One favor, no more!"

Seeing that Yang Yun seemed dissatisfied, Zheng Zha, who was cash-strapped and knew that he could never offend the only nanny in the team, immediately decided to change the topic: "Let's talk about other issues... It seems that the first The power of the fourth-level gene lock is not as great as I imagined. How about after unlocking the fourth-level gene lock, judging from the results of the battle, I have become weaker?"

——It’s not that you have become weaker, but that Zhao Yingkong and I have become too strong.

Yang Yun, who had gotten what he wanted, smiled mysteriously. Although on the surface, Zheng Zha was quickly defeated by Yang Yun and Zhao Yingkong after unlocking the fourth-level gene lock, without even using the long-distance support of Zhang Heng and Zero Point. But one of the two is Yang Yun, who has just completed foundation building and has made great progress in "super-sense" under the influence of a thousand-fold sensitive medicine; the other has regained his own power and is in a supporting position. , the protagonist Zhao Yingkong can give full play to his assassin skills... With the combined efforts of the two of them, it is strange that Zheng Zha does not fail.

However, Zheng Zha himself didn't know that the two people he faced had already exchanged their weapons with each other. In his impression, Yang Yun was still the guy who was almost beaten to death by his punch due to his inner demons, while Zhao Yingkong had just unlocked the second-level gene. Lock, at best, an assassin can barely survive three moves and two moves in an "explosion" state... Under such a gap, it is reasonable to doubt the power of the fourth-level gene lock.

Although Yang Yun couldn't say it clearly, he could get as many excuses as he wanted for Zheng Zha's failure. Yang Yun cleared his throat and explained: "Zheng Zha, there are three main reasons for your failure... The first point is the dragon blood mixture you took and the "Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Tao" you practiced. .”

"The "Secret Way of Cursed Blood Dragon Binding" is always a demonic technique. With brave and diligent efforts, it has the disadvantage of having an unstable foundation. After a period of training, you should not have fallen into inner demons so quickly. The fighting method you adopted before must have been affected accordingly, which makes you transform into a beast, and even the way you attack is like a beast."


Although he only had a vague impression of what he had done before, Zhan Lan's mental scan was always monitoring the battle, and Zheng Zha naturally knew his every move afterwards. And if you compare it with what Yang Yun said, you can see that what he said just now is exactly the same: "In other words, is this technique affecting my mind?"

"Perhaps part of the reason is the impact of energy imbalance in your body." Zhan Lan added on the side: "Zhang Jie once said that it is best to maintain a rough balance between the two energies in your body, and now the dragon blood mixture you drink , obviously allowing your blood energy to overwhelm your internal strength."

"...It seems to make sense. It seems that I must practice the "Basic Martial Arts" as soon as possible and postpone the practice of "The Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Treasure Path." Zheng Zha said thoughtfully: "What about the second point?"

"The second point is that your mind has actually been unknowingly affected by the inner demons for a long time."

Yang Yun said seriously: "Zheng Zha, do you think that the inner demon just represents the murderous consciousness in your heart and will make you completely lose your mind?"

"...Isn't it?"

Zheng Zha really doesn't know much about inner demons. In fact, even in the all-inclusive "Basic Martial Arts", there is very little description of inner demons. It can even be said to be unclear. It only says that everyone's inner demons are different from their own. There is a direct correlation between your life experiences and your deepest desires. In addition, it is what Zhang Jie told him in Death Comes: "Does the inner demon have other manifestations?"

"The inner demon, the inner demon, and the consciousness of killing are only the most obvious and superficial manifestations, but its impact on you is far more than just making you want to destroy everything."

Yang Yun shook his head and explained seriously to Zheng Zha: "Zheng Zha, do you still remember what you said to me and Zhang Jie in Death Comes Four Miles? You said that you would use strong faith to give birth to power. You said that you can never abandon your beliefs at any time, and even longer ago, you have always regarded "power beyond your control cannot be fully counted as your own power" as your motto, and you have firmly not exceeded it. Take a step forward and abide by these rules and move forward..."

"But what about what you did before unlocking the fourth-level gene lock..."

"In line with your self-belief?"

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